Chapter 29 ☁︎ Lost Sparks

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━━━AHOY! Originally, I was gonna retitle this chapter to be 'That's on me, Gramps' just to make y'als' hearts squeeze a bit, but decided against it. Now, you'll end up going through this chapter wondering what it means, so I guess that'll give me the same satisfcation—

I am... evil... I mean I knew that but, like, still. What even is my mind?

☁︎ CHAPTER 29 ☁︎

When Dealana kicked the waiting room door open, she furrowed her brows upon seeing Todoroki sitting at the table staring at his hand.

"Wait a minute," she drawled, genuinely confused whether or not she got the wrong room. She backed up and peered at the sign outside the door and deadpanned. Dealana had, in fact, gotten the wrong waiting room. "Huh. Would you look at that. I guess my senses are still a little whacked up from that explosion after all."

Todoroki blinked slowly before looking back at his hand in thought. Dealana realized it was his left hand; his fire hand.

"Hey, you aren't about to start having doubts about your quirk, are you?" she decided to ask. She leaned idly against the doorframe, observing her classmate thoughtfully. "If we're gonna fight, I want you to bring all you've got to this, Todoroki."

It was true. When they fought, Dealana really wanted it to be a fight where both sides were giving it their all. However, knowing what she did about Todoroki, she also didn't want to push him to do something he still needed time to think about.

"Midoriya," he muttered, his eyes widening a fraction.

'That is not what I thought he'd say,' Dealana inwardly sweatdropped. Outwardly, she raised a brow curiously. "Hmm?"

"He said the same thing," he elaborated. "That fool. Instead of trying to win the match himself, he focused on breaking my walls."

Dealana felt the corner of her lips twitch upwards into a small, kind smile. "I noticed that. Midoriya's instincts aren't wired around who he needs to beat, they're more like who he needs to save." she explained as she traced the scar along her nose. "He was right, you know. About your quirk. It doesn't belong to your asshole of a father. It belongs to you."

Todoroki glanced up immediately at the mention of his father, surprised to see a look of annoyance crossing Dealana's features as she spoke.

"Well, I should probably find the right waiting room," she mused and spun on her heel. "Use your flames if you'd like, but don't expect me to go easy if you don't. Whatever you decide is fine with me."

When Dealana reached the correct waiting room, there wasn't much waiting left to do. Any spare moments however, she spent recalling Todoroki's fight with Midoriya. They both knew what they wanted; to be heroes, to be number one, to be someone people could look to in dark times. But what did she want? What had been driving her all this time?

She frowned as she lifted the edge of her fingerless glove to stare at the Fairy Tail emblem tattooed in black on her inner wrist. It was a reminder of who she was and where she came from, yes, but it was also a reminder of how much she'd lost, how much she'd failed in her research to find a way back.

Her family's smiling faces flashed in her mind, some of them already foggy from time. Their features blurred and hidden by shadows of her fading memories. She wanted to go home, but she also didn't want to leave.

"Argh!" she growled and flipped the table in a fit of rage, tears burning behind her eyes. She clutched her head, harshly tangling her hands in her hair. So far, she'd been going through everything U.A. threw at her, but for what? Did she really want to become a hero and move on from her life in Fiore, or would she just be wasting their time and efforts when she left in the end?

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