I Didn't Even Get to Tell You I Love You - SatoColon (A)

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A request for my little brother _licht  I ended up using both of the ideas you gave me, I hope you don't mind ^^ I wanted to start off my run through the requests with something non USSS related so I can broaden my horizons~ That...and angst!! I hope this is angsty enough? I don't think I'm the greatest with it ww And I hope I wrote them both okay?

Trigger warning for character death


For as long as Colon knew Satomi, he was content with just being friends. There was always a lingering feeling in his chest, one that gave him second thoughts. 'But if you tell him how you feel, what if he says he feels the same?' As nice as that sounded and all, this thought was always blocked out by its counterpart.

What if he said no?

Each and every time he thought about confessing, Colon would have this inner conversation with himself, then proceeded to scream loudly and confuse his friends and anyone surrounding him.

Due to his inner anxiety and turmoil, Colon continued to refuse to speak of his feelings to his best friend. He would be fine with this...right? Satomi's smile was enough. His laugh, his pouting face, his jokes. If he lost this, where would he be?

If only he wasn't a chicken, and told the other sooner. You never truly knew what you could have had before you almost lost it.


"Co~lon~" Satomi hummed from beside his best friend, pulling him from his daze. The other seemed to do it a lot lately. Then again, who was he really to say anything, he would too, but he did his best to stay in his top shape while the other was around. If he was too obvious...perhaps even Colon and his rather slow brain would notice.

"Huh?" Blinking out of his trance, the blue haired man in question turned his head towards the other, leaping back when he saw a familiar face only an inch or so away from his own face. "Gross! Don't do that, I can smell your breath!" Gross he said, yet how he wanted the other to lean in instead...

"Why are you smelling my breath?" Satomi chuckled, breaking out into a teasing grin. "Are you jealous because I smell minty fresh, and you don't? Why don't you come closer and smell it again?" At this point, he just really wanted to rile up the shorter male.

"No! That's weird! Stop that, get away from me!" Colon yelled, perhaps loud enough to be heard down the street they were walking while running away from his friend. They were running to the store to pick up some snacks before a gaming night just between the two of them. Colon's heart wasn't fully prepared for this. Turning his head around, realizing the other hadn't followed him as he sprinted away, tilted his head confused for a second. "Satomi?"

And then he noticed that oh so familiar body face first on concrete, having difficulty breathing. And panicked.

Rather than calling or waiting for the paramedics like a sensible adult; Colon was not one, he attempted to lift his friend up into his arms bridal style. It was a little difficult due to being the smaller of them, but filled with adrenaline, he was somehow able to. "Hey you!" Colon yelled out to a nearby onlooker.


"Yea you! Where is the nearest hospital? I don't have time to wait, he needs help and now!" Poor Colon was speaking through tears, and the more he talked, the louder his volume, which was already very loud, got.

"At least three blocks away. But you should wait for the paramedics-"

"DO I LOOK LIKE I HAVE THE TIME TO WAIT FOR THE DAMN PARAMEDICS?!" Colon countered, huffing and started running with Satomi safe in his arms. At least as safe as he could be in that moment. The man was unconscious, blood seeped from his lips and his body felt cold. At the very least, from what Colon could tell, he was still breathing.

But what could have happened? He had only looked away for a second!!

"Don't you dare die on me Satomi!" Colon demanded, cursing whatever gods he chose to believe in up until then while continuing to run.


Once bursting into the emergency room, the nurses flooded over and took Satomi from Colon's arms, promising to tell him once the other was alright to accept visitors.

So off in the waiting room Colon sat, curled up in a chair in a corner with his head buried in his knees. No more tears fell from his eyes, from then on his head was only filled with thoughts. Thoughts on what could have happened. And nothing he came up with could have readied him for what he was about to be told when he saw the man who held his heart.

"Sir? Your friend is ready to see you now. But there are some things you should know fir- Sir wait!" The nurse who approached Colon was cut off mid sentence as the blue haired man rushed away. He didn't even wait to hear what room Satomi was in. He just ran.

"Excuse me! What room is Satomi in!" Colon rushed over, frantically slapping his hands down on a nearby nurse help desk he almost ran past in his rush. Even he knew he couldn't exactly knock on every door until he found the one he was in search of...he really should have waited to listen to what that nurse was about to say before running off.

"Last name first. I can't exactly work with just one name." One of the nurses rolled her eyes, completely used to this whole mess.

Colon rolled his eyes right back, but gave her Satomi's last name and went running off again after giving her a 'thank you' towards the room she pointed her towards.

"Satomi!" Colon cried, the tears returning to his eyes as he practically bust down the door. "Who the hell gave you permission to go ahead and faint on me like that?!" Closing the door, the upset man puffed up his cheeks and stomped over, folding his arms over his chest.

"I'm sorry, Colon." Satomi apologized with the softest smile he could towards the younger. "I'm sorry you had to see that at all. I was trying my best...my best to hide this from you." Clenching and unclenching his fists weakly, the pink haired man sighed and laid his head back against the pillow he was propped up against.

"What do you mean I-" Colon started to question, but was immediately cut off with a quiet hush.

"Colon...I don't have much longer to live." While he spoke, Satomi kept his purple orbs locked on worried blue ones rather than turning his head away in shame like a piece of him wanted to. "A day, a week, a month. Who knows. The doctors haven't given my disease a name...they just said it's very likely it'll come out of nowhere and take my life."

As these words hit Colon's ears, he began to lose the feeling in his legs and collapsed to the floor. "No. That can't be possible. No! No that can't be true!"

"But it is, and you have to accept that Colon." Satomi bit his lip and sighed. "I didn't ask for this either!"

Colon gripped the sides of his head as he trembled where he sat. "I can't accept this...I'll find some way to make you better! I'll-I'll hire the best doctor I can! I have the money for it, right? I'll go pray to every temple nearby. Yea, I'll go do this-" Delusions filling his mind, Colon stood up and nodded to himself.

"Colon stop!" Satomi stood up from his bed, stumbling in the process and cursed under his breath. "It's too late for me. Just accept that." He stared towards his friend with the straightest face he could give his friend. The sooner he accepted, the sooner Satomi could feel better about everything, and rest in peace.

"No! Shut up! I refuse! I won't!" And with this childish outbreak, Colon ran and left the room, leaving Satomi behind.

"He really is just a child..." Satomi sighed, sitting back down on his bed, hiding his face in his palms. "But that's just one of his charms...I don't want this either Colon. I just want to live longer. To see your bright smile more....even if you can't smile for me, please never stop."


Rushing out of the hospital, Colon didn't let his legs take even one break. He wouldn't stop, not even to take a breather. There wasn't time! A second wasted was a second off Satomi's life! He had to go pray at every church and temple, every religious place nearby for his friend to get better. Was this taking things a little too far?

Not at all. Especially not when you were in love. It took a situation like this to force Colon to fully take hold of his own feelings. He would tell Satomi when he saw him again! Even if it wouldn't mean anything...or couldn't...it would help him feel better.

Without checking the traffic lights to see if it was even alright to cross the street, Colon jumped out, unaware of the red light on his side until he heard the sound of a rather loud truck honking. His body flew back against the road, his head slamming roughly against concrete, scarlet blood pooling around him. Only one thought entered his mind before everything went to black.

I didn't even get to tell him I loved him...!


"Did you hear about that boy they took through here just a few minutes ago?" A few of the nurses Colon questioned earlier gossiped outside Satomi's room, gaining his attention.

"The one who looked like that boy who ran through here earlier? Blue hair and eyes?" Another questioned.

"Excuse me! What about that boy?" Satomi opened his door and frantically questioned the two, who immediately looked at him with pity.

"Car accident. He was hit by a truck. His head was cracked open and he died of brain damage and blood loss almost as soon as they brought him here. We're sorry for your loss." They both bowed towards Satomi with respect.

After hearing the news, Satomi's mind went blank; he had almost no words.

"Sir? Are you alright?" Worried about his state of mind, the nurses questioned, but immediately backed away from him a second later.

Satomi couldn't breathe, it was as if his lungs forgot how to work. His body only knew one thing.


His brain had no room for other thoughts. Only.


The cells in his body meant to pump blood to the rest of him suddenly just forgot.

'At least I can rest at peace...knowing I'll be with you soon...' Satomi smirked, thinking of his best friend and owner of his own heart before closing his eyes as darkness took over and the last light in his life simply vanished. 

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