Goodnight Little One!

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"You!?" Twilight said surprised. "What are you doing here!?" Twilight said clearly." I'm here to help you escape!" The pony said as she got out of the shadows. It was pony Twilight would have never imagined to be,
Queen Rabia.

"Why!?" Twilight said curious. "I went to your dream and saw your nightmare. And I'm sorry that you fear the pony that loves you the most." Queen Rabia said hurt. "First off all, how can you go to my dream without my permission." Twilight said angry that she went to her dream. "And secondly, he doesn't love me! He will never love me! Is that clear!" Twilight said.

"But Twilight..." Rabia said. "Is that clear!?" Twilight interrupter her. "Crystal!" Rabia said defeat. "Good, now lets go!" Twilight said heading to the left. Rabia clear her throat. "What now!?" Twilight said annoyed. "Am assuring you that we should go this way!" Rabia said pointing to the right. "But this way leads to the exit of the castle!" Twilight said not understanding.

"And I know a secret passage that I created here that will lead us out of the castle and let us be unseen by my subjects and Chrysali's changeling!"  Rabia said. "Oh! Okay we go this way!" Twilight said turning around. Rabia smiled. "I still don't trust you!" Twilight said.
"Understandable!" Rabia said.

Meanwhile in the Castle of
the Royal Sisters :

Luna magic faded as she left Twilight's dream. "Hopefully this will be over soon!" Luna said to herself. "Princess Luna where were you" a little voice said. Luna gasped till she saw Shadow Rose.

"Oh little one, thou scare us!" Luna said. "Oh my bad! I'm sorry! It's that I'm worry for my mommy!" Shadow Rose said worried. "There no need to be worried for thous mother! She is stronger and brave!" Luna said.

"Yeah! But I got this weird feeling that something bad will happen! But I'm not really sure what it is princess!?" Shadow Rose said. "Mmmmhhh! I think you need some rest for now! Tomorrow will be a better day! Thou promise you will thous mother!" Luna said. "Really!? I will see my mommy!?" Shadow Rose said exited.

Luna nodded. "Thou speak with her in her dream! And she will be escaping tonight and tomorrowshe will come!" Luna said reassuring the filly. "Oh thank you! Thank you! Your the best Luna!" Shadow Rose said even more excited. Luna laughed. "Now sleep well! Tomorrow you will see your mother!" Luna said.

"Okay! Goodnight Luna!" Shadow Rose said.

"Goodnight little one!" Luna said smiling. As she too fell asleep.

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