The Fountain of Knowledge

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The same time Twilight left on the train, Sombra was flying towards the castle of Canterlot. He reached to the ground and turned to his solid form. He quickly walked to the halls of the castle. Chrysalis came from her room wondering why Sombra was up this late of night. She quickly followed him to Rabia's room using the shadows to follow him.

Sombra knocked the door very loudly. Rabia opened the door as she had a inexpressible face. Chrysalis quickly hid to see them in a range they can't.

"What is it that you want, Sombra?" Rabia said calmly. "Isn't weird that you answered me quickly? This late at night." Sombra said holding his anger. "Weird? That's weird to you? Oh, please Sombra I have been in the dark for many,many years. I don't need sleep." Rabia said as Sombra huffed. "You know what's weird, is that my son knocking in my room, without my permission to do so." Rabia said a bit angry.

"I don't need permission from you. I am the rightful King of the Umbras. And you are just a pathetic excuse of a mother!" Sombra said as his eyes glow darker. "Oh, please Sombra for you to become King of the Umbras. You need to be married and a have a Queen by your side. And you don't have her. You lost her, didn't you?" Rabia said smirking.

"I know you helped Twilight get out!" Sombra said. "I don't know what your talking about." Rabia said plainly.

Suddenly Sombra's clone appeared beside him. Chrysalis gasped in fear and surprise. "Oh dear mother. At last we meet. How have you been?" Sombra's clone said. Then Rabia's clone appeared beside her. "If it isn't my ungrateful son, Sombra." Rabia's clone said. "Ungrateful? How dare you. I been with you all this time. Being..." "Useless!" Rabia's clone said interrupting Sombra's clone.

"They really hate each other don't they, mother?" Sombra said. "Can't you see they do hate each other? I can't with you my son is so blind first is love then in hatred. What has happened to you, my son?" Rabia said in a mothering tone of sarcastic. "Nothing has happened but you! I had her right in my very hoofs and you helped her escape!" Sombra said angry.

"Helped who, Sombra? You have got to be more specific. Who did I helped?" Rabia said raising her voice. "You helped Twilight leave me!" Sombra yelled in anger.

There was silent at for a few minutes. "So this is what it's about. You want to become King of the Umbras so you be unstoppable isn't, Sombra?" Rabia said as she circled Sombra. "Of course not, I love her." Sombra said as Sombra's clone rolled his eyes. "That's what all Umbras say. They say they love each other and once married they become stronger and then they leave their mate behind to do great things." Rabia said. "What?" Sombra said looking at Rabia.

"You really don't know our traditions do you, Sombra?" Rabia said. "What traditions?" Sombra said. "Once the rightful king or queen marries their supposedly mate. They will be force to put their killer instincts to act upon them." Rabia said. "No. Your lying!" Sombra said. "No, I'm not, Sombra." Rabia said. "You can even tell him, and all he will tell you is the same thing we're telling you." Rabia's clone said.

Sombra looked at his clone who looked away. "You liar, you said I get to keep her." Sombra said angry. "And you can. You said you love her with all your heart the only way to save her is by that. Prove she's worth saving, prove that you love her like no other." Sombra's clone said.

"That's true,but how can you prove your love to her when all you want is power as well." Rabia's clone said to Sombra. "What do you mean?" Sombra said. "Once this crown is put in your head all you can think about is power, Sombra. And believe me, I thought I love your father so much. But as soon as the crown hit my head. I had other ideas of power... of suffering." Rabia said.

"No. No, I love Twilight. I really do." Sombra said. "But does she love you, Sombra?" Rabia said. There was a moment of silence. "Answer me, Sombra!" Rabia yelled.

"I... I... I..." Sombra stuttered. "ANSWER ME, Sombra." Rabia said nearly yelling. "I DON'T KNOW!" He screamed as all went silent. He looked down to the floor. "I don't know." He whispered as a tear fell. Rabia sigh in sorrow to see her son like this not knowing she felt like this.

Rabia's shadow laught. "Pathetic." It said. "SHUT IT, you wretched old hag" Sombra's shadow said in a hiss. Rabia's shadow glared dagger at the shadow. "Look, Sombra there's... there's one way to know that answer. But is nearly impossible to know if it still works or even if it's still there." Rabia said in a low voice.

"And what is that?" Sombra said in a whisper. "YOU CAN'T TELL THEM!" Rabia's shadow said in desperation. "I can if I wish. Beside one of these days Sombra will be King." Rabia said. "He already is a KING." Sombra's clone said. "A true King of the Umbras. Which we are the only ones to know when that day comes. In our sacred place of all King and Queen that were before us." Rabia said.

"And what is it that so special?" Sombra's shadow was sarcastic. "You shut it! For that place is more sacred than YOU!" Rabia's clone said in a hiss as the young shadow rolled it's eyes.
"What is it, mother?" Sombra said curious.

"The fountain of knowledge." Rabia said. Sombra was confused. "What is the fountain of knowledge?" Sombra asked. "You'll find out soon enough, Sombra. For now go and rest we can go tomorrow at dawn." She said as she opened her door to her room but before she went inside Sombra spoke, "I appreciate what your doing?"

"I'm not doing it for YOU. I just have requested for exchange of that location." Rabia said. "Figures." Sombra's clone said rolling their eyes. "What is it that you want?" Sombra said. "I wish to see my grandchild, of course. I haven't seen her." Rabia said.

"Is... that all?" Sombra said a bit stunted by that. "I want you to promise one thing." Rabia said. "What's that?" Sombra said. 

"When you find out the truth and if she does not love you, Sombra.... You'll let her go." Rabia said. "But... I love her." Sombra said in desperation. "If you really love her, you'll let go." Rabia said as Sombra stared at her not knowing what to say.

"But I do fear that you will never do that seeing as how you haven't moved on." Rabia said as she closed the door to her room let Sombra outside with his thoughts. "How can I?" He said in a whisper as he started to walk away to his room.

Unbeknown to them the Chrysalis was still there to hear everything. "The fountain of knowledge? I wonder if it see me a better future to his awful world. Something more delicious." She said as she licked her lips. She began to chucked quietly.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2023 ⏰

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