Chapter 26.5

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[A/n: YO another bonus chapter for all my new readers ?????

The last .5 chapter was called "it's fine". It's gonna be a pattern.

It's fine.


Shirabu's POV:

"Okay, you guess right and you get a kiss. You guess wrong and you drink." Koji reminded me of the rules and pointed at the many shots that had already been poured out in front of us.

"Okay." He places the first card down and it's a seven of diamonds which is probably to worst card you can get in a game of higher or lower. "..Lower."

He placed the next card down, four of spades. "Well done." I grin at him and he leans in for my victory peck. I wasn't sure if i was happy to kiss him or just happy i didn't loose. "Next..."

My odds are higher this time, "Higher."

The next card is a two of diamonds. "Oh uh. Lacking already baby." He laughs. I don't. I stare at the drinks i now have to choose from. They're all different colours and i couldn't tell you which flavour is what. I bet if you asked Koji he'd be able to tell you everything about them. But i've never been big on drinking. In fact, before Koji i don't think i drank a drop of alcohol in my life.
I hadn't tried a lot of things in my life before Koji.
Koji convinced me to try alcohol. I wasn't a fan of it but he likes it. So it's fine.
Koji convinced me to try smoking. It was disgusting but he encouraged me and the taste got more and more unrecognisable so it was fine.
He convinced me to take part in certain sexual activities i wasn't sure i was in to. But i'm a teenager... i should be experimenting anyway, so it's fine.

I take the shot in one quick gulp then visibly cringe at the bitterness yet fruitiness of the drink. "Higher." It was higher, i get another peck.

We're about half way through the deck when i have to take my... seventh? Maybe eighth shot of the game. My head started feeling dizzy and my eyes heavy. "..lower." I get it wrong. I grab another shot and bring it to my lips, "How come.. how come you don't have to.. have to drink?" My words are a little slurred. I am a light weight after all.

"There isn't enough for two rounds." He shrugs his shoulders.

"That... sounds unfair..." He shrugs again. It's fine. The rules are the rules. I take the drink. "Higher."

"Your right." He grins at me but i can hardly control my face muscles to form a smile. He leans in and connects his lips. I don't know if it was gradual or a sudden change but somewhere between the start of the game and now the kisses have become much more than a peck. This kiss was sloppy and uncoordinated. Koji had a strong grip on me as if i was going to pull away. I wouldn't do that. I couldn't do that. Then the only thing that does make him pull away is his phone ringing. "Shit, hold on." He walks into the other room with his phone to his ear. I sit and don't move for the entirety of the phone call. I don't know how long it was but it wasn't a short call. He walks back in, "I have to go."

"What? Where?"

"Friend in need." He shrugs as if that's enough information. I don't push it. It's fine. "Can you leave? I'll be home late and you have school tomorrow."

"Leave?" I repeat as if that's a completely foreign word.

"Yeah. Go home." He turns around and i probably have enough alcohol in me to stand up for myself. I don't though.

"Okay." I stand up for the first time since the game started but immediately sit down again from the sudden dizziness.

He sighs as if i'm the biggest nuisance ever. "Leave my key in the usual spot." Then he leaves without even saying goodbye. I'm sitting alone in Koji's house. It's fine. The friend in need was probably really urgent and stressed him out.

"Ten." I mumble as i take one of the few shots that were left on the table. It was disgusting and i had to stop it from coming back up again. "Even." I take another one right after. It's just as bad. There's one more shot. I look around the empty room but i see nothing to stop me. "Even. I loose." I sigh and force myself to get up.

The rest of the night is a bit of a blur. I remember locking his door. I remember walking. I remember Tendou's house. I remember him asking me questions. I fall asleep.


"Semi.." I mumble, only half awake, i blindly reach out for my boyfriend.

"Yeah?" He replies. I manage to actually open my eyes where i can see i'm still in the living room. I must've fallen asleep on the couch. Semi sat on the floor, his back against the couch as he played on his phone. "You okay?"

"Yeah. What time is it?" I push myself up.

"Three AM. You fell asleep about an hour ago. I would've taken you to bed but i didn't know which bedroom you wanted to sleep in? I mean, you've slept in mine this past week but i don't want to just claim it as your space because-"

"Yours would've been fine." I interrupt his rambling and try put on my best smile. It's not great.

"You sure you're okay?"

I shrug my shoulders, "Had a dream."

"Oh." His face drops. I told him about my last dream about Koji. He obviously figured out it was about him again. "About- Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I think i should.. thank Tendou. I think he did something for me when i needed someone..." I don't say more than that. I'll tell him more in the morning.

"Of course he did." He shortly laughs. "Tendou is the best at being there. You wanna go to bed? Or stay up?"

"Stay up. If you're not tired?"

"Not at all."

[A/n: i hate the word: sloppy.]

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