Chapter 14 The Duel part 1

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Third person

The duel is today. All the houses were super excited to see who would win. Not only that, but the Daily Prophet also got wind of the event and told everyone. Wizards and witches from around Britain all came to Hogwarts to witness the duel between the 'Chosen One' and the Forgotten.

Sev's POV

Because of the duel there are no classes. I've seen the Potter spawn and he's just strutting around the castle, as if he has already won! Ugh I bet Potter senior has been inflating his ego. Ugh I hate people like that, think they can just strut around and think like they rule the world even though they don't and have nothing to back it up with. Vitani on the other hand has been doing some training. She doesn't need to train but it helps. She doesn't seem very worried. She really has no reason to be ethier, the Potter spawn doesn't really have much magical talent. Though I would think she might be just a little bit nervous. Then again she has a better mask than Lucius does soooo. I walk into the Slytherin common room to see Vitani dueling with an 7th year boy. Her movements are sharp and quick. She is very light on her feet and very agile. There is no way she won't win. Can't wait to see the look on Potter's face when he loses! Oh it will be priceless. I think to my self letting out a small chuckle. Clearly not used to me laughing in any way many of my snakes head snap towards me. Some droping books while others stand and gape. The 7th year boy turned and look shocked his mouth agape. Vitani who didn't seem faxed for some reason took this as an opportunity to knock his wand out of his hand and knock him to the floor. "You know you really shouldn't take your eyes off your opponent in a duel." Vitani deadpanned. The seventh year just mimicked her making talking motions with his hands. How mature I thought. Vitani just rolled her eyes and stuck out her hand with a smirk. I know where this is going I thought with a smirk. The boy grabbed her hand and just as he was about to get fully on his feet she let go, and he fell back to the floor. The Slytherins burst into laughter at that. Vitani just smirked and looked at the clock. She then went up to her dorm. Most likely to get ready for the duel.

Vitani's POV

It was the day of the duel. I was a bit nervous but I didn't let it show. I knew I was gonna win but I just don't know how I feel about having all the people there. I know I won't be distracted by them I'm just not used to being around a lot of people. I mean can you blame me. For 6 years I live with my pack in the forests around the magical world. I sighed, I then went to my closet and grabbed my dueling clothes. I grabbed the set that didn't have any protection from spells so it would be fair. Although it was technically ok to have them I didn't really want to listen to the Potter's complain.

 Although it was technically ok to have them I didn't really want to listen to the Potter's complain

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Dueling outfit

I walked down to the common room. "Vitani!" I heard someone call. It was Professor Snape! "Yes Professor?" I say "It's time." He responds. I nod and take a deep breath. I have my wand in my holster and I'm ready. I walk through the painting and down to the Great Hall.

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We make it to the Great Hall, I have my friends, in my year, and my head of house behind me. I open the doors and walk in my head held high. As I gracefully glide to the platform. I step up on the platform and wait. I hear the doors open and see the Potter's walking in practically tripping over them selves. I suppress the urge to laugh at their lack of manners and properness. As the Potter's walk on to the platform they go to the opposite end. Harry's nose is pointed up in an arrogant way, and he has a smug look on his face. James looks the same, Lily looks proud but I still see a sliver of a mother's adrenaline in her eyes. Suddenly I see Rita Skeeter right in front of me. "Hello! I'm Rita Skeeter and I'm here to, as per request of the company of the prophet to write the story for the duel. Now how does it feel to have to duel against your own brother?" She asks. I blow out a sharp breath "Harry Potter is not my brother. At least not anymore." I say flatly, Rita looks at me "Can you elaborate for me please?" I nod "As long as what I say is word for word and not spiced up. I'd hat to have false news fly around it would just bug me." I say putting emphasis on fly and bug. Rita pales a bit but nods. "Well for starters I ran away from the Potter's at the age of 5. It was mine and Harry's 6th birthday though it wasn't until later near midnight that we would turn 6." I say. And so I go through my story again; no matter how hard I try I can't seem to not have a bit of sadness as I recall the events that took place after Voldemort. Though she left out the brutal event that happened before she left and left out the part about the wolves. "Well that's just awful!" Exclaimed Rita. "Yes well as much as I would love to stay and chat Miss Skeeter, the duel will start soon. However, you may ask some more questions after if you would like?" I say; Rita's face lights up and she nods before taking her seat. I walk to stand facing Potter for the duel waiting for Flitwick, who was reffing it because he was a dueler, to tell us the rules and when to begin.

Line break

"Now, there are a few rules before this starts. Rule 1. No dark magic, rule 2.the first person to be ethier knocked out or unable to continue dueling loses. 3.this is only one round, there will be no repeats. Is that clear?" Flitwick asked at the end I nodded but Harry whispered something to James. Clearly something important as James started walking towards Flitwick. "Flitwick it appears that Forest here is wearing dueling clothes." When Flitwick raised an eyebrow he continued "I don't think that its fair for her to have charms to protect her during the duel." James started smugly. I scoffed, "Well Professor if you are that worried, I can assure I grabbed my set of dueling attire that has no protection charms and such for this exact reason, you can have someone check if you'd like?" I respond annoyed but don't let it show. Flitwick nods and casts a spell, looks at the results before turning to Potter Senior. "Miss Forest is correct there are no charms or added protection. Can we please start the duel now?" Flitwick asked starting to get irritated. Potter senior glares at me but nods. After he's gone, I hear Flitwick say "Take your positions!" I nod walking up to the center as Harry does as well. We now to each other and hold up our wands. I sharply bring mine to my side as we both turn away and walk back to our respective ends. "Ready.....Set...."

Hey guys sorry about this but I didn't want to make it to long. But thanks so much for all your support and kindness. It means alot to me also shout-out to all those who complimenting my book in the comments. It means alot.~1326~

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