Chapter 22

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Kira Palmer

When I heard the door open downstairs signaling the arrival of John and Max I couldn't bring myself to go join them.

I was angry at Tyler but I also was proud that he was so protective and careful with the pack. No matter what anyone says about him, they can't take away the fact that he's a great Alpha. I felt incredibly conflicted because I wanted to yell at him and freak out on him for putting my brother in the position he was in. I also knew that the wasn't exactly the most logical option.

My internal monologue was interrupted by a knock on the door. Before I even answered, John took it upon himself to waltz right in.

"No more sulking." He told me narrowing his eyes.

"I'm not sulking." I scoffed.

John gave me a look which made me realize he knew I was full of it.

"Ok maybe I am a little bit," I gave in, "but what's it to you anyway?"

"I don't want to be stuck with Max alone. The kid's annoying and when you're there he talks to me less." John's reply seemed to be planned and I questioned if that was the true reason.

"Easy there, your lie is showing." I joked half heartedly.

"Ok fine I like you better when you're not all sad and frowning." John confessed as if he was telling me he committed murder.

I laughed loudly, "Aw Johnny boy likes me." I cooed attempting to squeeze his cheeks.

He swatted my hands away irritated and mumbled words I didn't catch.

"If you tell anyone I'll deny it." He warned but I could see the pinkish tint on his cheeks.

I laughed once again and brushed past him. I turned when I noticed he didn't move.

"Well come on then." I urged causing his to roll his eyes.

As soon as we entered the kitchen Max jumped up from his seat.

"Kira! Tyler mentioned you weren't in the best mood so I thought maybe you'd want to watch a chick flick? I brought The Notebook if you feel like crying, I know girls like that sometimes." His excitement seemed like it was too much for him to handle.

I let out a small laugh and nodded, "that's sweet Max." I ruffled his hair causing him to groan.

I walked into the living room with Max and John following behind. I sat and watched as Max began to set up the movie. John surprised me when he took a seat on the couch next to me instead of the one across the room.

"How is your brother doing?" John asked quietly.

I turned my head towards him and tried to stop my eyes from becoming watery. "He'll be alright. He's sleeping now."

I must have had an unsure look on my face because John was still waiting for another response.

"He isn't upset at what happened here." I told him still feeling my confusion from earlier.

"What is he upset about?" John pressed.

"He said something about having a hand in it all. My dad is pretty good friends with Alpha Derek and Connor seems to think he's been doing their dirty work." I confessed.

"What kind of dirty work?" John's question came out as a demand.

"He didn't specify. Like I said, he's upset and what he was saying wasn't making sense." I shrugged.

"You need to find out. We need to know what they know." I was growing irritated and regretting even telling John what Connor had said.

"I'll talk to him when he's back to normal." I made an attempt to end the conversation.

"You shouldn't be mad with the Alpha you know." John nudged my shoulder.

"I know." I replied nudging him back.

"But you still are?" I almost laughed at the strange look on his face.


"Women." He muttered causing me to laugh.

"Will you two be quiet? I've never seen this before and I want to know what happens to Noah and Allie." Max interrupted.

"They die old and in bed together holding hands." John shot at him.

Max immediately covered his ears,"why would you spoil the ending?" He yelled.

"Why do you even know the ending?" I asked laughing.

"I watched it with my sister once." John told me rolling his eyes.

By the end of the movie Max was crying and I had a few tears running down my face. I had seen the movie so many times but it still made me cry. John on the other hand remained completely unaffected by the whole ending scene.

"Do you have a heart?" Max sniffed wiping away at his eyes.

"It's not real and I've already seen it. The ending isn't a surprise, I knew what was coming,"John responded "plus I'm a grown man."

"I'm manly," Max protested. "Kira, tell him I'm manly."

"He's manly." I told John.

"Wow our Luna is a little liar aren't you?" John actually joked.

"Shut up." I pushed on his shoulder making him fall back on the couch.

"Kira?" I heard softly coming from my brother.

My head shot up to the stair case to see him standing on the bottom of the steps.

"Hey! How are you feeling?" I jumped up sounding way too enthusiastic. To be honest I freaked myself out with my tone.

"Better." Connor answered giving a small smile before looking over John and Max.

"Oh! These are my guards. This is Max," I pointed, "and this is John."

"I'm Kira's brother Connor, but you probably know that already." Connor rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Nice to meet you." John stated.

Connor simply nodded back and I could tell he felt uncomfortable.

"Dude," Max dragged out," you've got some badass bruises."

I turned to glare at Max but stopped when I heard Connor chuckle.

"I want to say you should see the other guy but I'd be lying." Connor seemed to relax more and came to sit on my opposite side.

We all made small talk for awhile before John seemed to get distracted.

"I'll be back in a little bit." John pushed up from his seat.

"Where are you going?" I asked curiously.

"Alpha needs me for something. It won't take long." He replied quickly before making his way out of the room and to the door.

"That was weird." I mumbled.

"Hey! Do you know what I just realized?" Max exclaimed making me jump.

"What?" Connor and I asked in unison.

"John doesn't even have a sister! How could he of watched The Notebook with his sister if he doesn't even have a sister?" Max held his stomach and toppled over from laughter.

I quickly joined in and Connor sat looking confused.

"I never saw the notebook." Connor hummed.

"They die old and in bed together holding hands," Max repeated the same words John had told him, "tragic really."


Sorry about the long wait for this one!

This chapter is mainly a filler just to show that Kira, John and Max are bonding.

Feedback is always appreciated :)

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