The Best Present - ShimaSen (F)

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We did a little secret Santa thing in one of the servers I'm in and fond of, and I had the sweet marysa04045 She likes ShimaSen, so ShimaSen I wrote hehe~ I hope you enjoy ^^ It's very short...I didn't have much time to write it until very close to Christmas and the deadline so I panicked and the plot I had was very short anyway. I hope I got the timing about correct when it turns for her ww

Anyway, fluffy ShimaSen Christmas~ I hope you all enjoy and have a wonderful Christmas if you celebrate, or a Happy Holidays in general!

Word count- 702


For Christmas, Senra had absolutely no idea what to get his beloved partner for a gift and found himself endlessly staring down random items at the store he was currently in at the moment to find what he would consider the best present. 

What did Shima even like?

Something expensive perhaps?

But they both promised not to spend a lot of money this year..

Food? He could cook something but there were too many options to choose from and no time left after he waited until Christmas Eve to find his so-called gift.

"Excuse me...sir? The store is closing soon. Holiday hours and all. I can give you a few more minutes to look but then I have to meet my wife for dinner." The shop owner turns to the confused Senra apologetically.

Nodding his head in turn, Senra sighs and finally decides on the softest, most expensive pair of gloves he could find...which wasn't saying too much but it was the thought that counted!

After purchasing the rather simple gift, Senra rushes off to where he and Shima had promised to meet for the start of their date that evening.

Right beneath the Christmas tree in the park they both passed on the way home from work. It was cheesy...but wasn't that what Christmas for couples was meant to be?

As he saw that familiar head of purple hair, Senra's pace increased, his rather long legs making up the rest of the distance easily for him to place him right by Shima's side. "Maashi...I'm sorry I was late. I was looking for your gift." The blond pants softly as he spoke to show that his words were true.

" know I would wait all night for you. You don't have to apologize." Shima chuckles and leans up to press a kiss to Senra's cheek, turning his cheeks a soft pink.

"That's embarrassing to say, stop that." Senra sighs and rubs his hands together. He had forgotten his own gloves at home and it was rather cold outside. But brushing that off, he pulls out Shima's gift and hands it over with a smile.

"Merry Christmas Maashi. It isn't much, but I hope they keep you warm."

Smiling warmly, Shima happily accepts his gift and puts on just one glove before offering the other glove to Senra innocently.

Tilting his head to the side, rather confused, Senra frowns at this. "But your other hand will be cold. Keep it."

"No. Put it on Sen-chan." Shima urges, earning a sigh and a shrug from Senra.

"I don't really understand why you're doing this, you'll still be cold-" Senra whines until he gets cut off as Shima takes his uncovered hand in his own and as if he was waiting for this moment, while Senra was distracted Shima slid on a small ring onto Senra's ring finger before taking his hand innocently and slid both into his coat pocket.

"I won't be cold if I do this~"

"Maashi...what was that..." Senra's face slowly grows brighter and brighter in color as he realizes what had just happened, frozen in place.

"I don't know what you could possibly mean~" Shima hums innocently still as if he had done nothing at all.

"Maashi..." Within a matter of seconds, warm tears floof down his eyes , warming his cold cheeks as he let out some of his emotions. "Maashi we said we wouldn't get expensive gifts..."

Chuckling, Shima pulls his beloved into a hug with his gloved hand. "I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself. A better gift from you...could be a good answer~"

"I should tell you no for doing it like this." Senra sticks his tongue out childishly before frantically nodding his head.

"Yes...Maashi...yes! I want to marry you. More than anything."

"That alone is the best Christmas present." Shima sighs, hugging Senra tight before pulling away, giving the hand still held captive in his pocket a squeeze. "That and getting to hold your hand~"

"Maashi! Stop it!" Senra whines more, slapping the shorter male on the arm before moving closer to him again and whispering a soft, "I love you."

"I love you too Sen-chan. Forever and always." 

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