Chapter 21

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Congrats Guys you hit 10,000 reads. Im happy with that. I'll keep it going :) I want to thank all of you guys for your constant support! It helps alot. I feel a bit better about this story. Thank you guys so much. Enjoy this chapter sorry its short. I'll try to make the next one longer.

Cara's POV 

Did you ever hear how fear could just make you freeze. You want to scream so loud, but it just wouldn't come out? Yeah well shock is the exact same way. 

I was dripping water and I didn't know what to say what to do. I didn't have to. Her boss or manager came over and yelled at her.

"What do you think you're doing?! They could sue!" He bellowed.

"We aren't going to sue." I said shaking my head. Another waitress ran over with a towel and threw it over my shoulders I nodded in thanks and began drying off.

I wiped my face and stood up. Blake hadn't said a word and he stood up too. I was infuriated with him. 

"Thank you so much. If you give us your names the next time you come here we will give you a free dinner. Whatever you want." He said with a grateful smile. 

"Thanks, but it's alright don't feel obliged. It's not your fault. It's his." I said sending a quick glare over to Blake.

"I insist. It doesn't mater who's fault it is. At least let me compensate." He turned and looked at the girl with cropped brown hair. Who I assume is the girl Blake cheated on me with.

"You're fire. Get out." He snarled at her. She sent me a death glare and walked out. I didn't want that I really didn't, but it did give me a sort of satisfaction.

It wasn't her fault Blake slept with her. She probably didn't even know about me being his mate. She was just some love sick girl that was tricked by a hormonally raging werewolf. It wasn't her fault. I don't blame her for getting mad at a random girl with the guy she thought she was dating. Its his bloody fault.

The boss told everyone to get back to work and I stormed out of there and down the side walk toward the pack house.

"Where you going?" Blake asked questioningliy.

"Back to the pack house. Where else?" I said sarcastically rolling my eyes. 

"The car is this way." He said. I stopped and turned around. I started shaking and my wolf was mad too. She was finally seeing things in my perspective.

"If you think I'm getting into that car with you you got another thing coming. How the hell could you expect me to not be mad for you taking me to the girl you slept with work place? Who tht fuck does that?" I growled. 

His face didn't change. He didn't say anything just looked at me. I couldn't read him anymore. It was like looking at a blank wall.

"Whatever. I knew I shouldn't have come. Both you and your wolf can go fuck yourself." I yelled as I stormed off down the street. I felt my muscles ache and my wolf was in a rage.

I don't know what happened next, but I was no longer on the street. I remember my vision going red and Blake's voice telling me to stop and to get into the car. Like hell I was going to listen.

The next thing I know I'm here in the middle of the forest. My body was burning hot and I could move without heat shooting up my arms and legs.

The damp earth beneath me soothed my skin when I was still, but when I moved it burned.

I couldn't see. I felt growls rip through me. 

What's happening? I felt my joints twist and turn and my wolf wasn't letting up she wanted out. She was never this pissed off. Welcome to the logical side. 

I felt my muscles burn. Every joint pooped out of place and my wolf howled in pain and rage. It's been to long. It was a blinding pain. It took all of my will not to scream out in pain. I wanted to die. Another wave of nothing but burning crashed over my body. My muscles ripped and my bones cracked and formed the wolf skeleton I hadn't been in forever.

It felt like hours, days, weeks. Whatever it was unbearable. All because Blake was an idiot and a jerk.

After I had finished shifting for the first time in ages i felt nothing, but relief. Like a burden was lifted. I slumped over in exhaustion.

I didn't think it would take that much out of me. I felt free for the first time in ages. I never realized how trapped I had felt until I did turn.

I laid there letting my strengthened senses adjust. Everything was so clear. The ruslting of the leaves. The tweeting of nearby birds. I looked up to see the moon slightly covered by clouds. It had to have been a few hours because I left around noon.

My vision started getting hazy and my body didn't like it. I started whimpering. I felt a heavy pressure from no where settling down on my skull. This really sux.

"We found her!" A comforting voice yelled. "Hang in there Cara. You're going to be ok." Jason panted. He was shirtless and he was freaking out. What's wrong with him?

Alex, Alpha, Blake, and Christopher ran through the trees. Alex imidiatley tended to me. What's up with them?

"Alpha her body is rejecting her wolf form we have to get her back and sedate her to change back." Alex whispered urgently to Alpha.

Jason scooped me up and Blake growled Jason growled back.

"Don't you think you've caused her enough pain?" He snarled into Blake's face. He looked at him hard. Jason threw me over his shoulder and started running back to the pack the tress a fuzzy blur. 

Heat enveloped my body as we made it back to the pack house I was thrown on a bed and there was a sharp jab in my stomach then I blacked out.

Ethan's POV (My little cutie)

I saw my family ran through the door carrying a beautiful white wolf. It as so small it could be a puppy, but i knew that coat from anywhere. Cara changed!

I hopped up from my seat on the plush couch and followed them to the back room. They were panicking. I don't like that. 

I hid around the corner and listened in. Cara was whimpering and Alex was moving around his medical supllies. Blake wasn't to happy and neither was that guy Jason. They all seem so tense.

Cara stopped whimpering and her breathing calmed. She was sleeping.

Alex sighed and stood up looking over Cara one last time.

"This isn't good." He said tiredly.

"What do you mean it's not good?" Jason growled.

"Its. Not. Good. Her human body is rejecting her wolf form." He said sadly.

"Meaning?" Blake asked with a clenched jaw. "She will live right?"

"Oh she will live, but..." Alex trailed off.

"But but what?" Blake snarled.

"If she doesnt change back into a human by the time the sedative wears off," I heard him sigh.

"Well spit it out!" Jason yelled.

"She will never change back. Our Cara could be a dog forever. Just a plain dog. All memories gone." It was dead silent. I felt my breath hitch and my eyes started watering.

"She will she has to." Jason whimpered.

"But if she does. She will never be a wolf again, and we will have or Cara back." Alex said hopefully.

"Well we have to do something! Do something!" Blake yelled getting angry. I felt they were all about to shift.

"All we can do is wait." Alex said quietly he got up and left leaving Jason and Blake alone in the same room and me crying quietly in the corner.

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