Chapter 13

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Kira Palmer

It was impossible for me to focus on any conversation Max had tried to start. I felt bad for not listening to him but I was too focused thinking about what Tyler and Peter could be talking about.

I would have been at ease if John had said that Peter visiting was a common occurrence. I also would have been at ease if I didn't pick up on the way Tyler's whole body was tense as he held me to him while introducing his father and I. Maybe it was a mate thing, but I had a bad feeling that I couldn't shake or explain.

"Ease up Kira." John nudged me and Max stopped talking.

"Were you even listening to me?" Max asked me with a smile.

"No I'm sorry." I shook my head slightly with a sheepish grin. "I'm just worried."

"There's nothing to worry about. It's just a father and son talk, I'm sure everything is fine." Max told me.

I nodded but I wasn't convinced.

"Let's play those board games now." I said placing myself on the floor. Max followed happily and started setting up Monopoly.

"John you're playing." I gave him a stern glance and waited for him to come join us.

"I'll pass." He told me not even looking at me.

"Passing isn't an option. As your Luna I order you to come play." I emphasized Luna. John started mumbling under his breath as he got up and sat on the floor next to Max.

"I call being the money bag!" Max yelled causing me to laugh.

"John! You have 1 yellow and I have 2 yellows you have to trade me! I told you I would give you a red and then you would have two reds! That's a fair trade just take it!" Max was actually angry John was refusing his trade.

"Exactly I'll only have two reds and then I would have to trade Kira to get her red. Seems like too much of a hassle." John was taking the game a little too seriously.

"Kira would love to trade you her red! Wouldn't you Kira?" Max looked at me expectantly.

"You can have my red if you trade me Park Place." I told John.

"No way! Once you get hotels on Boardwalk and Park Place the game is over!" Max yelled.

"I thought you wanted me to make a deal." I said confused.

"Yeah but not one that will just hurt me in the future!" Max fought back.

We were interrupted by someone clearing their throat. The three of us quickly turned our heads to see the person who I hadn't even realized I missed.

"Logan!" I jumped up and ran to hug him. He returned my hug by wrapping his arms around my waist.

After a few seconds Logan pulled away. "I'll be back in a little and we can talk but Tyler needs me right now."

"Why is something wrong?" I asked nervous and noticed that Max and John both were paying close attention now.

"Everything's fine." Logan smiled and walked to Tyler's office.

"Can I worry now?" I turned to Max who simply shrugged. I could tell he was a little worried as well.

About a half an hour later Tyler, Peter and Logan finally emerged.

"Kira it was nice meeting you." Peter told me as Tyler was ushering him to the front door.

"Likewise." I smiled half heartedly.

Tyler let his father out and Logan dropped himself on the couch next to Max. Tyler stood in front of me and picked me up. I was then placed on his lap as he sat on the couch. I wiggled trying to get off. "I need to calm down. Let me hold you." Tyler growled.

"Calm down from what?" I questioned turning in his lap to see his face.

"You might as well tell them." Logan shrugged.

"My father wants our pack to go into war." Tyler told us.

"And you don't agree with him?" John asked. I could see the curiosity in his eyes.

"I used to." Tyler sounded almost strained. "Things have changed."

"Alpha, I think that if this war would help our pack and get rid of an enemy it's worth it." John gave his opinion.

"I don't like fighting." I mumbled looking at Tyler's face. I happened to be very close to his face at that moment and I could see the small specs of yellow in his eyes.

"Fighting is necessary for survival." John but in. I shook my head and let out a soft scoff.

"Why don't you agree with him? What's changed?" Max spoke for the first time since Tyler had come into the room.

Tyler's eyes flicked to me for a slight second and my stomach dropped. I watched as he tried to come up with a response.

"What pack does you father want to go to war with?" I whispered already knowing the answer.

Tyler was refusing to look me in the eyes and I knew he was stalling.

"Tyler." I pleaded touching his chest lightly.

"Crescent Hill." Tyler spoke with regret in his eyes. "He wants to go to war with Crescent Hill."

I simply stared at him trying to wrap my head around it. We couldn't go to war with my home pack. My family was there, my friends were there, it was my home.

"Kira?" Tyler snapped me out of my inner monologue.

"What did you tell him?" I demanded.

"We agreed to think about it." Logan spoke for Tyler.

"You'll think about it?" I gasped trying to get myself off of Tyler's lap.

"My father is right with all of his reasoning and war with your pack would be justified. The only thing stopping me is that it would upset you." Tyler told me softly as he rubbed his hand across my cheek.

"How would war with my pack be justified? They haven't done anything!" My voice raised.

"You don't know the half of it." Tyler chuckled humorlessly.

"Know the half of what? I hate when you do that! It's your fault I don't know anything because you won't tell me!" I yelled.

Tyler's eyes grew black as he lightly pushed me off of his lap. "We'll talk later. I have to get back to work and I'm not having this conversation with an audience."

"Can't wait." I scoffed.

I watched as Logan left with Tyler with hard eyes. The awkward silence I was left in was not my favorite moment. Max came and sat next to me. He smiled at me softly. I rested my head against his shoulder squeezing my eyes shut.

"It'll be okay." Max told me.

I wasn't so sure.




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