Chapter 6 ☁︎ Keep Your Shoes On

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// This chapter took a heck of a lot longer to edit than the others. I normally listen to music or have a show playing in the background while I'm working, but if I get to attached to said show, I often find myself pausing to watch it. Oops. XD

☁︎ CHAPTER 6 ☁︎

"He threw it over seven hundred meters!" Kaminari exclaimed in awe after Midoriya threw the ball, this time with his quirk.

"Nice! He's finally showing us his true power!" Uraraka cheered. Dealana glanced at Momo and found even her sister to be in awe of Midoriya's accomplishment. It didn't change the fact that his finger was still broken thought. She realized the drawback and knew that it probably still hurt. 

The sound of popping explosions reached her ears before it happened. Bakugou lunged for Midoriya in rage. "Hey! Deku, you bastard! Tell me how you did that or you're dead!"

'Seriously, what is fuels this guy's anger? Midoriya has a quirk now, get over it.' Dealana frowned. It was difficult to understand a person through their anger if they turned everything into being angry. 'Maybe wanting to fight him isn't such a good idea... but then again, his anger means that he won't hold back.'

Midoriya froze in terror, however, Aizawa cancelled Bakugou's quirk and restrained him with his scarf before any harm was done. Dealana couldn't help but study the scarf, it obviously wasn't a normal scarf. She should have realized that with a teacher who put emphasis on things being rational that he wouldn't just wear it as an accessory.

"What? Why the hell is your damn scarf so strong?" Bakugou asked, straining against the cloth.

"Because it's a capture weapon made out of carbon fiber and a special metal alloy." Aizawa answered. His voice then shifted into a more commanding tone "Stand down. You'd be wise to avoid making me use my quirk so much, it gives me serious dry-eye." He stopped using his quirk and retracted his weapon as his hair stopped floating. "You're wasting my time now. Whoever's next can step up."

Midoriya scurried back to the group, where Uraraka expressed her concern. Momo shot her adopted sister a questioning glance when the sky-blunette moved to approach Midoriya, but Dealana shrugged it off.

"Hey, Midoriya." She greeted in a bland tone. The freckled mess practically jumped out of his skin upon hearing her voice.

"Huh? Oh, uh, yeah... it's Ka'ino, right?" He sputtered, his face red.

Dealana raised an eyebrow, amused before she nodded. She allowed a small storm cloud to envelop her palm, specifically focusing on a miniature blizzard. Once a piece of hail had formed, she grabbed Midoriya's uninjured hand and placed the chunk of ice into it.

"You don't have control over your quirk just yet. When you used it, you were able to control what broke, but that still means it's broken and probably hurts. This'll help with the pain until you can get it looked at." She explained after receiving a bewildered look. Dealana already turned around and was walking back to Momo before Midoriya could snap out of his stunned awe to properly thank her.

"And here I thought you didn't like approaching new people." Momo remarked with a wry smile as they moved onto the next event.

"I don't, but I don't like doing nothing to help more." Dealana quipped back quiet enough for only Momo to hear.

The rest of the tests seemed to go by rather quickly, Dealana managing to still perform above average in the sit-ups and seated-toe touch despite not finding a suitable application for her magic. When it came time for the long-distance run, however, Dealana chose not to use her magic and just run as she normally would. She loved the feeling of the wind through her hair as she charged ahead with seemingly endless stamina.

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