Again! Seriously!

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Twilight's restroom!
Twilight p.o.v

It was Sombra, again!

'You gotta be kidding me!' I thought. Sombra started to nuzzle me in the neck. "Hello my dear!" He said. "Back so soon!" I said annoyed and a tiny afraid. Sombra just chuckled. "What! I thought you were expecting this!" Sombra said. I just signed. "Why are you here!?" I said trying to break free. Sombra hold me tighter.

"To see you of course! And maybe someone else!" Sombra said wickedly. I gulped. 'Those he know!?' I thought. "And... Who might that be!?" I said getting nervous and maybe shacking a little.

"Scared! Are we! You must be. You know I always find the truth somehow, but I may forgive you if you just tell me!" Sombra said sliding his hoof in my mane.

Oh Double Fiddle-stick!!!

Thank Celestia! I wasn't facing him. "I... I... I don't know what your talking about!?" I said firmly. This probably got him mad, because he turned me around. Some water splashed outside the tub. Now, I was facing him. He spread my hind legs,so I can sit on top of him. He put us in the same wierd position we were last time. His dick was close to my sensitive part.

'Oh my sweet Celestia! Help me!' I thought as my hoofs were touching his chest. "Now, Twilight you know what I'm talking about! You can't lie to me anymore!" Sombra said. He move slowly to my hear.

"Unless you want a punishment!" Sombra said grabbing my flank and pushing me closer. Pushing his huge dick into my sexual part.
"Aaahhh!" I said as his dick was inside my part. This made Sombra chuckled harder. "I see you haven't slept with anypony. Good Girl!!" Sombra said smirking. "Don't get your hopes high!" I said grunting from the pain. 'I don't remember it being this big!' I thought.

"Well,this just proofs my theory right. I only want is that you accept it!" Sombra said. "I don't need to accept anything!" I said trying to push him away but he was stronger than me.

"I see you got wings!" Sombra said touching my right wing with his hoof. Spreading it better so he can see. I quickly move my wing. "Yes! Yes, I did!" I said. "So, should I call you my princess or my dear!?" Sombra said smirking. "None! Actually!" I said annoyed.

"Now, Twilight you haven't answered my question, yet!" Sombra said. Rubbing my flank with his hoof this made my blush with anger. "Don't touch me there!" I said. "Mmph! And why not!? Your mine!" Sombra said rubbing harder.

I moaned a little,but got to my senses when he slapped me on my flank. Water splashed outside my tub making a puddle. I slapped him on the face. "Don't ever to that again!" I said angry. "You don't ever slapped me!" Sombra said his eyes glowing green with anger. I backed away scared of the situation I am right now.

Sombra notice this. "Ssshhhh! It's okay!" Sombra said grabbing my head to his chest. "Just don't ever do that again!" Sombra said sliding his hoof on my mane. I was freaking out right now. I just slapped the King of Fear,King of Shawdows, and the father of my daughter.

"Now, where were we!? Ah, yes! Tell me the truth!" Sombra said serious. He pushed me and  pulled my chin so I can face him. "A-about what!?" I said not giving up. Sombra sighed annoyed. "About Shadow Rose!" Sombra said. My eyes widened. 'He does know!' I thought freaking out.

"I... I... I..." I said shacking my head. 'He can't know! He just can't! I promised her!' I thought.

"If you hurt her! I swear I..." I said but Sombra interrupted by laughing. "Me hurt my own daughter. Now Twilight, I love my family! The thing that bothers me is that you didn't tell me anything!" Sombra said grabbing my waist tightly. "I had a my right not to tell you anything!" I said. Sombra sighed in sadness. "And why is that!?" Sombra said calmly. But I wasn't calm.

I was so angry that the water began to boil. My hair and mane were on fire. "And you dare ask why!" I said angry. "Yes!" Sombra said. I calm myself down. Trying not to get attention.

"You raped me! You used me!" I said very angry that some of my mane that was wet got to my eye. "Yes, but we did it the second night. That night was the best of the nights for us." Sombra said sliding his hoof in my hair so I can see him. "Oh and why was that!?" I said rolling my eyes.

Sombra chuckled. "Because that when I got you pregnant,my dear!" Sombra said. He was right! That night was when I got pregnant! I said nothing. "That's what I thought. There was no reason now to lie." Sombra said picking my chin up. "I love you, Twilight!" Sombra said kissing me.

I didn't know what to do,so I pushed away. "Don't fight it Twilight! You know you love me the same way I do!" Sombra said. "I don't know!" I said looking down. "Then I will make you love me!" Sombra said anger in his voice.

He then grabbed me and pulled me towards him. And kissed me. He put his tongue in my mouth. I tried very hard to push away, but not happen. I bit him, but he didn't pull away. I was stuck. His tongue inside of mine. I started to get pist. But before I could to anything I heard a knock.

Sombra let go. "Mommy! Are you still there!?" A little voice from behind the door said. Shadow Rose! "Yes sweetie I'm almost done!" I said. "Ummm... I sort of got dirty myself and need a bath. Can I come in!? If there's no problem!" Shadow Rose said. I looked at Sombra. He shook his head saying "no". I smirked. "Yes! Of course!" I said. Sombra huffed and leaned into my hear. "I will come back!" Sombra whispered. He turned in shadow and disappeared.

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