The Sweetest Treat - ShimaSaka (F)

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This one here is a Valentine's gift for my lovely wife Gaming_Crystal3099 I know, it shocked me too that I didn't write SenShima www But I hope you enjoy it Crystal, I love yoouuuu

This has like, no plot. My brain is dead. I just threw fluff in and wrote random crap ww

Word count - 648


"Maa-chan~ Say aah~!" Sakata giggles while holding out a piece of chocolate in front of his boyfriend's lips.

Just earlier, they had 'attempted' to make a bunch of chocolates together. It didn't end the greatest. They looked messy, the edges were a little burnt but other than that, at least they were still edible!

This was probably because rather than watching the chocolate, they were too busy flirting and making out in the kitchen, playing with the flour, getting it in each other's hair.

"Aahh~" Shima opened his mouth, letting Sakata drop the piece of chocolate into his parted lips.

"Your turn now...Saka-chan~" Shima grins, picking up another piece of their chocolate mess, holding it up for Sakata to take.

But when Sakata opened his mouth and waited, he only found no chocolate was given to him. "Maa-chan?"

"It's right here Saka-chan~" Innocently, Shima waves the chocolate a little further away, making Sakata pout and lean closer...only for the chocolate to be moved away from him once more.

"Maa-chan! You're so mean!" The redhead whines, only to meet lips on his within a matter of seconds, cutting off his complaints with a kiss. Though, it wasn't just a kiss Sakata was given. In Shima's mouth he had placed the chocolate just before, so now he pushed it through both sets of lips, letting it slide into Sakata's mouth.

But even then, he didn't pull away. Shima enjoyed their kiss even when the chocolate melted, his tongue helping to spread it across his lover's mouth so he could properly enjoy it before he pulled away.

"There~ Did you enjoy it?"

Pouting, looking down with a red face that covered even his ears, Sakata slowly nods his head.

"See~ It wasn't all bad~" Shima teases, patting Sakata on the head.

Lifting his head silently, Sakata grabs a piece of chocolate of his own, saying nothing while he places it between his lips, then sits in front of Shima with a determined look.

He would make the older feel embarrassed too!

Raising an eyebrow, Shima watches Sakata curiously, watching the redhead lean closer and closer until their noses brushed. After a few seconds of staring into Shima's eyes, Sakata finally forces the piece of chocolate through Shima's lips, earning a surprised noise from the purple haired.

It tasted sweet. It tasted of both chocolate and Sakata.

Rather than being embarrassed, Shima enjoyed their chocolate flavored kiss, smiling into their kiss, allowing Sakata to take control, not pulling away until the out of breath redhead decided he finally needed air.

"Maa-chan! Why won't you get flustered?" Sakata pouts, now laying on top of Shima on the couch they were sitting on.

"Because you do it for me~" Shima points out, making the redhead pout some more. "You're just so cute, Saka-chan. You make me want to eat you up just like these chocolates~" Shima places a kiss on Sakata's cheek and gently bites soft skin, pretending he would actually eat his cute lover.

"No! Don't eat me, I don't taste good!" Sakata whines, swatting at Shima until the older pulls away laughing.

"Really? You're more sweet than these chocolates~"

"Maa-chan!" Sakata scolds, his face as red as his hair. "You're so embarrassing..."

"I'm embarrassing because I love you~"

Burying his face in Shima's shirt, Sakata mumbles something softly, barely loud enough for the older to hear. "-ve you too..."

"What was that~" I didn't hear you~" Shima teases, chuckling softly though stops, his eyes widening in surprise when Sakata suddenly looks up with a determined look on his face.

" you too Maa-chan!"

"I'm glad~" Shima warmly smiles at his love, ignoring the chocolate for now so he could continue to tease and pamper the love of his life for the rest of the day.

Who was he kidding, he would do it for the rest of his life!

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