Chapter 3

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A/n: heyyy what y'all think of my cliffhanger? Anyway as usual i do not own Harry Potter! It belongs to the wonderful J.K. Rowling.


Vitani's P.O.V

     As I walked up to the West Wing, down the long hall way, to get to my room I knew something bad was going to happen. I wish I was wrong...
(⚠️ Mentions of abuse ⚠️)
     James burst into the room with anger written all across his face. "YOU!" he sneered jabbing a finger towards me. He yelled at me alot so I didn't flinch, though I think that just made him angrier. "You DARE ruin your brother's birthday?! How dare you take attention away from him on his birthday you spoiled attention seeking brat!!" He shoved me to the floor hard, and I winced in pain. He smirked before accioing a belt from somewhere. I paled when I saw the belt. He got a feral grin before grabbing me by the arm and hoisting me up to just drop me on my stomach/face. A notable crack was heard and I knew I broke my nose. He took the belt and slammed it down on my back with a large SMACK! I knew if I made a sound it would only make it worse..I knew cause this happens alot. He kept  hitting me with the metal end of the belt. The only thing keeping me from yelling out was counting the number of hits
He stopped after sixty swats. There were large gashes in my back and I could feel the blood ozing out. But I knew better than to think it was over. He started kicking me hard in the chest multiple times. After he heard 2 cracks he stopped and laughed.
(⚠️ Scene over you can continue reading⚠️ )
"Maybe that'll teach you not to steal your brother's well deserved attention! I don't want to see your face for the rest of the night, so don't come out of your room!" He demanded, all I could do was nod. Satisfied he left the room slamming the door behind him. I sobbed and I sobbed for hours upon end. I sobbed until I had no more tears. After that I told myself I would never cry again. I would never give anyone the satisfaction of knowing they made me cry. After that I got up and went to my dresser to find some bandages. After I found them I transfigured a broken quill into a mirror and bandaged myself to the best of my ability. Then I grabbed my back and started packing.  All my good clothes and robes, my sketch books, quills, notebooks, and copy's of every book from the Potter library, along with any other sentimental possessions I have. Good thing I know the expansion charm. I thought to myself chuckling. After everything was packed I put on casual clothes consisting of blue ankle jeans, a white top with a cropped leather jacket and the necklace the Malfoy family got for me.

 After everything was packed I put on casual clothes consisting of blue ankle jeans, a white top with a cropped leather jacket and the necklace the Malfoy family got for me

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Then I grabbed my bag and snuck out the window casting a cushioning charm and slow falling charm to be safe. After safely getting to the ground I bolted into the woods. I ran as fast as I could and as long as I could. I think it's been a few hours. I finally stop and collapse on my knees in a clearing in the forest. I don't know where I am. I don't if they've noticed me gone, probably not, but the one thing I DO know is that I'm NEVER EVER going back. Suddenly I hear footsteps... they're faint but I can still hear them. I hope it's not them! I think to myself hopefully. Suddenly something leaps from the bushes I roll away just in time. I look up to see...

A/n how do you guys like the story so far? I think I might cry this story already has 32 veiws I never thought it would get that many. I'm so happy alot of you like my book. I'll update whenever I can. Right now I should be able to get at least one chapter if not more out a day but we'll see ~714~

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