Chapter 4 ☁︎ Three Years Later

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// Relatively short chapter, but from here on out they'll likely be a lot longer (give or take a few). Also, Dealana and Momo's dynamic is one of my favorites things that I've done. <3

☁︎ CHAPTER 4 ☁︎

"I knew I'd find you out here."

Upon hearing Momo's voice, a now fifteen year old Dealana opened one eye to see her adopted sister staring back with an amused smile twitching at her lips. Sitting up on her cloud, the sky-blunette relished for a moment in the sun shining down on the training grounds.

The outdoor areas, specifically the training grounds, of the Yaoyorozu residence had easily become Dealana's favorite place to be aside from the vast library. Often times, she'd mix both worlds and bring a book with her to read in between her training sessions. 

"I'm fairly predictable, huh?" Dealana mused with a smirk. 

"Actually, you're pretty hard to read. I just followed your discarded shoes." Momo replied, lifting her hand to reveal a pair of Dealana's shoes that she evidently took off without realizing.

"When does this even happen?" Dealana wondered, glancing between her bare feet and the shoes as if it were one of the world's greatest mysteries. "I'm like Gray but only with my shoes." She whispered.

"He's the ice wizard, right?" Momo clarified as she tilted her head. "The one with the weird stripping habit?"

"Correct, you're getting better and you've never even met them." Dealana remarked, now trying to inspect her feet. About a year after being taken in by the Yaoyorozu's, the dragon slayer finally came clean about certain things with Momo, including the fact that she wasn't actually from this world. At first, Momo didn't believe her, which was the reaction Dealana had been expecting. Thankfully, the sky-blunette had been able to prove her claim with magic other than her storms, something that shouldn't have been possible unless she had multiple "quirks".

Being startled by the sudden appearance of a Thought Projection, hadn't been the way Momo figured she'd learn the truth about her adopted sister, but she also hadn't been expecting that kind of truth-bomb at all. She took the new and strange revelations in stride and began to help Dealana in her research and special projects.

"I still find it hard to believe that you're able to do so much with your magic and even reverse engineer those lacrima devices from a set of headphones, but you can't keep your shoes on."

"I spent twelve years without wearing shoes, I think my feet are just subconsciously rejecting them." Dealana stated matter-of-factly before she turned to Momo with a wry smile. "But that's okay, I have you to point out when it happens." 

"I wonder what you would do without my constant reminders." Momo teased. 

"Crash and burn with less potential concussions." Dealana retorted without missing a beat. Whenever Momo found that Dealana was without shoes, she'd either find the discarded shoes or make new ones to literally throw at the sky-blunette's head whilst scolding her. Though, they both also knew that this habit gave Momo the perfect excuse to learn how to make various types of shoes.

"What are you doing out here anyway?" Momo asked, changing the topic of conversation as Dealana conjured a cloud for her to sit on.

"You know it's been three years since you fished me out of the ocean?" Her question had come out of nowhere, surprising Momo before confusion took over and she raised an eyebrow.

"Of course I remember, how could I not know? Are you okay, where is this coming from?" She asked the sky-blunette worriedly, pulling her brows together in concern.

BLOOD AND THUNDER ( bnha x fairy tail. )Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz