Omake 1.1 ☁︎ Thunder and Blood

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━━━AHOY! It's a Blood and Thunder AU in which things are a little bit reversed. Hence the name, Thunder and Blood. Get it? Reversed so the order of the title is reversed... yeah, okay, it's cliché and maybe sorta stupid. But I still like it.

As my interpretation of a reverse AU goes, instead of Dealana going to the BNHAverse, the BNHAverse comes to Dealana in the Fairy Tailverse. Eh? Eh? Doesn't that sound interesting?

Enough fishing for compliments, please enjoy!



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THE CONCEPT OF the multiverse is complicated. It comes down to the idea of multiple, if not infinite, different universes existing alongside each other. Each universe being different, none of them the same regardless of how minuscule the details may be. Some might be almost parallel to others, the events and timelines altered ever so slightly by the various choices people make. Other universes might be entirely different from their neighbors; concepts might exist in one universe and be considered beyond comprehension in another. The concept of the multiverse is complicated and applies to various scenarios.

Take writing for instance.

Rather than trying to explain everything with big words or simple pictures, it's far more entertaining to mess around with reality, bending it, testing it, seeing just how far someone can twist and mold it into something new (and potentially chaotic).

Such is the view of the author.

Dealana Ka'ino, the walking embodiment of a storm in a bottle, happens to exist in at least ONE universe, one in which magic exists and flows through every living thing to some degree. One in which wizards and guilds dot the landscape of a peaceful nation. One in which she lost a majority of her family to the dragon Acnologia. She's admittedly had a crazy life, but maybe in another universe, things are different.

Maybe in a different universe, she ends up traveling to another world, where everything is new and contrasts with what she once knew. Maybe in a different universe, the concept is twisted even further, shaped with calloused yet still tender hands and flipped upside down.

Chaos, without a doubt, ensues...



EVERY WIZARD HAS a favorite type of job. There's always at least one type of job that they look for first when scanning the request boards. Whether it be a monster hunt, retrieving a lost item, assassination requests, even helping with household chores; no matter how bizarre the jobs may seem to others, there's always one type of job request a wizard prefers over the rest.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2021 ⏰

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