Chapter 26

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So as you probably noticed in the last chapter, I have decided to do Vitani x Tom. and Phoenix (a dark wolf alpha) will just be an Ally of Vitani and the Kaina wolves

Vitani's pov

When I woke up the next morning I made sure the stone was still secure before going down to the common room. I was greeted by Felix. Over time me and him have become good friends, he was like an older brother to me. "Morning Tani!" He greeted with a smile. "Morning Fex!" I replied with a soft smile. "We have a free day today, the other firsties have gone to look around the castle. I think their still trying to figure out how you find those secret passages." He informed laughing at the end. I chuckled, "It's just a feeling really, I've always been good at feeling magic auras. And thanks for informing me, that's good actually I have something I need to do today anyways." I told him. Felix nodded, not questioning what I had to do. Slytherins don't tend to be nosey and ask questions like that to their fellow housemates. We respect each others privacy. Wish OTHER people respected my privacy *cough* potters and Dumbledore *cough* After that small interaction I made my way outside and down towards the edge of the forbidden forest. To my surprise I saw Hagrid feeding a hippogriff(ik they don't meet buckbeak till 3rd year but it's for plot trust me)
I got excited, I've never actually seen a hippogriff up close before, "Hagrid?" I questioned. Hagrid turned around quickly, slightly shocking the majestic beast. "Miss 'Orest what're yer doing here?" He questioned. "Just wandering." I lied easily, he didn't need to know. I started walking up to the hippogriff, Hagrid was about to stop me being I stopped about 3 feet away from the creature a bowed. I've read alot about magical creatures, being one myself, since I was young. Hippogriffs like to be respected. As I arose from my bow Hagrid looked slightly shocked. The hippogriff however, walked forward and stood Infront of me bowing back. I smiled and held my hand out hoping he would come to me. He did. The beautiful creature placed his beak in my hand and I pet him softly. "What's his name?" I asked Hagrid not looking away from the hippogriff. "Er- 'is name is Buckbeak. You know 'ow to act towards 'im?" He asked me confused. "I've studied COMC and creatures in general for years Hagrid. I've had some experience with some creatures never a hippogriff though!" I said excitedly at the end. Hagrid nodded, smiled and then told me that he should be on his way. He and Buckbeak then left, allowing me to be back on my path to my pack.....

I continued to trek through the forest till I came up near the back of the woods. I saw a bunch of trees and walked straight towards them. I felt the magic of me going through the barrier we use to hide from humans. I was greeted by seeing my fellow wolves and my grandparents. Some of the young pups ran up to me and started jumping around me, while their parents laughed. I laughed, "I missed you guys to!" I said. "Welcome back Alpha!" I heard our healer say. "Thank you Adora." I said nodding my respects.
"Been a long time Vitani." I heard a familiar voice say. Out from behind a group of wolves came a tall young man with black hair, red highlights, and black and red eyes.

 Out from behind a group of wolves came a tall young man with black hair, red highlights, and black and red eyes

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I smiled "hey Phoenix how's it going?" I asked. I met Phoenix at the first meeting I went to when my grandparents were still the alphas. We hit it off well, both being the only kids there and being kinda awkward. My grandma thought we were going to get together, but Phoenix already has a mate named Atali. When they turn 17 they'll be officially mated and Atali will become the Luna of the Onyx wolves. "What brings you here my friend?" I ask. "Nothing really just wanted to visit, I heard you went to Hogwarts?" He asked me at the end. Phoenix knew about my past. All of it. He knew about the Potter's; their neglect, the abuse, the true one who survived the killing curse. He knows that Akira and Akela aren't my by blood grandparents and he's ok with that. He's a good friend and a great ally. "I am, had to show them up somehow." I state knowing he knows who I'm talking about. Phoenix nods understandingly with a small smirk on his face. "So why are you here and not there?" He asked me. "Sooo many questions Nix? I'm just informing my family and pack that I won't be here for Christmas." I said addressing the rest of the wolves towards the end. Most didn't question it as it wasn't their place. My grandparents however did not hide their curiosity. I took them over to our cave, Phoenix following behind. "I am going to attempt to spend Christmas with our new allies. I wish to see how they work to tell if it's a good idea. I also have to give the head of our ally something he asked for from the school." My grandparents nodded knowing that they didn't have much say as this was my choice as alpha to secure and check out allies. Phoenix was a bit skeptical though, it was understandable he's very protective of me. Phoenix was extremely protective of 2 people. Me and his mate. Phoenix has known me since we were seven. However unlike Draco we saw eachother all the time. And although I care about Draco and he to is like my brother, Phoenix is more so. After about an hour I finally convinced him to let me go alone. I turned into my wolf form and left going near the entrance of the forest before turning back. It was dark out. Definitely past curfew. The trees where we live are large and wide they cover the whole place making it hard to tell the time. I didn't realize I was gone for so long. I made it back through the secret entrance to see Felix waiting for me. "Have fun?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. "It was quite enjoyable yes." I said with a cheeky smile. Felix rolled his eyes, turns out he had to cover for me because I was out so late. I thanked him by telling him the password to get into the Gryffindors quidditch locked room, that I was given by Gred and Forge for some great future pranks >:). After that we bid eachother goodnight. I went to my room and got my things ready to leave for holiday tomorrow and went to bed.

Hello! I'm back! How did you enjoy today's chapter? I hope it was good! Sorry I've been gone for so long...I decided to start writing again but I don't know how often it will be as I just got out of the hospital for...doing something stupid if you catch my drift. I'm better now though! So don't worry. Have a nice morning, evening, or night!


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