Chapter 25

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Big happy birthday to ArianaPinapple sorry it's a bit late!

Vitani's pov

Devil's snare! And a lot of it... Why would anyone need this much! I took a deep breath and calmed myself it would only get tighter if I didn't. I activated the fire element and put some on my hand, gliding it above the dangerous plant. It quickly retracted getting slightly injured in the process as I dropped down to the floor. I went on and found a door. was locked. I looked around to see a bunch of flying keys...? I suddenly saw an old looking key with a broken wing. Seeing if was the odd one out I thought I'd be the one. I used some vines and quickly shot them out towards the key. After a bit of struggle I finally got a hold of it. I unlocked the door and went inside. Suddenly I saw a GIANT wizards chess board. Oh no I thought internally groaning. I wasnt bad at wizards chess, it's just that if I was to get through I'd have to play and wizards chess isn't exactly "safe" for the pieces...I sighed internally but decided to risk it (sorry I'm lazy it went like it did in the movie except no one was on the horse and there was only one missing piece which Vitani played)

I won. Thank the moon! I continued on, once I got through the door it suddenly lit both sides on fire. I looked and saw multiple positions and a note. The note was a riddle it said that there was a potion that would get me through the fire. Some did nothing, and some would kill me... HOWEVER I'm not an elemental mage for nothing sooooo I'll just skip the hard part.... And just walk through. Which I did, I wasn't in the mood to figure out riddle right now. I had a job to do.

As I walked through the door I came to a big open room. As I walked more in I saw a mirror. Something was engraved on it though
"Erised straeh ruoy tub ecaf ruoy ton wohs I." I read allowed what? What gibberish?- I thought, before realizing. This is a mirror soooo. I reread them however this time I read them backwards like reading from a mirror "I show not your face but your hearts desire. The mirror of Erised of course!" The mirror of Erised was a dangerous magical object that showed what your heart desperately wanted! Wizards and witches have withered away entranced by the mirrors reflection. I'd have to be careful...but where's the stone? Was it all a trick?! I looked into the mirror, I already knew what I wanted but what I saw wasn't it. I saw myself smirking back at me throwing the stone in the air. Suddenly she put one finer on her mouth as to say "shhh" and plopped the stone in her pocket. Then I felt a weight in my own...I reached in and to my utter surprise...there it was!!! The philosophers stone! As quickly and quietly as I could I made it back through the rooms and out of the secret hatch. Thankfully the music was still playing I got to the door before stopping the music and shrinking the piano. I rushed away before the hell hound could wake, and zoomed to the dungeons. I was nearly caught multiple times but thankfully I made it. "And what do you think you're doing up so late?" I heard and cringed turning from the painting to my head of house. "Professor! Lovely to see you I was just taking a stroll?" It sounded more like a question than I statement though. He didn't look convinced, then again nether would I. I sighed before looking around. "You're... friend....asked me to do something for him..." I whispered vaguely. Professor Snape stiffened, carefully I pulled the stone out of my pocket just enough for him to see it before stuffing it back in my pocket. "He asked you to get it. And you got it. Just now. After everyone went to sleep. It's only been like 2 hours?!" He exclaimed quietly in disbelief. I gawked 2 hours?!? It didn't feel that long?! I just nodded. He sighed and told me to go quickly. I went into the painting and booked it to my room. I put the stone in a black box and put multiple locking spells and and passwords on it, in multiple languages. Then for good measure I put it in my study compartment of my trunk which is also heavily fortified. I sighed, it's been a long night. I will have a couple hours of sleep. Hopefully.... I decided to get ready for bed. I took a shower, brushed my teeth and put my hair into a braid. Then I changed into my nightgown

 Then I changed into my nightgown

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(Nightgown ^)

I laid down in my bed and started to think of how I was gonna get the stone to Tom without seeming suspicious. Maybe I would be able to bring it to him when everyone goes home for Christmas...I could ask professor Snape....I'd have to tell my pack though I don't think they'd mind since most don't really celebrate Christmas with the pack its really just with their separate families. Besides Gramma and papa wanted to go on a little trip for Christmas, just the 2 of them because they'd figure I'd make friends and be with them during Christmas and leave the beta in charge temporarily with me helping every now and then. Maybe I could spend Christmas with Tom...WAIT. WHY DO I WANT TO SPEND CHRISTMAS WITH TOM?!? I blushed slightly at my thoughts. Did I like Tom? No. There was no way we only just met?! I decided to shake the thought from my head and close my eyes to go to sleep. I was finally able to fall into a dreamless slumber, awaiting what tomorrow brings...

How was that my lovelies? Did you enjoy? Sorry if the chapter seemed a bit rushed it wasn't my intention I just wanted to finish it! Once again happy birthday to ArianaPinapple 🎉 also this request thing is just a one time thing. Please do not request specific dates for chapters to be done. I don't want to have multiple chapter requests as it will make my anxiety spark up and I really don't want that. But other than that I hope you have a good morning, evening, or night! Happy day!


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