Chapter 7

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I really have nothing to say except thanks for reading, please enjoy i have lots more ideas. VOTE, COMMENT, FAN


^_^ ENJOY!!!!


            Cara's POV

        For the past few days i have been worried sick about whether Blake is my real mate or not. His claim didn't heal, in other words either he is not my real mate, i have been claimed before, or my wolf isn't fully developed. If she wasn't fully developed i wouldn't be able to hear her or even talk to her.

        I don't think anyone has claimed me. I would have remembered. Besides Blake i have never felt this attatched to anyone aside from my mom.

          I was to lost in thought to have noticed Ethan trying to get my attention. 

    "Cawa? Are you okay?" I smiled at him and nodded. He grinned his cheeky grin, from ear to ear. I giggled. 

     "Cawa can i tell you a secret?" I looked down at him puzzled and nodded once again. He got closer and I could feel his excitment emitting from his little body.

    "I know a little garden in the woods, we can walk there and it can be our little hang out." I felt my face light up with excitment. Ever since i had gotten here last week, i haven't been out to explore.

    He chuckled which reminded me of Blake. He grabbed my hand and took me to the back door in the kitchen. I liked the thought of Ethan trusting me enough to take me to his place. He opened the door quietly and we both snuck out. The other boys were to engrossed in there game of call of duty to notic we left.

    I didn't know why we were sneaking around, but i knew since it was a secret, he probably didn't want them to know he was taking me with him. Blake hasen't left my side in a while, but today he went to run around the perimeter of the area his pack used to own.

    I cut all thoughts of Blake from my mind, not wanting it to mess with my time with Ethan. He strood along calmer than i had expected. I giggled. 

    "Okay, okay, where are we going." He smiled. It wasn't an excited smile more like a sad smile. This kid is really hard to figure out. I could tell he has been through alot. He is much more mature than any five year old i met. 

       We walked in a comfortable silence for about fifteen minutes. The brush was becoming thick, but after a while it started to clear. I could barley see ten feet away, because of the dense trees, and debris from long ago storms. It was green and damp. The smell of pine and wet grass filled my nose and i took a deep breath in. I missed the outdoors. Thick moss covered the thick light grey tree trunks, and i could feel my feet sink a little bit into the soft mud. I could tell he had walked along this path before because there was untouched leaves along a small path.

       I took in my surroundings wondering what the garden would be like.  

       "How much longer?" I prodded with a slight excitment in my voice. He giggled. 

      "Not to much longer about ten more minutes." We trudged on. My wolf decided it was time to ask me.

       "Have you thought when and of a way to escape?" She sounded sad, but determined to leave her mate so he wouldn't get hurt or worse.

      "Yeah i was thinking in maybe a few days and i could just sneak out when he is on a run." She sighed and i could feel she agreed, but it was very hesitant. Ethan interupted my thoughts and i looked up.

       The once dense trees, imediatley opened into a moderate sized clearing. It was bright, and looked warm and inviting. I gasped. I took it in all, every single detail. From the glorious flowers, to the old stone bench. The boulders wtih low branched trees, easily climbable. I looked around and saw a few bushes with different types of berries. I looked at Ethan. He smiled and nodded. As if to answer the question if the berries were safe to eat. I plucked a small blue one and pooped it into my mouth. The flavor exploded onto my tongue. Sweet and fresh with a brilliant wild taste. I turned around and looked in the middle of the clearing.

      There was a small tomb stone. Ethan put his hand on it and sighed. It was a new tomb stone. I put my hand and felt the smoothness of the light grey stone. There were small perfectly round stones outlining what i assumed to be the range of the coffin, 12 feet under the moist, damp earth.

     I traced the outlined letters on the stone head. Ethan looked at me with his eyes glistening with unshed tears. The tomb stone read "Lisa Nicks, Mother of Ethan Nicks and Noah Nicks, Beloved Mother. She will be missed." 

       I blinked back tears that threatened to fall. I wouldn't let them. Ethan needed someone strong right now. I opened my arms and he didn't hesitate to fling himself into them. He cried until he had no more to give. 

     I knew it was insensitive but i asked anyway. 

     "What about your brother?" He understood why i asked, but it took him a little bit to answer.

      "He died being born, i was his older brother. I was 4 and she died giving birth. As did the baby. My father couldn't handle it. He killed himself. They never found the body." I understood how he felt. 

     "You are strong, being so young to carry such a burden. It's okay, i won't leave you." After saying that i felt guilt wash over me. My stomach dropped and the tears fell from my cheeks.

    "I know." He said. But i felt something more in what he said. Something deeper than that. He left my arms and crawled into the bush behind the grave. He came back three minutes later with a backpack.

    He handed it to me. The silence told me to look in it. I opened it and found a few pairs of clothes, a blanket, a great, sharp hunting knife, a cellphone, some dried food, and a large container of water. I looked up at him. and he smiled the same sad smile he had before.

     He was such a strong mature kid. He explained.

     "The cellphone is my old one. It works, but it only calls my current cell. Once you need to come back call me and i will send Alex. I know you won't be able to face Blake. The knife is for pretection, water and food will last you a few days, blanket's for warmth at night. I also put a toy of mine in the front if you get lonely, it was Blake's. He gave it to me for nightmares. It will be for loneliness. Cawa, I love my family and you, i knew you wouldn't just sit there and let them come. Please promise me you will come back." I broke out into a rack of sobs I wrapped my arms around him.

     He did this to give me an oppourtunity to escape with little trouble. I knew he cared for me and my family. I threw the pack oer my shoulder and kissed him on the cheek and he wiped away my tears. 

   "Tell Blake I love him for me," he nodded know that there was more, "I-i promise." I took his pinky in mine and kissed the intertwined fingers. He hugged me one last time before i turned and started away from the path i came from.

     I froze at the begining and whisered "I promise." under my breath before taking off into the unknown woods feeling little Ethan's  gaze on my back the whole time.


Sooooooo???? Whatchya think? I thought kids his age can be mature and knowledgable. 



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