Chapter 15

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Cara POV

Finally in front of the house. I took slow shaky steps toward it. I heard voices welcoming them to the pack. I heard Ethan's little voice giggling, so that confirms that they are here.

I slowly made it to the front door and let myself in. I looked through the crowd and spotted Ethan, Alex, and Christopher in a small group. Alex was holding Ethan and they all looked extremely happy to be home. I saw Lucas in the kitchen and Blake was no where to be found. Since Blake thought that his family was dead that made him alpha, well now that he is home he isn't alpha anymore. Go figure.

I walked a few feet toward Alex and them. i chickened out I turned and came face to face with Jason.

"Where yah going?" Jason mocked me.

"To my room." i mocked back with his tone of voice. He smirked and grabbed me around my shoulders and dragged me to the stairs.

"Fine, but you will have to meet them sooner or later." He smiled and I smiled back. I was about to make it to the top of the stairs when I heard my name.

"Cara?" Ethan sounded extremely surprised.

"Hey, Ethan." I started crying.

He ran up the steps and jumped into my arms.

"I missed you so much, where have you been!?!?!" He sobbed into my shirt.

"Hunters took me, sold me, and get this, they sold me to Joseph's son." He looked horrified. I sighed.

"But look I got away, and found your family, your real family." I laughed.

"Cara, you are my real family." He was still sobbing and let out a few hiccups.

"Now Ethan. You can't tell Blake you saw me. I can't see him yet. I'm not ready." I said rubbing stray tears off his face. He nodded and snuggled up close to me.

"I p-promise Cara." I gave him a kiss and wiped his face with my shirt.

"Now go have fun." He smiled and ran back down stairs.

I ran to my room and sobbed. It killed me that they didn't know I was here. The people that loved me, took care of me, and made me family so close, but at the same time so far. Blake is the one who betrayed me not them. He is the one that needs to be punished not them.

I wiped my tears and wiped my face in the bathroom. I pulled together my last bit of confidence and went back down stairs. Jason said they were staying in the pack house, so I would run into them sooner or later. Better now than it being harder later.

Everyone had gone home and everyone, but Blake was in the kitchen laughing about something. I guess I've lived here long enough to not smell like myself anymore. I breathed in calming my heart and gaining more nerve. You can do this. I repeated to myself over and over.

I stepped thought the door frame. Ethan ran and literally jumped into my arms and hugged me. I looked up and they all stared at me in shock. My voice betrayed me.

"Hey, g-guys." I couldn't help, but start crying. I laughed in happiness. I put Ethan down and they all ran around me and tightly hugged me. I was assaulted by questions and they all kept saying how sorry they were.

"I'm okay." I said and calmed down my tears. Somehow we got into the living room. I say down on the floor and put my back against the couch they sat around me in a circle. Ethan snuggled in my lap.

"So, why'd yah leave anyway?" Christopher started all the questions.

"I'll start from the beginning." I sighed trying to speak hoping my voice wouldn't betray me yet again.

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