Chapter 18

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Cara's POV 

After getting home from the hospital and having Blake try so desperatley to come up with an excuse to be with me I finally managed to get some alone time. I went into my room and fell ungracefully onto my bed sighing.

I looked up at my ceiling. It was covered with wazy star stickers that glowed in the dark. Ever since I came here I have always been afriand to sleep in the dark. It was still pretty light outside, but the sun was grazing the horizon making me feel at peace.

As I went from star to star tracing all the constilations I knew off the top of my head I heard a knocking at my door. Having nothing better to do I called and told them to come in. I glanced and saw Jason coming into the room. I chuckled.

"You know you really need to stop giving the pack hell when I'm not here." I said my eyes grazing over the stars creating Ursa major. He laughed.

"It's boring without yah, how the hell am I supposed to amuse myself when you aren't here to tease?" He asked plopping down next to me looking at the stars too. 

"So, how is Mr.BigBadWolf?" He asked. I smiled slightly. I knew that me and Jason could of had a thing, but it wasn't to serious. I didn't know if I had led him on.

"Okay, I guess." I said my eyes following Orion's belt. I chuckled remebering the day Jason and Will help me put them up.

"What's so funny?" He asked giving me a curious expression.

"Just thinking about the day we put the stars up." I laughed a little louder.

"Ugghhhh don't remind me..." He groaned. That day once we had finished putting the stars up, he sat down to admire his work, he sat in a bunch of stars giving him a glow in the dark butt without him realizing it and that day the power went out. Yeah, he got a reputation as twinkle butt.

"No no no, you should be proud, you have a cute butt...... for a 9 year old." I said smirking at him. He groaned.

"I'm just kidding. Dork." I said playfully nudging his arm. All in good fun. We bothed sighed. 

"Tomorrow there is a party at the beach West from here. Wanna tag along? It will be good to clear your head, you know get away from everything." He said with a singy song voice. It sounded tempting, but Blake and I had plans.

"Rain check. I've got plans." I said shrugging and he shrugged back.

"Suit yourself. I guess i'll have to get some with some girl." He said with a suggestive tone. I felt my eyes widen. I hit him on the arm.

"Tmi." I squealed punching him in the arm.

He got up and stretched before walking over to my window and sending me a wink. He slid open the window and we said our good byes before he jumped and dissapeared into the night. The wind from outside blew in chiling me to the core. I shivered and went to close it. I saw my reflection in the glass and almost died. My hair was all tangled and I had deep blue bags under my eyes. I just looked frail. 

I ran a brush through my hair and threw on some pjs. I literally just got in bed before my stomach protested and begged for food. I growled lowly as I got up to go fix myself a sandwich.

Slowly and stealthily I walked down stairs and made my way past bed rooms with sleeping wolves. That is possibly the most scariest thing in the whole world. Half asleep garrenteed to attack at the slightest hint of unatural sound werewolves. After I got to the kitchen I sighed in relief.

I threw open the stainless steel fridge diggin through a bunch of stuff, finally settling for some apples with peanut butter. As I crunched into an apple and closed the door, Lex's reflection appeared beside mine. I jumped and dropped everything I was holding.

"Jesus, are you trying to kill me?" I asked putting a hand over my heart. She smirked.

"Maybe." She snickered picking up all of the stuff I dropped.

"You..... my dear are going shopping with me tommorrow no cancelations." She said with a determined tone. I cocked an eyebrow. 

"Good luck telling that to Blake, we have plans." I said smirking. She gave me bitch-please look.

"Honey Alex will handle that for me." I gave her a not bad look before digging into the rest of my food. I looked at her as she smiled at me as I stuffed an apple with loads of peanut butter on top in my mouth. I raised an eyebrow.

"Well, I guess i'll see you late then. Ciao." I said raising an apple in salute as I walked out of the kitchen. I felt the sudden exaustion of the day lay down on my shoulders. I was so tired I had to stop in my tracks. Luckily I had finised my last apple. The bad luck is...

"Woah there, Angel." His voice was husky and full of amusment and love.

"Hmmmm." I got out before my eyes shut completely.

"It's okay sleeping beauty, I got you." He whispered into my ear. He picked me up bridal style and I felt myself being laid down onto the bed. I felt the covers wrap around me. The bed dipped slightly. If I hadn't been paying attention I would have missed it.

"Angel....." He whispered softly. I shifted and nodded. "Don't leave me again." He said silently filled with pain and longing. I felt him brush the hair away from my face. He stood up slowly and I grabbed the hem of his shirt. 

"Don't...... go....." I whispered sleepily.

"Never." He said. I could practically feel the smirk and love in his voice. He got under the covers and wrapped his arm around my waist. I breathed in his scent letting it wash over me. I feel asleep to the sound of his steady beating heart. 

??? POV 

I felt my fist clench as I watched him climb into bed with Cara. My Cara. I will have her. I WILL.

I felt my wolf growl lowly at him wishing he would spontaneously combust. Their conversation burned a hole deep inside of me. I felt charred and left alone.

I knew it was against wolf law, but it was the only way to be with the one I love. I had to go to the Black Hand, the high witch council. (If werewolves exsit so does witches, vampires, fairies, ect. :3) and ask for the one thing that no werewolf would even think about.

I had to ask for the.......... remating ritual. My wolf yipped in joy at the thought of Cara being ours. I smiled.

I think she will love it just as much as I do.


Thnxx so much for everyones support!!! I was toying around with the idea of taking this story down, but after getting a spike in reads and a lot of supporting comments I thougt why the hell not?

Thnx I loove everyone of my fans!!!

(>^^)> HUGS FOR AL!!!!!


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