Flowers - ShimaSen (F)

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This is a birthday gift for someone very important to me~ Happy birthday littleprincess0310 I wrote this very quickly and I wish I had more ideas but this was all I thought of while at working and panicking over making you a gift *sobs*

Shuukkiii!!! I hope you like this and your comfort ship~

Word Count - 710 words

"Nee...Senra-kun? They say every person has one flower that truly represents them...but for you I think that is wrong." Shima decides to mention while the two were walking around a huge, beautiful flower garden the city they lived in currently prided themself in.

"E-Eh? Why are you bringing that up so suddenly?" Widening his eyes, Senra stares at his boyfriend before glancing down at the flowers beside him. "I don't think...I'm worthy enough to be compared to them."

Shaking his head, Shima picks a daisy and folds it into Senra's hair behind one of his ears. "A daisy means loyal love...and purity. Your love towards me is very loyal...unless you want to confess something to me right now." Shima pouts like a child to Senra who only laughs. "And your soul is one of the purest I know.

"I promise, Shima-kun. I'll always be loyal to you...why do you think I accepted your promise ring? It means...when you give me the real thing...I'll accept." Face turning a soft red, Senra gently hits Shima's arm in response for making him admit such things.

"I'm happy to hear that." Smiling warmly, Shima kisses Senra's cheek before picking a purple Iris from nearby, settling it into another piece of Senra's hair. "This flower and this color...both represent wisdom. Senra-kun has always been there to help and guide me whenever I felt music and in life. So thank you for always being there for me."

"Mou..." Senra's face turns a dark shade of red at this, turning around so he didn't face Shima, so he wouldn't see. "You're too much!"

Embarrassing...this was too much! made Senra's heart flutter...just like it always did with Shima.

Picking up a yellow lily as they walked, Shima slips it behind Senra's other ear, decorating his hair with more flowers. "Lily's mean refined beauty...and I think only a blind man couldn't see just how beautiful you Senra-chan has the most refined beauty."

Keeping his body trend away, Senra covers both of his cheeks, hoping Shima didn't see his red ears from behind. "No more!"

"Yellow lilies specifically mean gratitude...and I'm only grateful to have met Senra-kun and to have me in your life."

"'re the only one I will ever love like this..." Whispering softly, Senra hoped Shima didn't hear.

But he did.

"Ah, these violets too." Shima smiles towards another patch of flowers nearby. Really...this garden had everything, even those flowers not commonly found here. "These..." Shima hums as he weaves another small flower into Senra's hair that was growing with color. "Means faithfulness...and modesty. It also...means a fragile and delicate ours was to begin with." Smiling softly, remembering all of their rough patches, Shima kisses the back of Senra's head.

"Senra-kun...I love you. More than anything. More than these flowers can even explain."

"Shima-kun..." Senra was nearly on the verge of tears as he picked up two flowers to place behind Shima's ears. A lavender rose...and a red rose. "Love at first sight...and a love that is bright and my love for you too. I love you too, Shima-kun. Mou...I can't believe you took me here to be cheesy!" Senra gently hits Shima's chest again before his hands were caught.

"Who said we were done here? I had a long day planned out for the both of us."

"Tell me everything..." Senra demands while holding Shima's hands tight.

"A walk through town...a stop at your favorite cafe. Then to watch a movie together...another walk to see if we can find anything interesting and fun to buy or look at...a romantic dinner together...and then to my house where we-"

"Hold on!" Senra cuts in, his face red again. "I don't need to hear more, Shima-kun. There's kids here!" The blond looks around at the nearby families who once they saw his hair, they laughed and smiled warmly.

"Then...let's continue on with our date and I'll show you later~" Shima flirts and takes just one of Senra's hands, continuing their walk through the garden.

"BakaShima...I love you..."

"I love you too, Senra-kun~" 

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