Hickey - ShimaSen/SenShima - (F)

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I would like to say, while I was thinking of a ship to do this for, I thought of my wonderful waifu, so this questionable oneshot is dedicated to her  Gaming_Crystal3099

Context for this! So earlier, Shima had a stream...where someone was talking about hickeys...and then it escalated into him talking about a hickey giving event. And I WISH I WAS KIDDING. So my brain came up with this afterwards and I just...I don't even know anymore. Blame Shima for this oneshot not me

I don't know what to call this. Fluff? It's not really smut but like?? If you're a small child beware of Shima because Shima himself deserves a warning I feel ww If you're not comfortable reading hickey's being given, don't read. That's the extent this goes

This is a mess, I ship this pairing both ways very hard so this also is me wanting to show that off www I guess I hope you all enjoy!


"Hmm..." Shima hummed to himself while scrolling through the comments of his streams, debating on which he wanted to talk about next. Obviously he couldn't respond to everything, so he had to take his pick on topics that stood out the most to him.

So when his eyes noticed one that had the word 'hickey' in it, it greatly got his attention, forcing a smirk to curl onto his face.

'Hey, Shima? You know how some do handshake events? What if, you did a more adult version...something like a hickey giving event? Or let the fans give you hickeys?' One comment left as a playful suggestion. It wasn't at all rare for these sorts of things to happen in his streams.

'Hickeys? Oh! What if you charged extra for them! I would pay!' Another comment chimes in excitedly.

"A hickey giving event hm?" Shima chuckles to himself and jokingly ponders the idea. "That sounds like a lot of work...but it also does sound rather exciting~" Ever the flirt, Shima hummed out the last part in his soft, husky voice that his fans adored in his 'chatting' streams such as this. It contrasted heavily to the higher pitched and louder tone he used whenever around his friends.

Unbeknownst to the fans, Senra was sitting on Shima's bed, rolling his eyes at all of Shima's cheesy lines while scrolling through his phone. Really, he should have known better than to be here while his boyfriend streamed, though it was too late to leave and now he was forced to suffer.

'Um...I've never had a hickey before. My partner never liked the idea of leaving such obvious marks but I'm curious...would Shima mind showing pictures of what they look like, or share what it sounds like to get one?' One fan daringly asked, even getting Shima to widen his eyes in surprise.

"Hmm...Ah~ I feel very giving today...but you all must promise to tip me lots for this. My partner conveniently happens to be here today...I'll send you all a picture on line if you send me the keyword 'hickey' later. I can't promise they'll make noise for you-" Shima starts off, lifting himself from his chair and turns towards Senra. "But I promise to leave a beautiful mark on their skin just for you ladies~"

Realizing that Shima had gotten up, a little distracted, Senra blinked his eyes a few times before scooting backwards on the bed, frightened slightly at Shima's smirk and the bits of the conversation he did hear. "Maashi...you aren't serious are you-" Senra whispers, placing one of his hands on the smaller male's chest in an effort to push him back but made no progress.

"I'm completely serious. You may wish to lower your voice, or they might figure out it's you~" Shima grins wider, leans closer to Senra, places a kiss to his cheek then attaches his lips to the clear, pale expanse of his neck. Gently, the older sucked, nibbling here and there, enjoying the reactions he pulled out from the younger man. He could feel the blond melting beneath him at even simple touches like this.

"Ah~!" Senra cried out, careful not to whimper out his lover's nickname, or else the fans hidden behind the screen may be able to tell just from that. It was bad enough they heard his moans! Were they feminine enough to sound like someone else's? Then again...Senra didn't know if he liked the idea of pretending to be not himself just to hide from their fans. He was conflicted.

Noticing Senra getting distracted, Shima bit down on his neck and slipped his hands beneath his shirt, forcing the taller male to flush red, pulling away before things could escalate further. This wasn't a damn AV!

Looking towards his screen and away from Senra, Shima whistled in amazement as he noticed just how many tips came in while he was away. It seemed that they in fact, could hear Senra's moans.

'Go Shima! She sounds cute!'

'I'm embarrassed...should we even be listening to this?'

While Shima was distracted, Senra composed himself, crawled closer to Shima and blew a teasing puff of air into his ear. "My turn~ Let them hear you too, so they know for certain you're taken, and that it isn't one way~" With that, Senra sinks his teeth into Shima's neck and begins to suck with more force the older man did, his ears drinking in the sweet noises Shima made in response.

"W-wait a minu-hah~ Feels...good!" Shima tilted his head away from Senra, giving him more space to do as he wished, loving every second of this. He knew very well how possessive Senra was...and sometimes he purposefully did things like this just to see if he could rile his boyfriend up.

And it worked.

Senra refused to stop until there was a big, gross purple marking on Shima's neck, a darker color than the man's hair and smirked, gracing his hickey with a gentle kiss. "Make sure you show them this, and tell them that you're happily in a relationship~"

"What else would I have said?" Shima turns to took Senra in the eyes warmly, bringing their lips together in a chaste kiss before pulling away and heads back towards his computer to read through some of the latest comments.

'Oh my! Even Shima can moan like that!

'His partner must not have liked Shima's one handed treatment in front of us www'

'Make sure you show us the pictures! I hope you and your girlfriend have a wonderful relationship!"

Shima chuckled to himself, amused with the fact that everyone thought Senra was a female judging by his moan. "Wait for me ladies~ I'll take pictures and have everything set for you later. I hope you enjoyed the little show~ I must depart now, before someone jumps me because I made them wait too long. Good night~" With that, he ended the stream.

"Really? A woman?" Senra folded his arms over his chest and pouted. "I don't see it."

"Have you not heard yourself moan?" Shima laughs, even more amused.

"No. I'm too busy listening to your moans to pay attention to any of my own~" Senra turns his pout into a smirk and pats the space on the bed beside him, urging Shima to join him.

Flushing pink, Shima eagerly complies and rushes over. "A hickey giving event~ Why don't I have a personal one with you?"

"As if it would ever just go one way." Senra rolls his eyes, pushing Shima down, starting their night of 'fun' inspired by fans and their interesting comments. 

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