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Chapter 19

     Chase's POV

     This is starting to creep me out now I have been working on building an outdoor like house like a cottage so I could use it for arts and crafts for my little sister and a place I could work on anything but that kitten is freaking me out. She is sitting on the outdoor table and starring at me while purring really loudly making me feel very uncomfortable. You would think as a cat she would be hunting something right about now because she is outside.

        Cat should be hunting not laying around watching people. Then again cats sleep alot i know that but cats also beg for people to pet them and all that. but it still stands why would a cat be watching me unless I am so cute that even animals find me cute. Nawwwwww animals are suppose to have less brain cells then humans and that is why we have not yet been able to talk to them. so that leaves one more possibility there is catnip on me or near me there is a lot of questens about this kitten and it is about time some of them we answered but how. I know I  will go to the pet store and get all the info I want on the cat or do some studing in the lidrary on cats and paranormal.

        There is lots of things that could be found in her history. but for now I have to make sure I can fix this thing. then I could work on the graden my mom wanted me to do for a while. but what would she want I know I could just pay some one to do it but she would want me to do it  like always so no loss I could just get her fowers too but that wouldnèt work. My mom always wants things to be nice nomatter want so I could think of something tomorrow maybe something better.


hey sorry late and all just want to ask something when did I say his brinthday party is going to be like in a day or what.

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