Chapter 6

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~ sunday ~

Semi's POV:

"-and your cant call me stupid names. He'll get suspicious." He kept reminding me 'the plan' over and over again on our way to the restaurant we were meeting the other two as if i were some idiot and was gonna mess this whole thing up. At this point, if he keeps on being this much of an ass, i might just fuck it up on purpose.

"Yeah yeah." I roll my eyes. Happy place, Eita. Go to your happy place before you inflict pain on him.

"And you can't fucking kiss me either!"

Oh, this one interested me.
"Aww Shirabu~" I sand, bringing his name on for far longer than needed. He hated that. "But you seemed to enjoy it quite a lot yesterday." I smirked, only a weak smirk. I was too concentrated on the fuzzy feeling in my stomach, the feeling i've been getting every time that kiss replays in my head because Shirabu Kissed Me. And that's weird. And Shirabu is a damn good kisser. And that's weirder.

"Don't flatter yourself. I only did that to satisfy your needs." He said in a deadpan voice, keeping his eyes on the pavement in front of him.

I frowned at his response. I was really hoping it was more than just that. Like, maybe he was alap thinking about it once i left him house. Or maybe he closed that door and all thoughts or Semi were erased by his precious amazing Koji.
Ah shit. I sound jealous. I think i need to put some space between Shirabu and I wrote a real issue rises.
"Satisfy my needs? What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"Shut up, i can see them." He elbowed me in ribs as he said this.
I looked in front of us, there were a few people dotted around the restraunt. Some having a smoke, some walking in and out, but there two happy looking teenagers standing outside that i caught my eye. That's probably them.

"Which one is he?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Blonde." My eyes concerted on the blonde boy in the distance.
There was nothing special about his appearance, i wonder what got shirabu all fucked up. If anything, his boyfriend was the snack of the duo. I wouldn't mind him myself. But the blonde? Right... I'm starting to question Shirabu's taste in men...

"Seriously?" I scoffed.

"Yeah, what's so wrong?!"

"Nothing nothing." I put my hands up in defence as i laughed at how defensive the younger got.

"Kenjirō!" The blonde greeted with a bright smile and wave.
I cringed at how happy looking the male looked, if he really messed up shirabu this much and can act like this, it just.. pisses me off.

"Hi.." Shirabu hardly whispered, i looked down at my kohai, he head swung low and a clear frown was in his face.

Shirabu continues to surprise me. I thought that maybe, just maybe, he'd be a little happier, just a little, to see him considering how much he's gone through to do this-
I cleared my throat with a small cough, "Hey. I'm Semi, Shirabu's boyfriend." I forced a smile and stuck my hand out for the other to shake.

"Nice to meet you, Semi." The other took my hand to shake with slightly more force than needed. "I'm Koji. And this is Tomo, my boyfriend." Ah yes. The attractive one of the two.

The boy, 'tomo', nodded his head at me, giving him a nod and a smile in return. I'm trying not to judge him so fast but he's also dating Koji so... maybe he's like another Shriabu... Oh please don't tell me i've been dragged into a date with Two Shirabus!
"Shall we?" Koji asked, gesturing an arm towards the door.

We all nodded in agreement. trying to ignore the tense atmosphere. I saw as Koji took tomo's hand, intwining their fingers as they walked.
I looked down to Shirabu's hand, which was stuffed in his jeans pocket.
I put a hand out i front of him, getting a very obvious eye roll in return. He lazily placed his hand in mine as i shot him a grin, we walked inside.

We took a seat at a near booth, a waiter handed out a few menus and told us he'd be back to take our orders. Shirabu immediately detached our hand when we sat down.

"So," Koji started, "How did you two meet?" The way he asked this was so... and right of the bat too... like he was interrogating us. This guy has no chill- 

"School." Shirabu simply answered. Is he even bothering on making us believable?

I let out this oddly loud chuckle at Shirabu's reply. Like maybe my weird awkwardness will take away the attention from Shirabu and his obvious lack of feelings for me. "We met in Volleyball club, i'm a setter like him so we got pretty close over that." I answered with an easy lie, almost the opposite of the truth.

We continues to talk for a while, the more the blonde spoke the angrier i would get.
Just the way he talked and smiled pissed me off so much. The way Shirabu reacted to his comments made me upset. And the way Koji so obviously flirted with Shribu right in front of both me and his own boyfriend..

I mean; what the fuck!? I don't wanna hear any of this shit calling me jealous of protective or anything. Because if anyone else were here, they'd understand because what   the   fuck   is up with this guy?!

"You haven't changed Kenjirō." Koji laughed, at this point it was just Koji and Shirabu talking. Tomo and I just quietly sat listening to the two.

"I've.. changed a little."

"Maybe a little, you look a lot stronger now. Volleyball really keeps you in shape huh?"

"I guess coach has been pretty strict on training recently.."
I looked over at Tomo, he didn't seem that bothered. I wonder if he even likes him. What if Tomo was Koji's fake date? That would've been a twist and a half.
"I'm going to bathroom." Shirabu announced, standing up from his seat and started walking away.

"I need to go too." Koji said, following Shirabu before anyone could react, not like we would say anything.

That can't be good... but... i don't care.

[A/n: aH- You're most likely gonna hate the next chapter but don't worry

be happy]

Edit: Desperately trying to make the chapters longer. Managed to turn this 600 word chapter into 1000 so i praise me

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