King Sombra's Nightmare...

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In Sombra's dream:

"What are... why do you look like me?" Sombra said. "I'm you!" The other Sombra said. "No, there is only one me. Now speak the truth or die!" Sombra said as he ready a spell. The other Sombra laughed. "Typical of me. I am you, but that of a shadow, dear Sombra. I am your eviler side of you." The other Sombra explained. "If that were true, why haven't I seen you before?" Sombra said. "Mother, has kept me hidden from reuniting with you once and for all. Mother has always feared, how powerful we can be together. So she separated us. She left you alone, while she hid me with her and her eviler side as well. She is rather, how do say this, mad of our own magic." The other Sombra said chucking evily. "So you escape from her and now your with me." Sombra said. "Exactly! See i knew you would understand. Now tell me, who was that beautiful mare of yours. She's quite pretty for a thing and an Alicorn, at the mere thought of it gives me chills. Why was she running away?" The other Sombra said smiling.

"Her name is Twilight Sparkle, the princess of Friendship and my lover, as well, as the mother of my daughter." Sombra said. The other Sombra laughed. "Why,what a beautiful mare indeed. But you haven't answered my question. Why was she running from you, or us?" The other Sombra said. Sombra looked down at his hoofs not knowing what to say. "Mmhh! Personal matter I see, well no matter, I will look into your memories." The other Sombra said using his magic to look into any memories of the purple Alicorn. And he saw everything till the first day the Crystal Empire appeared, the day they met, till today. The other Sombra began to laughed. "You were very cruel to her,indeed. You didn't even need me. No wonder Mother kept us separated, together were worse than her." The other Sombra said chucking.

"Enough! If you came here no mock me you can leave this instant." Sombra said angry. The other Sombra smiled. "Well, of course you don't need me. You did well on your own,but there a slight chance that you might never have,what was her name again,oooh right Princess Twilight Sparkle's love or your daughter's ever again." The other Sombra said. Sombra looked at him and acknowledged what his clone said. "If you had me, I could trick her into falling in love with you or there is also a certain spell like the one you used on the crystal ponies, but more powerful. Mmhh! What do you say?" The other said as he paced in circles with the real Sombra. "All it takes is for you to let me in and let me stay. I will be with you were ever you go." The other Sombra said as he stopped infront of Sombra. "Or you can be by your self,and lose, and be back in that awful place of  Tartarus. After all, two heads are better than one." The other Sombra said. "Fine, do what you wish. But if you ever think of crossing me. You will never exist ever again. Am I clear!?" Sombra said. "Crystal clear!" The other Sombra said. "Good! So what my mother's plan?" Sombra said.

"About that, she let your dear Twilight Sparkle escape!" The other Sombra said. "What!?" Sombra said as he abruptly woke up to see the bed empty beside him. He got off the bed and used the his magic to throw things around and rip the curtain from his window as he yelled in anger. He then saw the full moon. "Luna!" Sombra said angry. "Yes, indeed. It must have been Luna to convince our dear mother to help Twilight Sparkle. What a shame you let her go. Without me, Twilight Sparkle would have been long gone. But now she must be waiting in the train station. You should hurry!" The other Sombra said as he appeared in the broke mirror. "You should have said it earlier!" Sombra said as he opened the door,but before he got out the other Sombra spoke. "I'm deeply sorry. Next time something like this happens, I will make sure to tell you right away."

And with that King Sombra turned to shadow and flew through the castle in search for Twilight.

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