Chapter 10

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My wolf sighed in pleasure as the blood trickled down my muzzle and paws. My father lying down in front of me with the terrified look still in his eyes. I heard the thuds and thumps of my family's paws as the battled everyone else. 

The only thuds I was concentrating on was my heart. I listened to the thrill of the kill still pounding in my chest. My focus was all on the smell, the sound of ripping flesh, and the taste of being free at last.

The snarls started to cease and I was finally snapped out of my trance. I was about to trot over to my mate when I was attacked from behind. I was grabbed by my scruff. I couldn't get a hold of him with the position I was in.

I tucked my leg between my tail and put my head down in submission. He snarled and I whimpered. Blake looked up from the wolf he was tearing up and took in what he saw.

His face darkened and my attacker bit down harder. I felt a little blood trickle down just a little. I whimpered out trying to get out of his grip. He growled louder. So, I just stayed limp in his hold waiting for the next fight to play out.

Blake's POV

I saw Caras limp body, waiting for one of us to do something or to save her. I saw the pleading look in her eyes.

Staying completely alert I tried taking in my surroundings while keeping an eye on my mate's captor. Lets see. Alex, Jonah, Lucas, me of course........ Wait where was Ethan? He probably was hiding from all the fighting.

I caught a slight movement from the corner of my eye. Ethan was crouching and was slowly making his way up to Cara and her captor. I was hold back with everything I had not to lunge forward and kill that son of a bitch. As the seconds ticked by I couldn't hold in any longer, but Ethan predicted that. He jumped onto the wolves back and grabbed him by the scruff. Making him lose his grip on Cara.

She crawled away slowly, while Ethan snapped the wolves neck. All of the dead bodies that were wolves were now in human form dead. I took no time taking in my victories as I rushed to Cara's side. She was curled up in a ball and was whimpering softly.

Cara's POV

I was actually surprised when Ethan took action. I was to caught up in making sure that I wasn't killed. To notice him sneaking up.

Even thought my blood lust was wearing off my beaten, battered, cowardice self decided to show. I hated being back where I was. I curled into a tight ball and laid there. Not being able to think or move just concentrate in all the pain.

I felt Blake by my side as I whimpered. Still in wolf form I was trembling. More noticeable and annoying. Everyone was worried, but dancing around in victory that it was over. My wolf took peace in that.

As I felt a brush against my neck I peered up to see Blake in a surprisingly unharmed state. Him being close I felt safer. I tried opening mind link, but I was to weak. I knew they felt it because they all looked at me.

I looked at my still shaking body hoping they got the message that I wanted clothes. Alex nodded and went up the stair most likely sniffing out my room.

I looked at Blake who was laying next to me watching every move i made. I tried getting up. I stood on all fours actually taking in how to use them. 

Thinking back to my fathers death i didnt even have to move. All i did was lunge and ripped his throat out with ease. I never really did walk on all fours. 

I put one foot in front as i felt Blake's eyes on me, but i felt amusement in his stare. I tried walking forward and fell on my belly. 

I grunted as i heard a throaty growl more like a laugh in my opinion. I looked over at Blake who was tryin to hide his obvious smirk. Wait do wolves smirk?

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