Chapter 3- Getting back on my feet

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"Hey," came a distant voice.  

Huh, I think I'm dead. This isn't so bad, no pain, or anything.  

"Hey!" came the voice again. Whatever that was, it was very persistent

"Mmm" I could barely mumble.  

"Open your eyes," The voice demanded.

I shook my head. My eyes were to irritated to open from the smoke that had attacked me eyes.

"At least show some sign of life," It said nervously.

"Water," I whispered, my voice hoarse.

It was suddenly quiet. I was enjoying this while I could. I wasn't feeling very good. My throat was dry and I could feel minor burns all over my body. I could tell that I was not lucky enough to be dead. Unless I am in hell right now, which I doubt.

Without warning, I felt something wet dabbing my head. I jumped involuntary.This time I decided to open my eyes. My vision was blurry. I couldn't see anything around me. Slowly my vision came back.  I looked up and saw a man working on my head. He looked about my age.

"Don't move your head," he said.

I was confused. Why is he touching my head? There is nothing wrong with my head. Why can't I move my head?

"Why? It's my head," I told the person.

He laughed gently.

"I guess you hit your head hard. There's a lot of blood," he told me.

"Oh. Where's my water?" I asked him, as  I coughed the last part out.

He gave me a weird look.

"Someone's bossy," he said playfully.

I just stared at him confused.

"Sorry, I am a little confused," I confessed.

 He laughed and shook his head.

Which reminds me; "Why did you.."

The last part was cut off by multiple sirens.  Without any warning, he ran off. I guess he didn't want his name in the paper.

A couple of men in white suits came by. They put me on a stretcher. They were carrying me somewhere.  There was also men in black clothing asking me questions. To be honest, these men scared me. I wish my sister was here.

I want to see my sister, and I really didn't want deal with these people. No one would listen to me  so I fell asleep. It seemed like the best solution.

~At The Hosipital~


What is that?


It can't be my alarm?


It was obvious that it was not going to stop, so I decided to open my eyes. At first, the bright lights of this room blinded me. I thought that I must be dead. Until I felt the stiffness of my body, and the pain in my arm. The first thing I saw was a machine. It had a green line going through the middle, that spiked up and down. I think that is where the beeping was coming from.

"Hey Sunshine," a lady said.

I looked over and saw my grandma.

She's a nice lady. It shows on her face. She always has dimples on her face. She has brown eyes. If you look in her eyes, you can see the years of experience she has gone through in her life. Her hair is long and straight. She is a heavier set lady.

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