Chapter 18

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Kira Palmer

A couple of hours and many tears after my disastrous phone call I realized I had been angered too quickly. My mother was being fed the same lies that I was when I was in Crescent Hill. It made sense to me now but for some reason any type of logic I normally had was thrown out the window when she had talked badly about Tyler. It was like something snapped inside of me as soon as she called him a monster. Now I remembered that my pack only knows Tyler as a monster. I couldn't blame her because I had thought the same as her not too long ago.

She probably thinks I'm some type of traitor now. In her mind I defended a man who was a killer. I knew I had to call her again and explain. I had to tell her the truth and about the war that would soon be coming, that is if she even answers the phone.

John had been no help whatsoever. I tried to vent to him about it and explain that I couldn't control how angry I had gotten. Through my long rant John simply shrugged telling me that "things will work out". He offered no sense of relief and most definitely didn't make me feel that things would in fact work out. I couldn't really blame him though, he wasn't the type to be emotional. Max had shown up at the house about an hour after my phone call and John had tried to explain that I wasn't in a great mood. Max had a hard time grasping the fact that I didn't want to play him in Fifa or join in on a volleyball game in the yard.

He ended up putting on a movie that I wasn't paying attention to at all but he seemed to be enjoying it. John had been rustling about in the kitchen but I wasn't sure what he was doing. He soon came back with a bowl of ice cream and a chocolate bar in his hand.

"Here." He thrusted the bowl into my hands and placed the chocolate bar in my lap.

Confused, I looked up at him, "what is this for?"

"I don't know. Don't girls like this stuff?" John awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck and moved far away from me before sitting down on the couch.

I couldn't contain my laughter when I connected the dots and realized why John had given me this. He glared at me making me feel bad for laughing.

"That's usually just when girls have their periods." I told him slightly laughing still. His face twisted with disgust.

"Seriously did not need to know that." He grumbled crossing his arms and leaning back into the couch.

I turned to look at Max who was also struggling to hold on his laughter.

"Thank you."  I spoke before taking a spoonful of ice cream.

John shrugged and waved me off trying not to make it a big deal. I smiled to myself, I think I'm softening him up.

After finishing my ice cream I noticed that I was in a bit of a better mood. I think it was just because John's gesture made me feel supported. He didn't know it, but we were going to be great friends eventually.

I heard the door open signaling that Tyler was home.

"Good afternoon Alpha." Max smiled. Tyler nodded at him with a small smile.

"You're free to go," Tyler told John and Max. "We'll see you tomorrow."

Are you going to be ok? I jumped at the voice that entered my head. I looked at John with wide eyes.

How can I hear you? I asked.

The mark. I hadn't realized that Tyler marked me would officially make me a member of the pack. I could now mind link with anyone in the pack and my ties with Crescent Hill were completely severed.

I'll be fine, I sent back.

I watched them leave before settling my eyes on Tyler who was coming towards me. He sat beside me and pulled me to him.

"Are you feeling better?" He murmured playing with my fingers.

"I called my mom." I confessed looking up at him to see his reaction.

"How did that go?" He tried to hide the surprise in his voice.

"I didn't get to tell her anything, she had to go out." I made sure the little white lie came out effortlessly.

"Well," Tyler said giving me a grin "speaking of moms, mine is coming here tonight."

"Wait what!" I exclaimed. His grin never dropped or faltered.

"You agreed you would meet her soon and as soon as my dad told her that she decided that they would come here and cook us dinner tonight." I groaned pulling away from him.

"What time?" I questioned looking at the clock to see it was already around 6:30.

"7:00 I think." He shrugged switching the channel on the tv. My eyes almost bulged out of my head.

"I have to get ready!" I yelled over my shoulder as I began running upstairs. I heard a slight laugh and rolled my eyes. Who gives a girl a half an hour to get ready? Talk about short notice. I rummaged through the closet trying to pick out an outfit. I had always had trouble picking out clothes considering all I ever wanted to wear was a pair of leggings and a t shirt.

I wasn't sure who bought all the clothes in my closet but they had much better taste than I did. I saw mostly dresses and skirts but I could make out a couple of pairs of jeans in the back.

Was there even one t shirt in here?

I decided on a casual light blue dress and quickly went to shower. I couldn't wash my hair because someone hadn't given me enough time.

After my five minute shower I decided on applying a light layer of makeup. I covered my eyelid with a light golden shimmer and tried to wing my eyeliner perfectly. Of course that ended with me wiping my eye and starting over multiple times. I brushed through my hair and went to pick a pair of flats.

They're here. Tyler's voice rang through my mind and the butterflies I felt were uncanny. It was the first time he had mind linked me and it made me feel like a 13 year old girl who just talked to her crush for the first time.

I quickly grabbed a pair of black flats and put them on. I hesitated before walking downstairs. I had never been more nervous about something in my life. I heard voices downstairs and I could easily tell the female voice, Tyler's mom was excited. Taking a deep breath I walked down the steps and towards the kitchen. I walked into the room and heard a squeal before I almost fell over from the force of someone throwing themselves at me in an embrace.

"Mom, go easy." Tyler frowned before untangling her arms from me and wrapping me in his instead.

"Sorry." His mother smiled "you're very beautiful. I hope that my son is making you happy here."

"Thank you and he is." I replied with a warm smile.

"Hello Kira." Peter stood next to his wife and put his arm around her shoulders.

"Hello." I acknowledged him.

"Well, obviously I'm Tyler mother, Anna, I thought us girls could make dinner and the boys can go wait in the other room. It will give us time to talk." Tyler's mother offered.

"Sounds great." I felt completely comfortable around Anna and I was happy that she hadn't intimidated me.

"Tyler let go of the girl already! You've had her to yourself long enough, it's time to share." Anna teased making Tyler scoff.

"Don't freak her out too much." He warned before letting me go and following his dad into the next room.

I looked at Anna who had somewhat of a mischievous smile on her face.

"Tell me everything!" She whisper yelled pulling my arm and leading me to the stove.

Just like that the feeling of comfort  faded as I was left to fend for myself. One look at Anna's face and I knew.

She wasn't letting me out of here until I told her everything about Tyler and I.

My "Monster" MateWhere stories live. Discover now