Chapter 14

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Cara's POV

I felt cold air hit my legs hard. I growled as I threw a pillow at Jason's head. He caught it and threw it back. who opened the window. 

"No, let me sleep." I growled.

"Common sleeping beauty." He chuckled and lifted me into the air. I snuggled deeper into his chest and tried going to sleep again.

"No, training." I whimpered in frustration.

"Yes, training. Alpha said if you wanna stay here you have to train. I don't know what, but he sees something in you." He contemplated.

I groaned then I heard other voices laughing.

"Sorry we are late, someone refused to get up." Jason laughed.

I heard Will huff.

"I'll wake her up." Will growled. He has never liked me.

"Common Will don't be mean she is still pretty beat up. The doc said not to be to rough he still hasn't diagnosed her." Michael defended me.

"Don't worry it won't hurt her." Will sighed. I wrapped one arm around Jason and held him closer he is like a little big bro. Protective yet young.

I heard the rustling of Will's shirt then a shrill squeal. My wolf howled in anger and I was immediately tossed to the ground as I shifted in mid air I put my paws over my muzzle and whimpered. Fucking dog whistle.

I started howling then he stopped.

"See, she's awake now." He laughed menacingly.

I growled at him.

It looked like it was 11:30 am or some time around that. It was chilly and all the guys were topless, Will ripped his off after waking Alpha he ripped my winter coat to shreds so I couldn't be comfortable. I shivered. Jason stood next to me my wolf at his shoulders. My human form was up to his chin.

He stood close to me so I could have some of his body heat. Will started a rant about us being wussies and to partner up so we could practice attacking. I of course couldn't I could just watch.

I watched as all of them wrestled. I heard something in the distance. A gun? I glanced and saw the alpha with a gun pointed at me. I saw his finger on the trigger. My eyes widened in shock. I heard a loud pow and all of the wolves froze in place. I was already in human form ready for it. 

I forgot Derek had taught me this trick.

I was swerved back and felt the bullet graze my fingers. I clamped down on it. Ouch bullet burn. My technique was off by a smidge. 

"What the hell alpha!?!?" I growled.

"I knew it." He chuckled and threw a coat at me. 

"Huh?" I looked shocked and Jason came and stood sorta angled in front of me, but in a non disrespectful way, so the alpha didn't get angry.

"You are the girl from Alpha Davidson's pack." He got really serious. Joseph Davidson. I gulped.

"We need to talk. Alone." I got out. He nodded for me to follow him. I stalked after him. Jason tried to follow, but my wolf growled at him. Telling him to sit and stay.

I followed the alpha all the way to the pack house and into his office. Grabbing some clothes along the way since his office and my room are both on the second floor.

I put on cargo pants and a white tank top. I slowly walked into the Alpha's office.

"Does it change my status with the pack?" I looked down at the carpet. It had a plain yell and brown floral design.

"No, of course not!" The Alpha bellowed.

"Every one loves you. Just because you had a bad history doesn't mean you are not welcome." He chuckled.

"But, I will need details. I want to take them down. How about 2 sessions a week? You give me directions, details of the land, and of course basic info." He waved his hand absentmindedly. I smiled and nodded in agreement.

We just talked and talked about random thing. My parents his role in the pack. Then his third in command rushed in.

"Sir, We found them. All of them." He huffed catching his breath. The alpha stood up much alert and almost perky.

"Alive," He finished.

"Who, who are you talking about?" I asked getting weary.

"My son's and his friends. They got lost after an attack on our old pack." He said giddily. I gulped.

"Uhhhh, cool, I'm happy for you." I gave him a fake smile. I excuse myself saying i wasn't feeling well. I went to my room.

Could it be them? No it couldn't. No. This isn't what I think it is. No you are fine. I breathed in heavily.

I heard a knock.

"Yeah?" I called.

"You alright I heard you mumbling to yourself." Jason came in looking worried.

"Yah, I'm fine." I ended.

"No, you are not whats up?" He laid down on my bed and looked up at me. I sighed and told him my entire life's story everything from me singing Ave Maria home to being beaten and abused be 'Alpha'.

"Woah." He looked shocked.

"I know. I told the alpha, but I don't want him getting worried." I sighed fighting the tears back.

"I'm here, so you don't have to worry." He smiled at me and I smiled back. My wolf liked him, but I'm not sure how to take that. 

"They will be here tomorrow you think you can handle it?" He asked intertwining our fingers. 

"Yah, I'll be just fine." I felt a soft burning sensation. In my chest. I felt like I was doing the cheating this time. I could care less though. He peered down at my mouth. I scooted closer and he closed the difference between us. He put his hand behind my head and pulled me closer. I pulled back slowly.

"Wow." I said amazed. He was a good kisser.

"I know." He pecked me on the lips before getting up. 

"I'll leave you to your thoughts." He said and left.

I sat up on the bed's edge and slid down to the floor. How am I suppose to get through this? I grumbled to my self. I growled an went out for a run. It was late after noon and I didn't know when I would be back.

Tomorrow. It kept repeating in my head. I don't know, but I think my wolf has already rejected him. My wolf confirmed. She doesn't tolerate cheaters. I think she is more excited to see the rest of the family. All of their faces flashed through my head. Little Ethan, big bad Blake, sweet Chirstopher, Lucas, and of course medic Alex. I could care less about Blake though.

I sighed in satisfactory. I stopped in my tracks. I hadn't been in this territory yet. There were pines everywhere on a small rocky incline.

A water fall was crashing down in front of me not a big one, but still big enough to notice.

I dipped my muzzle to the chilled water and took a drink.  I looked up at the sky. I had bee running about 7 hours. I wasn't even tired. I started to feel my body ache from some of my bruises. Personally I think my body keeps bruises as a reminder of how strong I am. Yeah that has to be it.

A voice rung in my head.

"You coming? They are here." Jason called.

"Yeah I'm on my way." I turned back the way I came. This is going to be fun. I was sure of myself, but my wolf's resolve and certainty vanished the closer I got.

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