Chapter Nineteen

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Sakari's POV

"Tui! Tui I need to ask you something!" I yelled once I was in the Spirit World.

Tui appeared before me and watched me intently.

"Yes, child?" Tui asked.

"Is it normal for a Waterbender to be able to heat water?" I asked quickly.

Tui looked a little taken aback by the urgency of my question, but regained her composure quickly.

"No, it is not. Why do you ask?" Tui asked.

"Because I did it! I just got so angry and before I knew it, I was sweating; the air around me was boiling." I explained.

"Curious." Tui said, deep in thought. "The only way I can think that you might have that ability is if one of your parents was a Firebender. You could have inherited this ability from them."

"But my parents are both Water Tribe, and neither are benders." I reminded Tui.

"Indeed... Very curious... Is this all you came here for?" Tui asked.

"No. I'd like to learn how to Bloodbend."


I woke from my meditation after being taught what I would have to do to Bloodbend, Tui warned me not to use it unless I really had to though. She also explained that it could only be used during the full moon, unless you were a very powerful Waterbender. My mind, however, wandered to what Tui had told me about my ability to heat water... She said that one of my parents had to have been a Firebender, but they weren't! Unless, maybe I was adopted? No. I can't be the daughter of a Firebender, I just can't. I need to find someone to vent to. I left my room, just as Iroh and a few others were heading down the hallway to the deck with instruments in their hands.

"Care to join us for music night, Sakari?" Iroh asked happily.

"Gonna have to pass tonight, sorry Iroh." I told him. "Have you seen Zuko, though?"

"I believe he is in his room." Iroh told me as he and the others disappeared around the corner.

I made my way silently to Zuko's quarters and stopped in front of his door, I could hear him muttering to himself, before I knocked softly.

"Zuko? It's me, can I come in?" I asked.

The door opened a moment later and I stepped inside, shutting the door behind me and taking a seat on his bed, Zuko stayed leaning against the wall.

"So, I don't really know how to talk about this but I just needed to tell someone." I started.

I looked up at Zuko and he nodded for me to continue, listening to my every word.

"I discovered that I can heat water, which isn't normal, and when I told Tui about it, she said that for me to have this ability one of my parents would have be a Firebender... So, I basically just found out that I'm probably adopted." I explained.

"That's rough..." Zuko said, taking a seat next to me.

"I just don't understand how this could be." I said as a tear escaped my eye and rolled down my cheek.

"Well, we can assume one thing." Zuko stated. "It was most likely your mother that was the Waterbender."

"How did you conclude that?" I asked, another tear running down my cheek.

"Well, you grew up in the Water Tribe, if your mother was Fire Nation you'd probably be there, right?" Zuko explained.

"Makes sense I guess." I said with a small chuckle.

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