Am I Evil !

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Twilight's Restroom!
Twilight p.o.v

The door opened. "Hi Mommy!" Shadow Rose said coming inside. She was cover in flour.
I laughed. "Let me guess! Baking with Pinkie Pie!" I said. "Yeah! She was showing me how to bake. And when we got to put the cupcakes in the oven. One of her canons blew up flour instead of confetti." Shadow Rose said. I laughed. "That's sounds like her!" I said.

"Here come inside!" I said. "Alright!" She said climbing in the tub. "Mmhh! It's a lot warmer than last time!" Shadow Rose said. 'Yeah I boiled the water, because your father was here. And he made me angry!' I wanted to say. "Mmhh! I could have put it a lot warmer!" I said.

I saw Shadow Rose putting shampoo. "Here you do mine and I do your's!" I said grabbing shampoo with my magic and rubbing her mane. Shadow Rose giggled. "Okay!" She said. And did the same with mine.

A few minutes later,we finished and dried off. We went to my room. I brushed my mane. When I was done Shadow Rose gave me her brush. "Can you to do for me mommy, please!" She said. I nodded.  Shadow Rose sat down and looked in the mirror. I sat behind her.

"Mommy! How does daddy look like!?" Shadow Rose said. I stopped and looked at her in the mirror. I was surprised she wanted to know about her father. I sighed. "He is a grey unicorn with black as night mane and tail. His eyes are red and green,and purple mist cames out of his eyes. And he has a red curved horn. And he lived in the Crystal Empire!" I said. She gasped.

"You mean King Sombra is my father!? The one that wanted to rule the Crystal Empire! The one that almost killed you and the others. That King Sombra!" Shadow Rose said. "Yes!" I said dropping my ears. "How did you actually meet!?" Shadow Rose said a little shy. "Well, when my friends and I went to the Chrystal Empire for the first time!" I said. "Oh!" She said.

"Mommy! Am I evil!?" Shadow Rose said tears falling from her cheeks. I turned her around,so she can face me. "No, your nothing like your father! Your sweet,nice,brave, smart, beautiful! Your not evil! I promise you, your nothing like him!" I said. "But what if I turned evil!" Shadow Rose said sobbing.

"Shadow Rose can I ask you a question!" I said. Shadow Rose just nodded making her mane fall down near her left eye. "Do you want to be evil!?" I said sliding my hoof in her mane putting her mane in place. She look at me with watery eyes.

"N-no!" Sha said. "Then your not evil and you will never be. As long as you don't want to!" I said kissing her forehead. "You really think so!?" Shadow Rose said. "I know so!" I said.

"Hey, you know what would Rainbow Dash say!?" I said again. "What!?" She said. "Your too egghead to become evil! Your just like your mother!" I said laughing. Shadow Rose laughed with me. "Yeah! Your probably right!" Shadow Rose said smiling.

"I like to see you smile more. Alright!" I said. "Yes mommy!" Shadow Rose said. "Now let's eat! I'm starving!" I said walking towards the exit. "Same here!" Sha said.

We walked to the dinning room. All of my friends and the princeses were there eating. "Hey, save some for two more!" Shadow Rose said making everypony laugh. "Already did!" Spike said.

Shadow Rose said on an empty chair next to Pinkie Pie. I sat on her right next to her and Princeses Celestia. "How are you feeling Twilight!?" Celestia said. "I'm pretty fine!" I said. Celestia nodded.

"Here you go!" Spike said giving us a plate full of food.  "Thank You Spike!" Me and Shadow Rose said together. We all laughed. "Sister should we tell her now!?" Luna said from beside Celestia. Who nodded.

"Tell me what!?" I said. "Since King Sombra is here and free! We would like to stay with you and Shadow Rose!" Cadence said. "Ummm... It would be nice, but Princeses Celestia and Princeses Luna are rulers of Equestria. And your ruling the Chrystal Empire! I don't think it's a good idea!" I said.

"But we don't want anything happen to you! You know what happened leaving you by your self!" Celestia said. "I have Shadow Rose and Spike!" I said. "Yes you do, but we will be relieved if we stay with you!" Luna said. "But Cadence need to go! What if he attacks there first!?" I said. "Shining Armor is there! Plus I already sent him a letter. And the Chrystal Hearth is guarded by nearly a hundred guards." Cadence said.

"But,but..." I said but got interrupted. "Sugarcube, I agreed with the princeses! " Applejack said. "Yes, Applejack is right. We will all feel better if they stay here!" Rarity said. "I wouldn't feel good if they didn't stay." Pinkie Pie said. Fluttershy nodded in a agreement. "There staying Twilight! No matter how egghead you are!" Rainbow said.

I was about to say something when a felt a hoof on mine. I looked at Shadow Rose. "Mommy! You can't win this one and you know it!" Shadow Rose said giggling. I sigh. "Alright! Alright! But on one condition!"
I said. "And what's is that!?" They all said. "No royal guards! They really give my the creeps!" I said. "Dang! I was going to put my best night guards!" Luna said. We all laughed.

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