Chapter 11

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This Chapter is dedicated to cindylouy. Thnxx for all of the likes on my book. It means a lot!!!

Sorry it's been so long. LOL. I made some changes in the chapters before. Where the wolves in their heads are speaking i edited it out. To big of a pain to have dialouge for them too.

Just warning yah.




I felt the hots tears streaming down my face. I let the sobs rack my body as the realization hit me hard. I had hurt my mate. The one person that wants nothing more than for you to be happy.

My wolf was ignoring me she was mad that i didn't let him claim me. I stood up slowly and made my way back up the stair case. I was swift and silent. I made my way up to Blake's room. I grabbed some clothes and a pair of tennis shoes i had worn the day before.

I packed my small worn out back pack that had some of the stuff that Alex packed for me to take back to the house. I made sure my ipod, charger, picture of my mom, and other important documents were in the bag.

I wiped my eyes and felt that my body was exhausted. I went to the closet and found the drawers where the money was kept.


"This is where we keep emergency money. If you need it for any reason take some of it. We have plenty." Blake purred. He was holding my hand and kissed my head.

"I don't know why i would need it coz im staying with you forever." I giggled and turned to go down stairs Blake following me like a little puppy. I felt him smiling at me the whole way down.


I inwardly laughed at the heart breaking irony. I stuffed a few wads of 5's 10's 20's and 100's making a good 4,000$.

He has like a billion dollars in the bank and more stashes through out the house. He won't miss it.

I turned to the small balcony near the back of the house outside of our room.

I stood there calculating the drop and if he would see me. I listened and it sounded like he was in the kitchen. I listened fo the other members and they were all sleeping soundly.

I threw my bag into the thicket below and jumped transforming in mid air.

I walked back and grabbed my bag. I looked up and saw Blake leaning over the sink with tears in his eyes.  I felt my wolf howling in pain inside me. It took me all of my strength from going to him. I sighed and started with a run toward the forest once again.

I don't know how long i ran, but once i had gotten at least a state away I started paying attention to everything around me. My wolf was feeling something strange. I remember my mom tell me something. She said....... Damn it......... I couldn't get my train of thought to focus because my wolf was extremely catious. I sighed. I started to trot further into the area. In a daze. My wolf was freaking out she was going balistic inside my brain. I was about to freak out on her when i felt a net wrap around my body.

I felt my wolf slumped over in defeat giving me an I tried to tell you vibe. I felt fear rack my body as i looked up to my captors.

"Well, Ill be. You will make me a fine profit won't you?" A creepy southerner said.

I growled and started wresting the net trying to break free. 

"No you don't." I felt shocks and electricity run through my body as he poked me with his stupid cattle prod. While the hunter was dragging me to the car I debated whether to turn back into a human. I decided against it considering i would be nude.

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