Chapter 17

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Cara's POV

I walked out of the office with Lex still at my side. Alex was behind me standing in between Me and Lex from Blake. I went to information and asked wear Derek's room was. She pointed me to recovery. room 439.

I heard Blake growl as we neared Derek's room. I rolled my eyes and shushed him.

"Well, I'm going in there alone. I want to see him." I said with a huff, Alex and Lex nodded, but Blake growled lowly.

"Like hell you are." He growled. He went around a cautious Alex with his arm around Lex watching him carefully. I raised my eyebrow and put my hand on my hip. 

"I'm going in there alone whether you like it or not. Let's not forget you are still on my shit list, do you want to make it worse?" I hissed and Lex snuggled her face in Alex's chest trying to hide a laugh.

Blake stood tall glared at Derek's room and turned. I slowly opened to door and there was a pacing Derek. He pulled me into his room and I squeaked and heard a growl and some banging on the door.

"Cara! Oh Jesus Cara! Thank God you are safe!" He groaned hugging me. 

"" I groaned out of breath.

"God, I was soooooo worried." He sat me down on the bed and sat next to me with my hand wrapped in his. 

"After you left, he didn't give you even 5 mins before sending out wolves to kill you. I fought them. I killed about 18, but one got away." He said shaking his head.

"The spy." I said I remembered back to when I saw a wolf around my camp.

"Anyway, After I fought they saw me as a traitor and I came to find you. To see if my little slip up cost you your life." I hugged him as he finished shakily.

'"I'm fine. I found a pack. I'm sure they will accept you. I also ran into my family and my mate." i finished angrily. He growled lowly.

"You mean the mother fucker who cheated on you!?!?!" He snarled. I nodded slowly.

"It's fine. He is still a douche and I haven't forgiven him yet." I nodded. He smiled.

He stood up. He pickd me up and swung me around.

"That's my girl, you give him hell till your heart is content." He chuckled and I giggled. The door flew open.

"I would appreciate it if you took your hands off my mate." Blake growled lowly. I rolled my eyes.

"You don't have any right to tell me what to do." Derek snarled back. They had a stare down.

"Okay guys that's enough. Thank you Derek for everything that you have helped me with. Even when some people didn't." I threw glance at Blake who got a very hurt look. My heart quivered.

"Well, Derek get well soon." I said taking his hands in mine. He smiled at me.

"I will."

"And I will see about you getting into the pack." I smiled back. Blake growled lowly.

"You didn't run this by me." He stated and I shrugged.

"Oh well, he saved my life so I'm saving his. I owe him that much." I said sweetly yet spiked with venom. His face fell and he looked down. Not saying another word.

Derek nodded proudly at me.

"I'll talk to you later okay?" He nodded while smirking at me. I went int for a hug. I gave him a peck on his lips. I felt him smirking. I heard a threatening growl. Blake wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me out the door. Derek winked at me. 

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