Chapter 10

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" 1 month and 5 days" Harry mumbled to himself. It's been 1 month and 5 days since zayra has gone missing. No one knows where she is or where did she go or how she is.

Harry asked each and everyone in the town about his daughter, but no one knows about her like she was never lived in this town like she just disappears like she never existed and Harry knows that it's luke who is doing this. Every time harry will ask someone about zayra they will say" Sorry we don't know about her".

Somewhat how in these past few days harry had managed to have a single photo of his daughter. Every day around 12:00 at noon. Harry will leave the house with a hope that maybe, maybe today he will get a clue related to her but it didn't happen. Every time he will come back with tears in his eyes around 2:00.

Luke didn't bother to call harry after that day. He just watches harry die every day when he can't find his daughter through the camera.

Harry's faith was breaking ever day that possibly now he will never be able to see his daughter ever again because he knows that no one is going to help him but he still has a hope that maybe by a miracle he will meet his daughter again.

It was Sunday and a sunny day. Luke strictly stopped harry to go out of the house and that's what Harry did. He will stay at the house and will try to gather some information about his daughter through the house. He even called the number that he took from Luke's phone that day but no use.

He even tries to track the phone but it didn't work because the phone was switched off and the last location it showed was off harry house.

Harry was walking in the church to light a candle for his daughter. He noiseless sits on one of the chairs in the middle and part to God to show him some way or some evidence to help him out.

When he was busy praying to god his phone ring and it was gemma. He knows she was trying to help him too. He quickly picks up the phone and answers it. " Hello"

" Harry, he knows the truth all this time!!" Gemma cried through the phone.

Harry frowns and sits straight in his chair" What!! What are you talking about gem?" 

" Harry, He knows all this time that Zayra. Is not his daughter"  As the words left gemma mouth. The blood supply stop in harry body, he had trouble breathing, he quickly walked out of the church to an open area to breathe.

" But how did he know??" Harry asked between his uneven breath.

" Harry, He knows from the start!! He even knows all about your past!! He used you harry. He wanted revenge from zayra real dad. Not you but the other biological father" Gemma explained not using the name of other biological father because harry has stopped them to even use that name around him.

"But How did you know all that?" Harry asked in panicked.

" A few days back I called mom and she said that luke called her and told her everything. You remembered she stopped you from marrying Luke because she knows that luke was a drug dealer but luke threatened her if she says a word to you. He will harm you. So, she remaining quite that time and harry luke was the one who said to mom that if she didn't break her connection with you he will hurt you and zayra. " Gemma said in one breathe.

" How can I be so oblivious gemma. I never see the monster in him. He was always too good to zayra. " Harry said as tears roll down his cheeks.

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