Chapter 10

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Kira Palmer

I felt guilty and I couldn't shake it. My stomach had an unsettling feeling and my chest felt heavy. All this because I upset my mate?

I waited while Tyler showered and thought over the argument we had just had.

I didn't think I was wrong. I didn't intend for him to shut down like that, but I wanted him to know how I feel here. He's suffocating.

The way his face dropped and his eyes grew dull.... I didn't think my words would hurt him like that.

He was tired.

The water came to a halt and I heard the glass door of the shower slide open.

I wanted to know what happened to Logan and Max. I wondered if they were given a punishment. I thought about simply going downstairs to see if they were still here but decided against it considering I had an extremely protective alpha who wouldn't let me do anything.

I heard the bathroom door open but I fixed my eyes else where.

I didn't want to see the look on his face. I also didn't want to feel even more guilty than I already did.

"Let's go downstairs." Tyler attempted to make it sound like an offer but I knew it wasn't a suggestion.

I stood silently and walked past him as he held the bedroom door open. He was following close behind me as I made my way down the front steps and walked into the kitchen.

"Are you hungry?" Tyler asked shuffling around in the cabinets. I shook my head no and sat down at the counter.

"Are you not talking to me now?" Tyler raised an eyebrow as he took out a pot and began to boil water.

"Where are Max and Logan?" I ignored his question and answered with my own.

"Doing their jobs for the pack." Tyler replied shrugging.

"Which is?" I pressed.

"Nothing that concerns you." His eyes shot to mine as he began to become irritated.

"You don't like giving me answers about anything." I stood to make my exit when he came to me and pushed me back down into my seat.

"What else have I not given you an answer about?" He bit sharply.

"What happened with my pack? Where did they all go so fast? Why did you say I grew up with a pack of murderers?" I could have went on but he held his hand up to stop me.

"I told you your pack was fine." He told me.

"That still doesn't answer my questions." I crossed my arms. "Did you give my pack members back?"

Tyler looked at me with a guarded expression. "No." He began to pour pasta in the now boiling water.

"Why not?" I asked incredulously.

"They came here with intentions to harm my pack. I'm not letting them go for that. I should have killed them already." He eyes once again began to grow stormy.

"What are you talking about? They wouldn't just come attack your pack." I tried to reason.

"Well they did." Tyler snapped.

"Why?" I questioned leaning my arms on the counter.

"Because we know the truth." He muttered with disgust.

"What truth?" I had never been more curious.

He didn't respond right away and I knew it was because he was thinking about what to say next.

"You're not ready." He answered. "And I can't trust you yet."

I felt a slight pang in my chest. He didn't trust me, not that I had given him a reason to. I didn't trust him either but it seemed too serious and important to be left out of the loop.

He turned to empty the pot in a strainer and placed it in a bowl. "There's sauce and butter in the fridge, I don't know which you prefer." He told me moving to make his exit.

I reached out and grabbed his hand before he could go too far. He stiffened at the contact and turned to look back at me.

"I have work to do." I heard him tell me but I was too focused on our hands. Even the smallest touch had me feeling like some annoying clingy girl who never wanted to let go.

"Kira." Tyler snapped me out of my trance and I looked to see his eyes darkening. For the first time it wasn't because of anger, it was lust.

I let go of his hand and lamely dropped my arms to the side. "Sorry." I mumbled looking away. I felt the heat rushing in my cheeks.

I was then pulled out of my chair and into a warm embrace. I didn't know how to react. Tyler's head nuzzled into my neck and he kissed the base of my neck. "I want to mark you." He huskily whispered.

I stiffened in his arms and tried to pull back resulting in a low growl from him. I tried to ignore how natural it felt to be in his arms. I tried to ignore how amazing it felt to have his lips on my neck, the spot that was meant to be marked. "Not now, please." I told him softly running my hands through his hair.

He moved his head to look at me. His eyes focused on my lips. It was that moment that I realized I actually wanted him to kiss me. I wanted to know what kissing him felt like.

I waited for it to come.

I waited for him to lean in and capture my lips with his.

The moment never came.

Tyler pulled away completely and repeated the same line as he left the room. I have work to do.


Kind of a short update but I hope you're all liking the story so far :)

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