Marionette - UraShima (A)

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So, I'm going to say this was 'technically' requested by OsamaNekoni because I was looking for a ship to do for this, and remembered their request...AND I KNOW THIS ISN'T THE EXACT REQUEST, I WILL STILL WRITE IT BECAUSE ILY SFHSJKHFSKH YOU REMINDED ME OF THIS SONG WHEN WE SCREAMED ABOUT IT A BIT AGO SO I HAD THE GREAT NEED TO WRITE ANGST ABOUT IT

Anyway, this is a little short ahh I'm sorry- I tried to base it off Amatsuki's song 'Marionette Lovers'. I freaking love this song, you guys don't even understand *gross ugly sobbing* 

Anyway! I hope you enjoy this angst I wrote surprisingly very fast...I hope it isn't terrible? I'm not used to writing Urata and Shima


Red. These strings that tie me to you are red. Just like the strings of fate. 

How many of them are there. Five? Ten? Fifty? Who knows how many...but that was beside the point.

Here you lie, cold, empty....does your soul even rest inside? Do you even still exist?

Is this a dream?

Is this some sick joke?

Maashi...why were you taken from me...

Left to be just a marionette. Am I to be a Marionette lover?


It seemed as if it were just yesterday that Urata and Shima were playing around as if it were just an ordinary day. Urata, a simple yet rich puppet maker, one who loved to create dolls with his own hands. And Shima by his side, the one who created the clothes and accessories that each of Urata's creations would wear.

They made everyone in the town they lived in happy not just with their creations, but due to their bright smiles they got for free every time they entered their little shop. It was fairly obvious how much the two loved one another despite their playful teasing and banter.

Their love was pure and true.

But why was it that these strings, similar yet different to the ones that came from his puppets, were now coming out of his lover's body?

Red, red like blood. Red like the red string of fate.

Shakily taking a deep breath of air into his lungs, Urata took a few strings into his hands, not even wincing once as they cut into his skin. Rather smoothly, the brunet was able to move the purple haired man's body just as he would a puppet...a marionette, with just the string.

Left, right, forwards, backwards Shima's body danced across the floor, his emotionless eyes wide open and staring towards the floor.

"Hah...this is simple enough. Maybe I should have you dance with me like we always do, Maashi?" Urata chuckled to himself, ignoring the fact that he wanted to cry, but found it impossible for his body to produce tears.

Once more, Urata pulled the red string, commanding this lifeless doll closer to him, and took one of Shima's hands into his own. "Shall we dance, my love?" Urata hummed, giving the cold hand a squeeze and sure enough, they were soon dancing across the floor. One of Urata's hands commanded the string to place Shima's other hands on his waist to make it look more 'real'.

This dance that was supposed to make him feel better, did nothing to help soothe Urata's heart, his nails only digging deeper into Shima's hand he was holding onto desperately instead.

If he let go...what if he lost the rest of Shima?


Days, weeks, months later. Urata had lost count by now how much time had passed. He had closed his shop for the time being, refusing to step one foot outside.

Sitting on his bed, the brunet burrowed his face into his palms and deeply sighed.

This needed to end...but how?

These strings needed to be severed. Urata was tired of suffering alone. His heart couldn't take it. Staring into the empty eyes of what used to be his, what used to be full of life but was taken away from him emotionally broke him.

Is it even love anymore, if what he loved was just an empty shell? hit him.

Now, Urata was normally the last person to think thoughts like this, but he was broken down. He just couldn't take it anymore.

This void in his heart just wouldn't be filled anymore.

This void in his life just couldn't be filled anymore.

Raising from the bed he sat upon, Urata walked over to where he had rested Shima and smiled softly, kissing him on the forehead.

'I'll be joining you shortly, my darling. Wait for me.'

Taking a hold of multiple red strings within his hands, Urata gripped tightly to them and twisted them around his neck. Two, three, four times, and pulled as tightly as he could. Soon enough, blood started to drip from his wound in the form of drops, soon creating a deep stream down his neck.

Smiling in relief to himself, Urata let go of the strings of death and settled down beside the taller male, closing his eyes as the air left his lungs and darkness took over his vision.

Like this...Urata could be with the one he loved. He guessed the strings of fate were fate after all. Just, riddled with tragedy not happiness.

Beside Urata, the supposed 'empty' shell smiled victoriously at what they had witnessed, before curling up closer to the smaller male, and lost consciousness once again.

Like this, Urata could be Shima's, and his alone. 

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