Chapter Thirteen

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Sakari's POV

It was a few days later and, after looking in many marketplaces, Iroh had finally found a new lotus tile for his Pai Sho game. I was out on the deck with Zuko and Iroh, the air smelled strongly of rain.

"There is a storm coming. A big one." Iroh informed us after sniffing the air.

"You're out of your mind, Uncle. There's not a cloud in sight." Zuko argued.

"A storm is approaching from the north. I suggest we alter our course and head southwest." Iroh told Zuko.

"We know the Avatar is travelling north, so we will do the same." Zuko stated.

"Zuko, I agree with Iroh. Can't you smell it in the air? There's a huge storm coming. Consider the safety of everyone." I pleaded, not wanting to get trapped in a storm.

"I don't care about everyone's safety! Finding the Avatar is more important than any individual's safety." Zuko said, approaching a crew member that had appeared on deck.

We watched as Zuko left the deck and Iroh and I saw the angry look the crew member had.

"He doesn't mean that." Iroh reassured. "He's just a little worked up."

We continued sailing north as the sky got darker and darker, most of the crew were out on deck now and they all looked about as uneasy as I felt. Zuko emerged from the cabin, his face was unreadable, but I knew what he was thinking. He was thinking that he was wrong and should apologise to the crew, but he won't because of his pride.

"Looks like your uncle was right about the storm after all." The crew member we saw earlier said to Zuko.

"Lucky guess." Iroh said from next to me.

"Lieutenant, you'd better learn some respect, or I will teach it to you." Zuko threatened the Lieutenant.

"What do you know about respect?" the Lieutenant challenged. "The way you talk to everyone around here, from your hard-working crew to your esteemed uncle and the nice Water Tribe girl, shows you know nothing about respect."

Iroh and I cringed, waiting for Zuko's outburst.

"You don't care about anyone but yourself. Then again, what should I expect from a spoiled prince?" the Lieutenant finished

And that did it. Zuko turned and faced the man, getting into a fighting stance and the man copied.

"Easy now." Iroh said calmly.

The two of them slammed their arms together, creating smoke, until I got between them and pushed them away from each other, putting my hands on each of their chests.

"Stop it! We're all tired and grumpy from being at sea for so long." I said in frustration.

"I'm sure after a bowl of noodles, everyone will feel much better." Iroh added.

The Lieutenant and the rest of the crew left the deck, leaving just me, Iroh, and Zuko.

"I don't need your help keeping order on my ship." Zuko told us.

"Well, from where I was standing, it kind of looked like you did." I retorted.

Iroh tried to place his hand on Zuko's shoulder for comfort, but Zuko shrugged him off and walked away from us. Later that night, the storm had picked up and everyone was inside the ship. Iroh and I were wandering around below deck, staying out of Zuko's way, when we heard some of the crew talking.

"I'm sick of taking his orders, and I'm tired of chasing his Avatar. Who does Zuko think he is anyway?" I recognised the Lieutenant's voice.

"Do you really want to know?" Iroh asked, making our presence known.

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