Chapter 11

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Kira Palmer

One Mississippi...

Two Mississippi...

Three Mississippi...

Four Mississippi...

Four seconds.

That's all it took for John to be standing across the table from me watching me eat.

I was angry that Tyler had sent John but I should have believed him when he said Max and Logan wouldn't be able to guard me anymore.

John wasn't friendly in the slightest and was all business and no fun.

I guess that was the point but it bothered me.

It bothered me that I was being treated like a child just because I wanted to go home.

It bothered me that Tyler expected me to accept him with open arms after all the stories and horrible things I've heard about this pack over the years.

It bothered me that he wouldn't tell me about my family and kept me on the outside.

Who is he to tell me I'm not ready to hear the truth?

But what bothered me the most, was that no matter how many stories I heard, no matter the things he may have done, I still wanted him.

I wanted him to kiss me and was disappointed when he didn't. I wanted him to trust me and tell me things because he knew that he could talk to me about anything he needed to. I wanted him to fully accept me and love me.

I knew it would be inevitable. I wouldn't be able to fight the bond for forever, it was too strong.

That didn't mean that I wouldn't fight it as long as possible.

I needed answers.

"Is there a library in here?" I asked John standing up from me seat.

"Yes." He answered simply.

"Well can you take me there?" I rolled my eyes and his one word answer.

Without another word John turned and walked out of the kitchen with me on his heels.

I followed him through the halls making many turns along the way until we finally were in front of the library.

As soon as I walked through the door I was amazed at the hundreds of book shelves that were all completely full. There were tables and computers with a small amount of pack members sitting at them. All of their eyes were on me so I thought it best to give them a small smile.

"What kind of book are you looking for?" John snapped me out of my trance.

"I wanted to read the packs history." I told him. He raised an eyebrow but began walking towards the back of the room.

"This is the history section. Everything should be here you just might have to dig for it." John pointed to the three book shelves we were now standing in front of as I nodded.

"Thanks." I said brushing my hand along the shelf scanning each book title.

The first book I skimmed was mainly facts about the pack, including past and present authority members and the numbers of wolves the pack has had since the beginning. It also told how the pack started which was basically the same for every pack.

The second book I read more in depth as it had more information to take in. It talked about a past Alpha named Mark who had come from a different pack and killed the rightful Alpha of Hollow Peak. Alpha Mark then took over Hollow and brought his small yet strong pack into their territory. It happened about 40 years ago and the pack was under Mark's control for three years was an extremely dark time in the packs history. It all ended with a man named Peter who challenged Mark to the death. Peter must have been strong because many before him died challenging Alpha Mark. Peter was the son of the previous Alpha that had been murdered. He was 20 years old when he challenged Mark and killed him in the process.

After these dark three years there was a change. The pack was stricter, they began harsh training daily and at a young age. They wanted soldiers to avoid something like that to happen again. They were focused on protecting what was rightfully theirs and I understood it. I couldn't imagine being taking over by a cruel Alpha that was impossible to get rid of.

I took a third book and discovered it was more recent than the rest. Peter remained Alpha for 36 years and then he stepped down for his son, Tyler, to take over the pack. This meant that Tyler had been Alpha for four years making him 22 years old.

"Are you done yet?" I heard John ask from his spot in the corner. I quickly shut the book and walked over to place it back in the shelf.

"You can take it with you if you didn't finish." John told me as I was about to put it back.

"Okay cool." We walked back to my room so I could put the book down.

I didn't exactly want to leave it right out in the open for Tyler to find so I put it in a drawer next to the bed.

John and I then went to the living room and sat on one of the couches to watch tv. We had spent 2 and a half hours in the library without me even knowing about it. John sat as far as possible fully on the end of the couch but I didn't take it personal.

My eyes began to droop about an hour into the movie I had been watching and I heard a door closing in the background. I wasn't completely asleep yet I wasn't fully awake.

"She didn't try anything?" I heard Tyler question softly. If my eyes were open they would have been rolled at that point.

"She wanted to go to the library, looked up pack history." Snitch.

"Be here at 9 tomorrow morning." I heard Tyler tell John as I was lifted into his strong arms. I shifted slightly when he picked me up and cuddled my face into his shoulder.

The last thing I remembered was a sweet kiss against my forehead.

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