chapter 5

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°wolven(wolf speak)°
Author note/POV change/setting

     As we walked through the forest, I noticed burned trees and clearings where plants used to be. °What happened here?° I ask Akira. Akira looked at me with a sad face. °here lies what is left after a fire took place many many years ago. We got the fire put out quick but not before it did this.° She said gesturing to the field. I walk to the center of the field, I then kneel down putting my hands on the forest floor. I close my eyes and concentrate. A few minutes later I look up to see that the trees looking healthy and the plants re planted. Along with some flowers along the trees. °H-how did you do that?!° Akira asked shocked. I shrug my shoulders and reply °Not sure. I was in the garden and I noticed my favorite flowers were wilting. I grabbed a water bucket and poured some water on before pressing down on the ground helping it sink in. I was wishing it would help them grow. When I opened my eyes I saw the flowers in perfect condition. They looked magnificent. I tried with other things to figure it out and it worked!° Akira looked at me smiling, well as much as a wolf could, °well let's keep going. My home and your future home is not far from here.° I nodded and we kept going. When we made it there the wolves were a bit wary and skeptical; however after Akira explained everything and mentioned my powers, they were just about jumping with joy. I was happy. I finally had a home, a home I knew I would be happy in.

5 years later

    Just outside platform 9 3/4 stood a proud looking girl she stood with her head high and her whole look just showed her confidence. She had beautiful white long hair with a natural fade of light blue.

(Only the skirt, shirt, and shoes

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(Only the skirt, shirt, and shoes.)

     Here stood Vitani Kaina Forest. Formally Vitani Marie Potter. Now gone with the young timid and shy girl she was as a Potter. Now as a strong, confident young lady who is the alpha of the Kaina wolf pack.
(Vitani's POV)
     I walk through the barrier with my head held high. It had been five years since I ran away from my old life and found Akira. It was the best thing that ever happened to me. Sure I missed some things. Well not really I mostly missed Draco. He was my first friend. I still wear the necklace Draco and his family got for me. Akira was the female alpha of the pack. Her mate was Akela. They were my family. They were an old couple and so I normally refer to them as grandma Aki and Grampa Kela. They were the nicest 'people' I know. They taught me everything I needed to know about wolves and duties as future alpha. So I learned and I worked hard. It's has been around 2ish years since I became alpha. I looked at the Scarlett red train in awe. It was beautiful with large gold letters spelling 'Hogwarts Express'. As I was walking to the train something caught my eye. A pair of blondes. I gasped! The Malfoys!! I walked in long fast-paced strides over to the couple. As I got near them I said in a calm voice "Nice to see you two again. Never thought I would."  The looked over to me with a confused expression that turned to shock when the looked at my necklace. "Vitani? Is that you?!" Narcissa asked in a hopeful voice. I nodded and her smile grew. "It's been forever child! Everyone thought you were dead! Oh, I'm so glad your not and I know that Draco will be to! Oh he's been so sad ever since you disappeared. He became colder and he barley comes out if his room. I was hoping that if he went to Hogwarts and made new friends he might become happier. " Narcissa said happily and sadly. I smiled and nodded. "Well I'll just have to find him on the train then. Well it's good to see you. If I find Draco I'll have him help me send a letter." I looked to Lucius and he smiled a but more. "Good luck child." He said. Then with a small curtsey I headed for the train.

(On the train)

     I look through the compartments until I see one with an Italian looking boy, a pug-faced girl, and a familiar blonde. I knock on the compartment side and the Italian boy looks up. "May I sit here?" I ask. He nods and I got to sit across from Draco. "What's your name?" I hear, then look to see it's the only other girl in the compartment. I smirk. "Draco should know, though it has been five years." At the end of my sentence Draco's head shoots up from what he was reading. He looks at me with the same hopeful expression as his mom. I nod, he all but jumps out of his seat and practically jumps over to me. He hugs me as if I'm a life line, as if scared that if he lets go I'll leave. I look to see the other kids in the compartment giving surprised but confused faces. "Dray, there are other people in here." Draco let's go and sits up, his face pink. The girl gives him a look telling him that she still wants an answer to her question. Draco seems to understand so he says "This is Vitani. She's the girl I told you about. Y'know the one that went missing five years ago." Both of their eyes widened in realisation. "YOUR VITANI POTTER!" They yell in sink. "SHHHH! I don't want anyone to know that. My name has changed I'm now Vitani Kaina Forest, and I will be addressed as such. My last name is Forest not Potter and will be that way on everything." I say sternly with a glare. They nod sheepishly before apologizing. "Anyways; I'm Blaise, Blaise Zabani. This is Pansy, Pansy Parkinson. Nice to put a face to the name." Blaise says gesturing to Pansy when introducing her. "Nice to meet you as well." I say smiling, Draco then sees my necklace. "You still have the necklace?!" Draco asks surprised, "of course I do! This was the first thing I grabbed before I ran away!" I replied putting emotion into everything. That was the first gift I ever got. It's the most important thing in the world to me. "Whatcha talking about Draco?" Blaise asks. I grab my necklace and hold it up "This. Is the gift Draco and his parents got for me on me and Harry's birthday. That was the day I ran away. It was the only gift I had ever gotten." I look down and give a sad smile to the necklace before turning to look out the window. "Why did you run away from your home?" Pansy asked. I feel my self stiffen at the question. No one but grandma, grampa and some of the inner wolves know what happened.. I think to myself. "-tani. Vitani!" I hear Draco yell. And come out of my thoughts. I turn to the rest of them still stiff as a board. Draco seems to notice because he says "you don't have to answer if it makes you uncomfortable." I shake my head "no. It's fine. I just... haven't told the story in a long time." Draco pulls me into a hug and gives me a big squeeze. I take a deep breath and begin. (Y'all already know what happened and I'm lazy sorry)
After I finish I see Pansy with tears in her eyes, during the story she moved over to Blaise who was now holding her tightly with a look if horror across his face. I turn to look at Draco. He is seething. He is angry. He looks like he wants to kill someone..which is probably true. Before I could blink I had three pairs of arms around me. I knew then that I just made two new friends and three new allies.

A/N hey guys I can't believe it! Thank you all so much! I mean 200 VIEWS! I never thought my story would get this far. ~1407~

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