Chapter 2 ☁︎ Momo Yaoyorozu

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// Out of curiousity, what are you opinions on hospitals? I personally have a neutral stance due, in part, to fact that both my parents worked/work in hospitals. My only real problem with them are the people. xD

☁︎ CHAPTER 2 ☁︎

The next time Dealana's ears were graced with the sound of steady beeping, she didn't open her eyes right away. She didn't want to face the blinding lights yet. A part of her still hoped that the darkness would swallow her up again as she recalled everything that happened.

Pain and grief hit her like a sack of bricks, but she refused to let herself panic this time. At least not as much as she did previously. Dealana hesitantly opened her eyes to adjust to the lightning again while focusing on her breathing. Emotions like hers were always hard to keep a lid on and she almost always exploded at some point or another. A coupe nurses entered the room in a hurry, from their frantic expressions, they didn't want a repeat of the last time.

Fortunately for them, this time around Dealana seemed better. One of the nurses even helped her with a breathing exercise. When the doctor rolled around, he couldn't fight the urge to sigh in relief when he noticed that the sky-blunette wasn't panicking. The weather outside remained grey and dreary, but there were no bolts of lightning or booming thunder, only a steady drizzle of rain that began to clear up the more Dealana continued to calm down.

As Dealana found herself able to think clearly, she noticed a few things. First, the infirmary wasn't actually an infirmary, it turned out to be a hospital. She didn't recognize it and while she didn't like to admit it, Dealana knew her hospitals, med-bays, and infirmaries fairly well. This one though, she didn't have any memory of. 

The second thing she couldn't help but realize involved her magic. It felt weird. She didn't think is was a bad weird, but Dealana wouldn't classify it as a good weird either. If anything, she felt more drained and the atmosphere lacked the normal amount of magical energy. Ethernano concentrations were almost always prominent, but these, these were significantly faint. In the end, she decided to chalk it up to the recent events, figuring she'd feel better once she recovered more.

"Where am I?" Dealana asked, her voice coming out hoarse and raspy. She had no doubt it was because of her time spent unconscious without proper hydration and the fact that when she first woke up, she'd screamed a lot. The same nurse from before quickly made her way over with a small cup of water.

"Take it slow, all right?" The nurse warned her. Dealana reluctantly listened to her, slowly sipping away at the water.

"Where am I?" She repeated.

"You're in a hospital, sweetie." 

"That's not what I meant," Dealana sighed. "I meant where exactly am I? Where is the hospital located?"

"This is one of the finest hospitals in Musutafu, Japan." She elaborated with a sheepish laugh.

Dealana paused, frowning. "Japan? Where on Earthland is Japan?"

The sky-blunette noticed how the nurse appeared genuinely confused by her question. "Would you hold on a minute, I need to grab the doctor. I'll be back shortly." The nurse informed before quickly fleeing the room.

"No, yeah, that's fine." Dealana remarked sarcastically. "I'm not going anywhere."

When the nurse returned with the doctor, he appeared concerned, but also had a knowing look in his eyes. "I hear you're a bit confused, young miss. I'd like to ask you a few questions if you don't mind."

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