Chapter Seven

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AN: The above video is not mine and I don't take credit for it, this is just how I imagine their dance to be, just imagine that there's fire and water flowing with their arms :) Also unless stated otherwise Sakari's hair is always in a plait.


Sakari's POV

It was music night on the ship and Iroh had invited me to join. The whole crew, except for Zuko, was out here on the deck enjoying the music that was being played. I was wearing my hair down because I had just had a bath, and seemed to be getting a lot of attention because of it...

"You have a lot of hair." Iroh stated from beside me.

"You couldn't tell that before?" I asked, referring to my long plait I usually wore.

"Oh yes, but seeing it down like this makes it clearer." Iroh told me, looking around the ship. "I wonder where my nephew is."

"Probably sulking in his room." I joked, making Iroh chuckle.

"Oh! I love this song." Iroh suddenly announced as a smooth slow song began to play. "Dance with me, would you?"

Iroh held out his hand, but I just stared at it a little confused. I know Iroh is nice to me, but I'm still his prisoner... I don't see why he would want to dance with me.

"Oh please, I have not danced with a beautiful lady in so long." Iroh said, flattering me.

"Flattery will get you everywhere, Iroh." I sighed, taking his hand.

We swayed around the deck, Iroh spun me around every now and then, making me laugh. Ok, this was fun.

"I haven't danced in so long!" I admitted to Iroh. "I think the last time was when Gran Gran forced me to dance with my brother."

The song ended and everyone cheered for me and Iroh, we took a bow and returned to our spot on the edge of the deck. I looked past Iroh and noticed that Zuko had emerged from his room and was headed towards us.

"Uncle, why were you dancing with our prisoner?" Zuko asked, eyeing me.

"Oh, Prince Zuko! You've come to join our music night? Sakari was just telling me about the last time she danced." Iroh told him, ignoring his question.

"Oh, yeah, it was the fire on fire dance... But obviously I didn't have a Firebender to dance with, so my grandmother made my brother dance with me." I explained.

"Fire on fire? Prince Zuko, you know that dance, don't you?" Iroh asked his nephew.

"I'm not dancing with her." Zuko stated bluntly, knowing where Iroh was going with this.

"You can dance?" I asked, giggling because of how ridiculous it sounded.

"Yes, I can dance. It's no harder than learning to fight." Zuko said.

"You two should dance together! Oh, it would be great entertainment for the crew!" Iroh said loudly so that the crew would hear.

"Hey everyone! The Prince is gonna show us some moves!" One of the crew shouted, making everyone cheer.

"See? Everyone wants you too!" Iroh told us, wandering over to the small band.

Zuko and I looked at each other and sighed before stepping into the middle of the deck. I guess we were doing this.

"Play fire on fire!" Iroh told the band.

The band started to play, Zuko and I got into position with our backs to each other and summoned our elements. The fire on fire dance was a dance that one did with a Firebender. It was called fire on fire because one of the two was a Firebender, and the other was meant to have fire in their eyes. So, determination, I guess. As we danced our elements flowed with our arm movements, creating what was supposed to be a beautiful sight. I, however, had never done this dance with anyone except for Sokka.

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