I love you, but you love them? Part 1 - MfSr AmKr (A/F)

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My waifu and I watched a drama a while back that kinda sparked this. She's busy with school so another part may take some time! 

littleprincess0310 an: doki doki doki

Word Count - 3,004


Love. Something that come with all sort of form. There's friendship love, family love and love love. They all are from different type of love but under one name. Kuroneko also have that kind of love. Her type is love love towards one of her best friends. That's why she had been standing in front of him, hand holding out while blushing madly.

"Soraru-san, I like you! Please go out with me!"

"Kuro-chan...I'm sorry." Almost immediately, Soraru bows in front of her, asking for her forgiveness. "But I...I like Mafu-kun." Soraru was gay, he never felt an attraction to girls. That was why at times, he would be a little too honest and open with Kuroneko. In fact, the two bathed together a few times while they were younger when their parents who were friends left one of the kids with the other family.

"Gomen...but I cannot accept your feelings." Would she slap him? Soraru was fully expecting it. And her slaps hurt!

However, Kuroneko merely laughed. "I know."

Raising his head, Soraru stares at her in surprise. "Is...it that obvious?" Soraru didn't think he ever told her, wanting to keep his feelings a secret since...Mafumafu didn't seem interested in guys when Soraru saw him.

"No... but because I always watch you." The short blonde girl said softly, eye's tinted with a little sadness.

"Gomen...Kuro-chan." Soraru bows to his best friend again...and again. "I can't return your feelings but...let me be there for you and help you find someone more worthy of your feelings."

Shaking, Kuroneko walked nearing Soraru. Pinching Soraru's cheeks, she smiles widely to him. "Nope! Instead, I will help you with Mafudon!"

"You can help but I doubt anything will happen." Shaking his head, Soraru smiles warmly back. They were good friends with Mafumafu as well and a messy hermit like Soraru didn't stand a chance with the albino.

"Of course it will!" Kuroneko pouted.

"It won't." Booping her nose, Soraru smiles warmly. "Should we find those two? I thought we had plans today?"

"Mhm! Ama-chan will make a fuss." Kuroneko gave her usual smile to Soraru as she walked ahead of the bluenette.

"Then let's hurry." Not bothering to link arms with his friend like they always did to give her space, Soraru catches up to stand just beside her.

He really was sorry he couldn't return her feelings...but he was in a similar position. His feelings wouldn't be returned either.

Kuroneko links her arm with Soraru. She doesn't mind because she already made up her mind that she will support Soraru 100%!

Surprised by this, Soraru smiles warmly, gently patting her head before noticing the other two waiting out in front of the school.

"Mou, you both took too long!" Amatsuki whines even though only wore a bright smile.

"Ah! Did you guys~" With a messy uniform as he just finished beating up some random gangster that picked up a fight with him, Mafumafu raised his eyebrows at the two of them with a really teasing smile.

"Did we what?" Raising an eyebrow, Soraru sighs and approaches Mafumafu to fix his uniform. "It's dirty again."

"Ah, don't worry about it." Mafumafu laughed softly, brushing off some blood at the corner of his mouth.

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