Chapter 27

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Kira Palmer

My eyes fluttered open at the feeling of small sparks running across my back. My clouded mind hardly processed that the sparks were coming from Tyler's fingers. I slowly became more aware of what had occurred and the blush immediately rose to my cheeks. I turned my head so that my face was hidden by Tyler's chest. The small laugh that came from him in response made my heart flutter.

"Good morning beautiful." Tyler's soft voice spoke as he moved his hand to play with my hair.

Once again I moved my head, this time to be able to see him properly. I shyly met my eyes with his for a few seconds before diverting my eyes back down to his naked chest. His flawless naked chest.

My observations were cut short as I was flipped over rather quickly. I let out a small gasp, now being beneath Tyler. His body was caging mine, both of his arms remained locked next to my sides leaving little to no room for movement. We were face to face, so close that I could feel his breath fanning across my face. Before making this observation I didn't even realize that I was holding my own breath.

"Why are you hiding from me?" Tyler rose his eyebrow briefly passing across my lips with his.

"I'm not." I spoke confidently and quickly.

"No?" Tyler smirked running his finger down my chest. I tried to contain my reaction but the shiver my body shook was inevitable.

I knew it was time that I stopped making a fool of myself. The idea that popped into my head would definitely do the trick.

"No." I muttered softly before raising my head to meet his. I attached our lips wrapping my hand behind his neck pulling him back down with me.

This kiss felt different than they had felt before. Tyler's kisses had always made me weak, always made my heart jump slightly. This kiss however felt like an explosion of endless fireworks erupting all over me. I almost forgot my entire reasoning for this kiss, becoming too distracted by his lips. I deepened the kiss further causing him shut down his thoughts.

Just when I knew I had him under my control I pushed him back over and rolled to be back on top. As soon as I regained my previous position I pulled my head back removing my lips from his. I took in his flustered expression and smirked to myself.

"You ok? You look a little out of it." I joked not able to keep the smirk off my face.

"Very funny," Tyler mumbled, "remember who's in charge here, love."

"In charge?" I questioned rolling my eyes.

"I'm still the Alpha." Tyler told me squeezing my sides making me squeal.

"Hey!" I yelped slapping his hands away.

"You started all of this." Tyler answered back just as cheeky.

"Whatever." I groaned letting myself collapse next to him. I stayed facing Tyler admiring his features. I still wasn't completely over how beautiful he was. He turned to face me and wrapped his arm around me pulling me closer.

"It feels different." I whispered resting my forehead back on his chest.

"I know," Tyler spoke softly, "it's because we're really one now."

Just as I was about to respond we were interrupted by a loud knock on the door.

"Tyler open up." Logan's voice sounded urgent and I was confused as to why he hadn't mind linked Tyler if he needed his attention so badly.

"One second." Tyler immediately jumped out of bed and put on a pair of sweatpants.

I took this opportunity to wrap myself in the blankets before getting up and going to the closet. I was still able to hear to mumbled voices of Logan and Tyler as I was getting dressed. When I was finally decent I took it upon myself to open the bedroom door to see what they were talking about in the hall. As soon as I opened the door they both looked at me and stopped their conversation. I knew something wasn't right, I saw it in Tyler's eyes, I felt it in the pit of my stomach.

"What's going on?" I didn't even try to hide my worried tone. Logan removed his eyes from mine and looked over at Tyler. Tyler remained to look skeptical to let me in.

"Tell me." I demanded. When I noticed Tyler wasn't going to budge I turned my attention to Logan.

"One of our neighboring packs heard about the feud we have going on with Crescent." Logan broke.

I raised my eyebrow slightly, "and that's a big deal because...?"

"The Alpha of White Creek is now requesting a meeting of sorts, he wants to know the story. It's yet another complication I have to deal with." Tyler's voice remained steady but I sensed his discomfort with the idea.

"White Creek? Why would they care?" As usual, I was confused.

"For starters, they're our neighbors, they may think that a war on our land will reach into theirs. There's also the fact that Landon loves getting involved in violent affairs." Logan told me.

"You think he'll want to get involved?" I asked.

"We know he'll want to get involved, the question is which side he'll join. He's never been one to make a logical decision and if they get White Creek on their side we're done for." Tyler growled when Logan spoke his last line.

"We wouldn't be done for," Tyler snapped, "we'd just need to make sure we found some stronger allies."

"Nothing you need to worry your pretty little head about, run along with John and Max while we stress and pull our hair out." Logan smiled and patted my head.

"Don't belittle me," I slapped away his hands, "I want to help." I focused my attention on Tyler as I said this.

He immediately shook his head in response. "This is serious Kira, I don't have the time to fight with you."

"Why can't I be involved?" I crossed my arms and felt my body heat up with anger.

"You can. You can come and meet Landon because it's the proper thing to do." Tyler left little room to argue.

"And after I meet him?" I pressed.

"Then you'll stay with Max and John while he and I try to work something out."

It felt like a slap in the face. Tyler and I had been making so much progress and now all of a sudden he doesn't want me to help him anymore? I was pissed off to put it lightly.

"Sorry. I have no interest in meeting him. You can do this all on your own and I'll stay with my two lovely unmated guards." I made a move to walk past Tyler and go downstairs when he gripped my arm and pulled me back.

"I'm asking you not to fight with me. I need you to meet him otherwise it's a sign of disrespect if I don't let him meet the Luna of this pack. I also don't appreciate you throwing the unmated aspect of Max and Logan in my face, I can have that changed very quickly." Tyler's voice rose slightly at the end and I knew it hit a nerve.

"Fine," I pulled my arm out of his hold, "only because I don't want to mess this up for the pack." I emphasized.

I hadn't even noticed that Logan had taken it upon himself to be excused. I was slightly grateful he hadn't witnessed our whole encounter.

"I don't want you mad at me. We had a great morning can we please just stop this." Tyler tried.

"You'll have to make it up to me somehow." I shrugged before making my way downstairs, leaving him to stare after me.

HEY GUYS!!!!!!

Don't hate me I know I haven't updated in a long time but things got a little crazy and I really needed to focus on school. ANYWAY I'm on break now for a month so expect a lot more of these updates :)

Merry Christmas!!!!!!

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