Chapter 7 ☁︎ Team E vs. Team F

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// You know what sucks? A vacuum. You know what else? Having two prompt options for an english course placement test that drive my anxiety up the wall to the point that I can actually feel it and start to cry. Wish. Me. Luck. PLEASE.

☁︎ CHAPTER 7 ☁︎

"Hey, who is Bakugou talking to? I'm not hearing anything. Can we get any sound with this video?" Kirishima asked when the realized they couldn't hear whatever the angry blond was yelling. It didn't look right to see his mouth moving but hearing nothing but silence when it came to someone explosively expressive like Bakugou. 

"He's got a radio in his ears so he can talk to his partner," All-Might explained, pointing to the identical one in his own ear. "I gave it to him before the match started along with a map of the building. Also this," He then added, reaching to grab a roll of white tape. "a roll of capture tape. Wrapping this around your opponent means you've apprehended them and they're out for the rest of the game."

'Interesting. That would be useful depending on people's fighting styles.' Dealana thought to herself. A fond smile twitched at the corners of Momo's lips when she noticed the sky-blunette tracing the scar along her nose. It was one of Dealana's subtle habits, and one of the most frequently appearing.

"So, there's a fifteen minute time limit and the good guys have no idea what floor the nuclear weapon is hidden on, right?" Mina asked, recalling the details of the exercise.


"Than the heroes are clearly at a disadvantage here," She remarked. "a big one."

"Real Pros have to outwit villains on a daily basis." All-Might told her. "That's life, even when the odds aren't in our favor, we fight."

"That sounds like it belongs on a poster." Dealana stated blandly. Her bored gaze never left the match in front of them, and she remained oblivious to the brief look of hurt that crossed the symbol of peace's features. "Bakugou's on the move." She pointed out, drawing their attention back to the screens.

Uraraka and Midoriya split up, leaving the green-haired boy to take on Bakugou by himself. With the insight that the two boys knew each other growing up, it became clear to Dealana that a clever cookie like Midoriya would be the one to use said knowledge in their fight. Eventually, Bakugou lost his... old friend? Current enemy seemed like a better fit. Either way, Bakugou lost his current enemy in the corridors, but that only served to fan the flames of his rage.

"That guy has some real anger issues. Kind of scary." Kaminari said in reference to the blond. Dealana frowned a bit, unable to disagree.

As the match went on, Bakugou found Midoriya and reached for the pin on one of his grenade gauntlets. "Young Bakugou, don't do it!" All-Might said into the mic. "You'll kill him!"

Dealana wasn't surprised when the blond didn't listen. Bakugou pulled the pin and unleashed a massive blast that shot forward like a torpedo. It tore up the ground as it reached the freckled boy. The explosion's force caused even the monitoring room to tremble.

"Woah, this is nuts!" Kirishima exclaimed worriedly. Everyone else seemed to share similar reactions. Dealana couldn't help worry about Midoriya as he was in the direct path of the blast. Had Midoriya been able to dodge it in time? She let out a quiet sigh of relief when it turned out that he was relatively okay. Bakugou remained ready to let loose another blast though, which could be devastating. "Sir, isn't this getting out of hand? That Bakugou is acting real crazy. He's gonna kill him."

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