New Story exerpt!

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Hello wolf pups! This is gonna be an excerpt(short taste) of a new demon slayer book im thinking of writing and id love your feed back!

"Hey look out!" A little girl yelled pushing me roughly, i stumbled a bit onto the side bear a shop before whipping around to face whoever dared to touch, let alone shove me. VRRRRMMMM!
My blood red eyes widened as i watched a car go zooming by, people jumping out of the way to avoid being hit. I didn't even sense or hear it..i must have been to deep in my thoughts. Damn that hanafuda earing boy!  I thought to myself. Suddenly i felt a tug on my pant leg. I looked down and noticed a little girl. "Are you alright mister? You didn't get hurt when i pushed you right? Im sorry it just looked like you didn't notice the car coming and..." she trailed off in her panicked rant. I see so she shoved...well more like she probably launched her whole body into me given how small and frail she looks... to move me away from the car. I let out my charming smile and pat the girl on the head in an attempt to calm her. There was no need to draw extra attention towards myself. "Im quite alright. Thank you little one for helping me. What was your name?" I asked looking the child over and taking in her appearance. She had hair as white as snow with ends that look like they were stained with ice. Her eyes were the same icy-blue color and her skin was almost as pale as mine. She must have albinism* I thought.  However i did notice her clothes were a bit ragged for Asakusa. She also had some bandages peaking out from her clothes. Her face was a bit dirty and had light bruising a clumsy one i suppose.
"My name is Emerlyn." The girl responded, snapping me out of my thoughts. "What a lovely name for a lovely little girl. Tell me little one what are you doing out here all by yourself?" She let out a small almost not noticeable smile at my compliment. However it went away with my next. She looked away, wringing her hands together. "Just..on a walk.." she finally mumbled after a moment of silence. Lies. "I see. Well I think i should walk you home. Seems only fitting after you saved my life?" I said. A look of fear flashed in her eyes, however i noticed that it surprisingly wasn't because of me. More so my offer. Perhaps homeless? No that wouldn't be right. No one in this town is. Perhaps she snuck out?
"I um..thats fine i guess.. but uh! My parents..aren't home right now! They are out doing stuffs." She responded hesitantly. I see..perhaps neglect.

"I see. Well i suppose you could stay out with me till an hour before morn. I'm sure they'll be back by then. I wouldn't want a little child like you wandering around alone." Wait what? Why did i say that! I don't want to be around any humans longer than i have to be.. so why is it that i don't want this little one to leave, why am i concerned for her safety. She's nothing but a human child. Right?
I was so in my thoughts that i didn't notice Emerlyn's eyes go wide at my offer. A ghost of a smile appeared on her face as she held the sleeve of my suit and nodded. No backing out now i guess..I smiled back at the girl before starting to walk with her. I decided to take her to a food stall, my enhanced hearing picking up a few growls coming from her stomach.

Welp! There it is. I don't quite have a name for this book yet but i do have the beginning down and know how i want it to end and a few middle parts. What do you guys think? Would you be interested in this book?

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