chapter 19

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Hello my lovelies! I'm so sorry that I haven't been updating. I just recently started my new semester at school and we had midterms before that and I just haven't had the time. I apologize deeply but I thank you all so much for all your support and patience. Enjoy!

Pov/author note

Lily's pov

I stepped back from the portrait when I heard someone clear their throat. I turn around and see severus snape.
"Professor Potter. May I ask why you are spying on my students?" He asked me. "Madame pomfrey asked me to get the potions she needs from you." I said avoiding his question. He hummed and walked to his classroom as I trailed behind him. He gave me the potions and I sped off out of the dungeons.

Severus's pov

I watched as Lily sped off and rolled my eyes walking back to the students to supervise them.

Meeting day Vitani's pov

I took a deep breath. Today was the day I finished my dress last night and I think it turned out pretty well

I put on my dress and walked downstairs to my friends so I could join them for breakfast.(A/N: she is wearing it all day. And in my story fridays you can wear what you want.)
As I made it down all eyes were on me. "Wow Vitani! that dress is beautiful!" Daphne complemented. "Thanks Daph." I said. Just then a prefect told us it was time to head to breakfast. As we walked into the great hall us first years were first as it goes first-seventh(/eighth) I was in front and everyone stared at me. I could see other girls looking at me with envy well the boys were practically drooling. All the snakes, in-sinc, sat down at our table and began eating. After I finished professor snape gave me a parchment that excused me from classes and said that my grandparents were waiting at the floo in the common room. I take a deep breath, I'm about to stand up when I hear a voice behind. "Miss Forest I wish to see you in my office." I turn to look at Dumbledore with a emotionless face. "Well you're going to have to keep on wishing because I have family plans and have been excused for the rest of the day. I'm heading to my grandparents now." Dumbledore looked me in the eye,the twinkle in his eye gone. I feel something trying to invade my mind. 'HES TRYING TO USE LEGITIMACY ON ME!' I glare at him as I push him out of my mind. He stumbles back surprised. "It is illegal to try and use legitimacy on a student without consent headmaster. I suggest you not try again or you will have to face. SEVERE consequences." The Potter lord stood up angry. "Are you threatening the headmaster?!" He asked. I turn my glare to him and it intensifies as the room gets colder. "No. It's a promise." I state flatly before turning on my heal and walking out of the Great hall leaving everyone in shock.

Time skip to the meeting place(I'm lazy sorry)

Voldemorts pov(btw he looks like an older version of tom but with red eyes.)

I made it to the meeting place where all the creatures were going to be. I'm a bit wary to be here because I am not a creature. Although severus said it would be safe bc he told me someone he knew was going to be there and they said they would vouch for him being there. I hope he's right. Some creatures see me and are about to attack when I hear a voice growl at everyone to stand down. I look to see a girl with white hair with a natural blue fade, one icy-blue eye and one white eye with a lightning shaped scar running through it. It can't be. I think to myself, this might not work out well for me if she is who I think she is. These creatures seem to have a high respect for her. Suddenly the girl transforms and I'm shocked to see a kaina wolf take her place.

(Image is not mine I edited the scared eye. And the diamond,used to be an oval)

Vitani's pov

Some of the creatures were surprised by my actions. As they know I only have a small tolerance towards humans. "Alpha Vitani, can you tell us why this human is allowed here?" Asked zenix, he was the high vampire. I nodded. "A source of mine has told me the humans reason and I made a promise to let him speak. You know how I am about promises." I spoke the last part slowly while looking zenix right in the eyes. He shuddered then nodded. I have always been one to never break a promise. I turned to the  human. He was staring at me on curiosity and caution. Once I felt his power and aura I knew why. "I don't blame you. What happened in the past doesn't affect my decisions here." I said offhandedly. He visibly relaxed, before I jestured for him to take the stand. "As you heard I am here for a reason. You see right now as some if you may know there is a war going on." Voldemort said. Some looked at him intrigued and some of the elders looked as if they had an idea of what he was going to ask. "I have a proposition. I know that the ministry,who might I add is run mostly by the light side and not a neautral party, has made many laws that affect your privileges." Many creatures including myself growled in annoyance and anger cuz we knew this was true. "I am currently fighting to stop that. I am leading the "dark side" if this war. I wish to ask if any of you would like to join me. If you don't that is fine I promise that even if you don't you will be safe from anyone on the dark side causing any harm. All we want is to put balance back and have everyone have equal rights." He stated proudly. I smirked oh this is gonna be good some creatures clapped and said they wanted to join, that being; dementors, vela's, werewolves, goblins, and myself. The elves didn't want to join as they didn't want to fight. The vampires said that they were already small in numbers so they didn't want to risk it. Same with the thestrals and unicorns. "Thank you to all who have joined this cause I will send letters with further details, and to those who didn't it's not a problem like I said you won't be harmed by anyone on my side of this war. He stepped back into place and we continued on with the meeting. The creatures wished me happy birthday when they noticed my dress and I thanked them. We talked about issues, guess, and territorial debates. Once it was over all the creatures left and I laid on my boulder seat

 Once it was over all the creatures left and I laid on my boulder seat

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"I assumed you would want to talked." I stated. He nodded and walked up to me. "I'm surprised you wanted to join, aren't you supposed to be the savior?" He asked, but not in a snarky way in actual curiousness. "It seems that Dumbledore mistook my idiot ugh brother as the savior." I replied. He just started bursting out laughing "the boy?! His magic is barley above a squib how did he manage that!?" Voldemort laughed. I chuckled a bit. "Yes it was a mistake. One that lead to a waterfall of bad things before I had enough and left." My voice got hard and sirius(get it ok) he looked at me in shock and confusion. I sighed before sending memories of my childhood before I left into him. Let's just say, to say he was angry was an understatement. He was absolutely enraged. I could tell what part he was at when his eyes widened and he paled drastically. Once he came out he looked at me with sad eyes. "I'm sorry that happened to you." He said. "It's ok if it wasn't for that then I never would be where I am now. Honestly I might've been dead." He nodded at my assumption. "Welp!" I said changing back to my half wolf half human form, legs dangling over the rock. "I do believe this meeting was a success don't you voldemort?" I asked/said. He nodded "Marvelo is fine child. Tom reminds me of MY father who wasn't the best and Voldemort is to formal." He chuckled. I nodded and smiled, before casting a tempus. "Well it's late and I need to go back. I have classes tomorrow. Marvelo nodded and we said our goodbyes before we both aperated away.

Hello my lovelies!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and again I apologize for the long wait! Have a good morning, evening, night bye!❤️

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