Possessive Boyfriend - AmaLuz (F)

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This was a request for Tech_Blue_  The request was for AmaLuz, with an Ama who acts like an angel in front of others, but acts like a pervert/psycho in front of Luz...and my brain went and added a splash of yandere in there while trying to think of a good plot because I was stuck on this for a while *sobs* I HOPE THIS IS OKAY ENOUGH FOR YOUR REQUEST

My first time writing Ama so I hope it's okay?

Do I call this fluff? I don't actually know what to label this as, because its a little questionable and I just- I'll keep it as fluff but warn you, I don't even know what I was writing while doing this



"Luz...repeat after me." Amatsuki stares at his taller boyfriend dressed in his school uniform and raises a hand as if asking his boyfriend to swear an oath, not something simple.

"I will not act like a lost puppy and follow others around. I will not unconsciously flirt with others. And I will only show my love to my boyfriend whom I so dearly." Once the brunet finishes speaking, he innocently smiles and waits for the other to repeat, which he does with a soft sigh and a gentle smile.

And why was Amatsuki doing this?

Because his lost puppy would do exactly what he didn't want him to do if he didn't! Then again...knowing him he probably would do it without even realizing it. Perhaps Amatsuki needed to follow Luz around for the day to point out everything his boyfriend did wrong afterwards.

Did that make him a little too possessive? Perhaps...but did he care? Not a single bit.

Once everything was repeated, Luz folded his invisible puppy ears down as if he sensed he had done something wrong and wrapped his arms around Amatsuki's shoulders. "I'm sorry for being a bother."

Eyes widening in surprise, Amatsuki chuckles and pats Luz on the head with one hand. "You're anything but a bother to me~ Only other people that threaten to take your attention away are." The hand that pat Luz's head slid down to caress his pale cheeks that soon gained a soft red blush.

"If I could get rid of every distraction, I could have every single second with you...but alas I can't..." Amatsuki pouts to himself like a child before a big grin takes over his face.

"Yet at least~"

"Please don't actually kill anyone." Luz shakes his head and plants a kiss on his boyfriend's cheeks, hoping it would calm him down.

"I'm yours, and only yours."

Luz's actions did help to calm Amatsuki down, but not quite enough. In fact, it spurred him on to do a little more before the bell for class rang. Burying a hand in bleached blond hair, Amatsuki pulls Luz closer and presses their lips together, stealing a kiss as the rather loud chimes of the bell rang through their ears.

At least they were in a less frequented corner of the school, hidden by lockers. Not that either would have terribly minded if they were caught.

Licking Luz's lips as he pulled away, Amatsuki admired the blushing mess he made of his boyfriend and hummed in victory as he took a few steps back. "Remember what I said~ I'll be watching to see if you keep your word or not."

Taking a deep breath, Luz sighed and watched his boyfriend leave, following shortly after to his own class.

And most people thought this psychopath to be an angel. If only they knew.


For his first lesson, Luz had a singing class, which he took with a friend of his: Meychan. They weren't too close, but they were close enough to always be by each other's side in the class, to always choose each other as duet partners.

Luz always admired how bright and emotional his friend was. No matter what, he was always somehow able to smile while in his presence. And just that was amazing to him.

And just that was enough to piss Amatsuki off.

While in the middle of a free singing practice, Meychan was loudly singing his part, not noticing the pencil that came flying straight towards his eye with impeccable aim until it flew right past him as he dramatically posed to fit the mood of the song.

"EH!?" The brunet stops and suddenly darts his head around, very confused. He only grew more so when he noticed the fear on Luz's face.


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