Chapter 4

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Picture of Tyler on the side

Kira Palmer

It was tense to say the least. Standing around outside of Hollow Peak's enormous pack house surrounded by their pack members wasn't how I wanted to spend my evening.

Alpha Drake had gone into the pack house to talk to Hollow's Alpha, despite everyone else thinking it was a bad idea.

So here I was, staring at the front door of the pack house waiting for our Alpha to walk out. I was trying to scope out who I would go for in the fight.

The men were out of the question. There was no way I would be able to take any of them on. Preferably I would like to fight a girl around my age. Then again I don't think you really get to have a preference while you're in a war.

"This is taking too long." Beta Michael spat at the man from earlier. I glanced at him nervously. He was right.

The man simply raised an eyebrow and Beta Michael. "What's the matter? Scared your Alpha can't take care of himself?" I sucked in a breath. This was not going to be pretty.

"At least our alpha doesn't have the blood of innocents on his hands." Someone shouted from our group and the rest of the pack yelled in agreement. I was knocked over when our pack began to advance forward daring the man to say anything more against our Alpha.

No one paid me any mind, well no one from my pack at least. I was pulled up from the ground only to come face to face with a black haired muscular man. His eyes were a deep brown that could have easily trapped my attention if I wasn't so scared to look at him for too long. "Uh thanks." I said skeptically. I shrugged off his hold turned to see my brother and some guy yelling at each other feverishly. "They're really going at it." The man who helped me up stated. I looked back at him curiously and he chuckled. "I'm Parker." He held out his hand to shake.

"Kira." I told him without offering my hand. He laughed it off and dropped his hand.

"Your Alpha will be fine" He assured. I nodded and began to walk towards my brother. That was weird. Why was he nice?

I stood at my brother's side while he calmed down from his little hissy fit. I pretended to crack my neck just to get a look back at Parker. He seemed so normal. How could he be a killer?

Suddenly the front door opened and Alpha Drake walked out. I started to feel tingles in my body as my wolf tried to tell me something. She was probably just happy that our alpha is alright.

Well that's at least what I kept telling myself.

The next couple minutes was when things really lost control. The most beautiful man I had ever seen in my life walked out of the door beside alpha Drake and looked directly at me. I quickly dropped my head and inched behind Connor. "Mine." I heard the man whisper. "Mine." He spoke louder and gasps were heard around me. Nobody knew who he was talking about, until he starting walking right towards me. Connor gripped my arm and held me in my place behind him.

"Move." The dark haired god was not playing around as his voice alone sounding threatening.

"Not a chance psycho." Connor's tightened his hold and I left out a small whimper as my arm ached. I heard a growl and somehow knew it was my mate's. Connor loosened his hold just in time for someone to grab me from behind and pull me away from him.

"Hey!" I shouted at the stranger and released myself from their hold only to be trapped in the hold of my insanely attractive mate.

"Beautiful." He praised as he nuzzled his face into my neck.

"Get the hell off my sister!" Connor screamed as he was being held back by members of Hollow Peak. My mind was clouded. I wasn't understanding what was happening around me because I was too distracted by my mate.

"Alpha." A blonde man stepped towards us slowly.

That's when it hit me.

My mate was the Alpha of Hollow Peak.

My mate was a monster.

I struggled to break free of his hold and he growled at my attempts pulling me closer.

"Let go." I begged my voice sounding like a scared little girl. I wanted it to come out stronger but I couldn't get over the shock of what I had realized.

Why didn't I realize earlier that he was the alpha. Why else would he be coming out of the house with Alpha Drake.

I was somewhat aware of the arms around my waist slowly letting me go.

"Tyler." Alpha Drake called out.

My mate, who I learned was named Tyler, turned his head back towards my Alpha while keeping hold of my hand.

"This doesn't change anything." Alpha Drake stated and I watched as Tyler nodded.

"Get her out of here." Tyler ordered and I was soon approached by three men.

"No." I backed up until I hit someone's chest. "Stop!" I shrieked as I was being hoisted up and carried away from the scene. "Dad!" I yelled hopelessly and I saw the sadness in my father's eyes. I began to sob hysterically as I was dragged into the pack house and the door was shut behind me.

"Please let me go. You have to let me go." I heaved as I was pulled up the stairs.

"It's okay Luna. We'll keep you safe I promise."

My "Monster" MateWhere stories live. Discover now