Chapter Two

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Sakari's POV

The next morning, I sat with Sokka as we watched Katara go into Aang's tent, she came out a minute later dragging the poor boy with her. Our whole village was waiting to meet the mysterious Airbender boy we found trapped in the ice.

"Aang, this is the entire village. Entire village, Aang." Katara introduced.

Aang bowed to the villagers, but some of them were unsure and pulled their children closer to them.

"Why are they all looking at me like that? Did Appa sneeze on me." Aang asked Katara.

"No one has seen an Airbender in a hundred years. We thought they were extinct, until my grandchildren found you." Gran Gran said, stepping forward.

"Extinct?" Aang asked, shocked.

"Aang, this is Gran Gran." I said, putting my arm over my grandmothers' shoulder like she was a child.

"You know I hate it when you do that." Gran Gran told me, earning a smile from me.

"What is this thing anyway? A weapon?" Sokka asked, walking over to Aang and taking the staff he was holding. "You can't stab anything with this."

"It's not for stabbing. It's for Airbending." Aang said, making wings come out of the staff.

"Magic trick! Do it again!" One of the children said happily.

"Not magic, Airbending. It lets me control the air currents around my glider and fly." Aang explained.

"Last time I checked, which was yesterday, humans can't fly." I pointed out.

"Check again!" Aang yelled before taking off with his glider.

He flew around the village, doing flips in the air, before he crashed into Sokka's watchtower with a thud.

"My watchtower!" Sokka whined.

We ran over to Aang to make sure he was ok, Sokka ran to his watchtower.

"That was amazing." Katara said, helping Aang out of the snow.

"Great. You're an Airbender, my sisters are Waterbenders. Together you can just waste time all day long." Sokka said before walking off.

"You're a Waterbender too?" Aang asked Katara.

"Yeah, but I'm not as good as Sakari. She has the Moon Spirit to teach her." Katara explained.

"All right. No more playing. Come on girls, you have chores." Gran Gran said, pulling my sister and I away from Aang.


Later that day I looked around my village at everyone doing their own thing and smiled to myself. It's a simple life we have here but it's all I've ever known. I made my way over to my usual meditation spot, passing Sokka's "warrior lesson" on the way and laughing when all the boys had to go pee. I sat myself down in the snow, crossed my legs, rested my hands on my knees, and began meditating. I wonder what Tui has in store for me today.

"Hello, Sakari." I heard the familiar voice say.

I opened my eyes and I was in the Spirit World; Tui the white koi fish was in front of me ready to begin my lesson. Here in the Spirit World my bending doesn't actually work, so Tui teaches me new forms to practice here, and I simply add water to them when I go back to the real world. Tui has been teaching me ever since I found out I was a bender, and she says that I have almost mastered Waterbending. I try to teach Katara a few things every now and then but we're always so busy looking after our village that I don't usually get much time to teach her.

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